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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
add basic b4 config file add basic b4 config file - - - --- 2024-05-24 Quentin Schulz New
Add exception treatment to fix missing target_file Add exception treatment to fix missing target_file - - - --- 2024-05-23 Marlon Rodriguez Garcia New
Add path control to BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS Add path control to BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS - - - --- 2023-02-01 Anders Jørgensen New
Add Add - - - --- 2023-10-17 Marta Rybczynska New
Added double quotes aound variables in bitbake/source to prevent gobbling or splitting Added double quotes aound variables in bitbake/source to prevent gobbling or splitting - - - --- 2022-04-05 Abongwa Bonalais New
Adds VSCode devcontainer support Adds VSCode devcontainer support - - - --- 2023-10-02 Matthias Schnelte New
Adds vscode devcontainer support Adds vscode devcontainer support - - - --- 2023-09-11 Matthias Schnelte New
ast/data/codeparser: Add dependencies from python module functions ast/data/codeparser: Add dependencies from python module functions - - - --- 2022-12-12 Richard Purdie Accepted
ast: Fix EXPORT_FUNCTIONS bug ast: Fix EXPORT_FUNCTIONS bug - - - --- 2024-01-09 Richard Purdie Accepted
ast: Improve function flags handling for EXPORT_FUNCTIONS ast: Improve function flags handling for EXPORT_FUNCTIONS - - - --- 2022-04-12 Richard Purdie Accepted
asyncrpc/client: Fix websockets minimum version for python 3.10 asyncrpc/client: Fix websockets minimum version for python 3.10 - - - --- 2024-05-09 Richard Purdie Accepted
asyncrpc: Fix attribute errors asyncrpc: Fix attribute errors - - - --- 2022-02-14 Daniel Gomez Accepted
asyncrpc: Handle websockets exceptions asyncrpc: Handle websockets exceptions - - - --- 2024-12-30 Philip Lorenz Accepted
asyncrpc: serv: correct closed client socket detection asyncrpc: serv: correct closed client socket detection - - - --- 2022-10-24 Justin Bronder Accepted
asyncrpc: timeout attempting to create a TCP connection asyncrpc: timeout attempting to create a TCP connection - - - --- 2024-11-05 Justin Bronder New
avoid some unnecessary copies avoid some unnecessary copies - - - --- 2023-09-20 Etienne Cordonnier New
bb.tests.fetch.GitShallowTest: always allow file transport bb.tests.fetch.GitShallowTest: always allow file transport - - - --- 2022-10-21 Alexandre Belloni New
bb/build: add a function to list the tasks in a datastore bb/build: add a function to list the tasks in a datastore - - - --- 2024-11-27 Ross Burton Accepted
bb/fetch2/ remove a DeprecationWarning in uri_replace() bb/fetch2/ remove a DeprecationWarning in uri_replace() - - - --- 2025-01-09 Bin Lan Accepted
bb/utils: include SSL certificate paths in export_proxies bb/utils: include SSL certificate paths in export_proxies - - - --- 2023-01-26 Ross Burton Accepted
bb: compress: use lz4 instead of lz4c bb: compress: use lz4 instead of lz4c - - - --- 2024-11-04 Justin Bronder New
bb: Fix typo "priority" bb: Fix typo "priority" - - - --- 2022-02-19 Zygmunt Krynicki New
BBHandler: Handle comments in addtask/deltask BBHandler: Handle comments in addtask/deltask - - - --- 2024-08-06 Richard Purdie Accepted
BBHandler: Handle unclosed functions correctly BBHandler: Handle unclosed functions correctly - - - --- 2024-04-12 Richard Purdie Accepted
bin/git-make-shallow: Fix syntax to work with older git versions bin/git-make-shallow: Fix syntax to work with older git versions - - - --- 2025-01-10 Richard Purdie Accepted
bitbake-config-build: add an alias to bitbake-layers bitbake-config-build: add an alias to bitbake-layers - - - --- 2024-12-11 Alexander Kanavin Accepted
bitbake-config-build: add an alias to bitbake-layers intended for managing specific local configs bitbake-config-build: add an alias to bitbake-layers intended for managing specific local configs - - - --- 2024-05-09 Alexander Kanavin New
bitbake-diffsigs: break on first dependent task difference bitbake-diffsigs: break on first dependent task difference - - - --- 2022-05-06 Adriaan Schmidt Accepted
bitbake-diffsigs: fix handling when finding only a single sigfile bitbake-diffsigs: fix handling when finding only a single sigfile - - - --- 2024-06-28 Enrico Jörns Accepted
bitbake-diffsigs: fix walking the task dependencies and show better error bitbake-diffsigs: fix walking the task dependencies and show better error - - - --- 2024-02-05 Martin Jansa Accepted
bitbake-diffsigs: make finding of changed signatures more robust bitbake-diffsigs: make finding of changed signatures more robust - - - --- 2022-04-12 Adriaan Schmidt Accepted
bitbake-getvar: Catch NoProvider exception bitbake-getvar: Catch NoProvider exception - - - --- 2024-11-19 Talel BELHAJSALEM Accepted
bitbake-getvar: Do not output anything with --value and undefined variable bitbake-getvar: Do not output anything with --value and undefined variable - - - --- 2023-09-25 Peter Kjellerstedt New
bitbake-getvar: Make --value imply --quiet bitbake-getvar: Make --value imply --quiet - - - --- 2023-09-23 Peter Kjellerstedt Accepted
bitbake-layers: add show-machines command bitbake-layers: add show-machines command - - - --- 2024-02-07 Ross Burton New
bitbake-layers: add/remove option to not use tinfoil bitbake-layers: add/remove option to not use tinfoil - - - --- 2024-03-30 Simone Weiß New
bitbake-layers: add/remove option to not use tinfoil bitbake-layers: add/remove option to not use tinfoil - - - --- 2024-03-25 Simone Weiß New
bitbake-layers: fix a typo bitbake-layers: fix a typo - 1 - --- 2023-01-02 Enguerrand de Ribaucourt New
bitbake-layers: initialize tinfoil before registering command line arguments bitbake-layers: initialize tinfoil before registering command line arguments - - - --- 2022-08-31 Alexander Kanavin Accepted
bitbake-layers: initialize tinfoil before registering command line arguments bitbake-layers: initialize tinfoil before registering command line arguments - - - --- 2022-08-25 Alexander Kanavin Accepted
bitbake-layers: use 'with' to manage tinfoil context bitbake-layers: use 'with' to manage tinfoil context - - - --- 2024-11-25 Accepted
bitbake-prserver: use PRSERV_UPSTREAM as default setting bitbake-prserver: use PRSERV_UPSTREAM as default setting - - - --- 2024-10-02 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-server: use with to avoid ResourceWarning bitbake-server: use with to avoid ResourceWarning - - - --- 2024-10-08 Accepted
bitbake-user-manual-metadata: add a section about 'addfragments` bitbake-user-manual-metadata: add a section about 'addfragments` - - - --- 2024-12-09 Alexander Kanavin Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: add "crate" fetcher bitbake-user-manual: add "crate" fetcher - - - --- 2022-01-20 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: add missing reference bitbake-user-manual: add missing reference - - - --- 2021-11-19 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: add note about the old syntax for OVERRIDES bitbake-user-manual: add note about the old syntax for OVERRIDES - - - --- 2022-03-07 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: add recent release manuals bitbake-user-manual: add recent release manuals - - - --- 2022-03-07 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: add reference to bitbake git repository bitbake-user-manual: add reference to bitbake git repository - - - --- 2022-12-08 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: Correct description of the ??= operator bitbake-user-manual: Correct description of the ??= operator - - - --- 2022-06-03 Jacob Kroon Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: details about variable flags starting with underscore bitbake-user-manual: details about variable flags starting with underscore - - - --- 2022-09-21 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: document "network" task flag bitbake-user-manual: document "network" task flag - - - --- 2023-06-01 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: Document override :append, :prepend, :remove order bitbake-user-manual: Document override :append, :prepend, :remove order - 1 - --- 2022-07-23 Marek Vasut Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: document TEMPLATECONF environment variable bitbake-user-manual: document TEMPLATECONF environment variable - - - --- 2022-04-26 Michael Opdenacker Superseded
bitbake-user-manual: double colon fix bitbake-user-manual: double colon fix - - - --- 2022-12-12 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: explicit variables taking a colon separated list bitbake-user-manual: explicit variables taking a colon separated list - - - --- 2023-06-19 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: fix backslash issues bitbake-user-manual: fix backslash issues - - - --- 2021-11-19 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: fix BB_RUNFMT's default value bitbake-user-manual: fix BB_RUNFMT's default value - 1 - --- 2023-04-27 Ulrich Ölmann Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: fix broken links to manual releases bitbake-user-manual: fix broken links to manual releases - - - --- 2022-03-29 Michael Opdenacker New
bitbake-user-manual: fix links to supported release manuals bitbake-user-manual: fix links to supported release manuals - - - --- 2023-03-03 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: fix reference to "Obtaining BitBake" section bitbake-user-manual: fix reference to "Obtaining BitBake" section - - - --- 2023-02-27 Michael Opdenacker New
bitbake-user-manual: fix typo bitbake-user-manual: fix typo - - - --- 2021-11-19 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: further override syntax updates bitbake-user-manual: further override syntax updates - 1 - --- 2022-03-04 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: mention pydevshell in OE bitbake-user-manual: mention pydevshell in OE - - - --- 2022-09-21 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: npm fetcher: improve description of SRC_URI format bitbake-user-manual: npm fetcher: improve description of SRC_URI format - 1 - --- 2022-07-26 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: punctuation fixes bitbake-user-manual: punctuation fixes - - - --- 2022-03-29 Michael Opdenacker New
bitbake-user-manual: remove "OEBasic" signature generator bitbake-user-manual: remove "OEBasic" signature generator - - - --- 2022-12-12 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: revert change about PREFERRED_PROVIDERS bitbake-user-manual: revert change about PREFERRED_PROVIDERS - - - --- 2023-06-20 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: show how use BB_LOGCONFIG to log warnings bitbake-user-manual: show how use BB_LOGCONFIG to log warnings - - - --- 2023-01-27 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: SRC_URI: mention gitsm fetcher bitbake-user-manual: SRC_URI: mention gitsm fetcher - - - --- 2021-11-24 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: stop mentioning the Angstrom distribution bitbake-user-manual: stop mentioning the Angstrom distribution - - - --- 2022-01-18 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: update allowed characters in overrides bitbake-user-manual: update allowed characters in overrides - - - --- 2022-03-07 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: update references to Yocto Project manual bitbake-user-manual: update references to Yocto Project manual - - - --- 2022-12-02 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: update releases.rst bitbake-user-manual: update releases.rst - - - --- 2023-06-01 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-user-manual: yet another overrides syntax update bitbake-user-manual: yet another overrides syntax update - 1 - --- 2022-03-07 Michael Opdenacker Accepted
bitbake-worker: add header with length of message bitbake-worker: add header with length of message - - - --- 2023-09-21 Etienne Cordonnier Accepted
bitbake-worker: allow '=' in environment variable values bitbake-worker: allow '=' in environment variable values - - - --- 2024-03-18 david d zuhn Accepted
bitbake-worker: expand network varFlag bitbake-worker: expand network varFlag - - - --- 2022-11-03 Martin Jansa New
bitbake-worker: export_proxies if network flag = 1 bitbake-worker: export_proxies if network flag = 1 - - - --- 2023-08-23 Randolph Sapp New
bitbake-worker: Fix bug where umask 0 was not being applied to a task bitbake-worker: Fix bug where umask 0 was not being applied to a task - - - --- 2024-03-18 Sava Jakovljev Accepted
bitbake-worker: Fix silent hang issue caused by unexpected stdout content bitbake-worker: Fix silent hang issue caused by unexpected stdout content - - - --- 2024-02-02 Yang Xu Accepted
bitbake-worker: remove the network flag bitbake-worker: remove the network flag - - - --- 2023-09-10 Randolph Sapp New
bitbake-worker: skipping disable network when unprivileged userns is restricted bitbake-worker: skipping disable network when unprivileged userns is restricted - - - --- 2024-07-08 Changqing Li New
bitbake.conf remove duplicate PERSISTENT_DIR bitbake.conf remove duplicate PERSISTENT_DIR - - - --- 2023-12-12 Jose Quaresma Accepted
bitbake.conf: add missing CACHE setting bitbake.conf: add missing CACHE setting - - - --- 2024-01-06 Vasyl Vavrychuk Accepted
bitbake.conf: add missing CACHE setting bitbake.conf: add missing CACHE setting - - - --- 2024-01-06 Vasyl Vavrychuk Accepted
bitbake/ address ast module deprecations in py 3.12 bitbake/ address ast module deprecations in py 3.12 - - - --- 2023-12-31 Alexander Kanavin Accepted
bitbake/lib: spawn server/worker using the current Python interpreter bitbake/lib: spawn server/worker using the current Python interpreter - - - --- 2023-09-25 Ross Burton Accepted
bitbake: Add copyright headers where missing bitbake: Add copyright headers where missing - - - --- 2022-08-10 Richard Purdie Accepted
bitbake: Add task timeout support bitbake: Add task timeout support - - - --- 2023-05-25 Michal Sieron New
bitbake: bitbake-layers: checkout layer(s) branch when clone exists bitbake: bitbake-layers: checkout layer(s) branch when clone exists - - - --- 2022-10-09 Mark Asselstine Accepted
bitbake: bitbake-prserv: add nodaemon option bitbake: bitbake-prserv: add nodaemon option - - - --- 2024-03-27 Rusty Howell New
bitbake: Bump minimum version requirement to 3.8 bitbake: Bump minimum version requirement to 3.8 - - - --- 2022-12-11 Richard Purdie New
bitbake: checkstatus: drop shared connecton when catch Timeout error bitbake: checkstatus: drop shared connecton when catch Timeout error - - - --- 2024-07-05 y75zhang New
bitbake: ConfHandler: Allow variable flag name with a single character bitbake: ConfHandler: Allow variable flag name with a single character - - - --- 2023-04-11 Kai Accepted
bitbake: cooker: Fix performance issue in EventWriter() class bitbake: cooker: Fix performance issue in EventWriter() class - - - --- 2025-01-25 Livius New
bitbake: doc: Add section for variable context bitbake: doc: Add section for variable context - - - --- 2024-02-11 Simone Weiß Superseded
bitbake: fetch2/git: Escape parentheses in git src name bitbake: fetch2/git: Escape parentheses in git src name - - - --- 2024-03-10 Philippe Rivest Accepted
bitbake: fetch2/npmsw: Check if there are dependencies before trying to fetch them bitbake: fetch2/npmsw: Check if there are dependencies before trying to fetch them - - - --- 2023-07-20 Accepted
bitbake: fetch2: crate: fix logger.debug line bitbake: fetch2: crate: fix logger.debug line - - - --- 2022-04-14 Ricardo Salveti New
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