Show patches with: Submitter = Ross Burton       |    State = Action Required       |    Archived = No       |   91 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[meta-mingw] libiconv: tell autoreconf where to find supplementary macros [meta-mingw] libiconv: tell autoreconf where to find supplementary macros - - - --- 2025-01-16 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,v2] scripts/abint: generalise autobuilder URL regex [yocto-autobuilder-helper,v2] scripts/abint: generalise autobuilder URL regex - - - --- 2024-10-22 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts/abint: generalise autobuilder URL regex [yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts/abint: generalise autobuilder URL regex - - - --- 2024-10-21 Ross Burton New
[ptest-runner,2/2] Makefile: use pkg-config to obtain libcheck flags [ptest-runner,1/2] Makefile: remove redundant rule - - - --- 2024-10-10 Ross Burton New
[ptest-runner,1/2] Makefile: remove redundant rule [ptest-runner,1/2] Makefile: remove redundant rule - - - --- 2024-10-10 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,2/2] config.json: don't build core-image-ptest-all in arch-hw [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] config.json: unify image list by adding full-cmdline to arch-hw - - - --- 2024-09-12 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] config.json: unify image list by adding full-cmdline to arch-hw [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] config.json: unify image list by adding full-cmdline to arch-hw - - - --- 2024-09-12 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts: rebase before pushing patch and CVE metrics [yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts: rebase before pushing patch and CVE metrics - - - --- 2024-07-12 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-webosose scheduled build [yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-webosose scheduled build - - - --- 2024-07-10 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,kirkstone,2/2] config.json: add a builder for meta-webose [yocto-autobuilder-helper,kirkstone,1/2] layer-config: Allow layer add to be disabled on a per targ… - - - --- 2024-07-10 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,kirkstone,1/2] layer-config: Allow layer add to be disabled on a per targ… [yocto-autobuilder-helper,kirkstone,1/2] layer-config: Allow layer add to be disabled on a per targ… - - - --- 2024-07-10 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,master] config.json: add a builder for meta-webose [yocto-autobuilder-helper,master] config.json: add a builder for meta-webose - - - --- 2024-07-10 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] meta-webosose now depends on meta-security [yocto-autobuilder2] meta-webosose now depends on meta-security - - - --- 2024-07-02 Ross Burton New
[master,scarthgap] publish-artefacts: remove generic-arm64 [master,scarthgap] publish-artefacts: remove generic-arm64 - - - --- 2024-05-07 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: add sbsa-ref builds to meta-arm [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: add sbsa-ref builds to meta-arm - - - --- 2024-05-03 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,2/2] config.json: don't do SDK tests on fvp-base [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] config.json: remove generic-arm64 from meta-arm - - - --- 2024-04-26 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] config.json: remove generic-arm64 from meta-arm [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] config.json: remove generic-arm64 from meta-arm - - - --- 2024-04-26 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,3/3] scripts/abint: fix sorting on initial display [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/3] scripts/abint: sort and organise imports - - - --- 2024-03-07 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,2/3] scripts/abint: add argument parser [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/3] scripts/abint: sort and organise imports - - - --- 2024-03-07 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/3] scripts/abint: sort and organise imports [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/3] scripts/abint: sort and organise imports - - - --- 2024-03-07 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] publish-artefacts: publish genericarm64 images [yocto-autobuilder-helper] publish-artefacts: publish genericarm64 images - - - --- 2024-03-05 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2,v2] add meta-clang to a-full [yocto-autobuilder2,v2] add meta-clang to a-full - - - --- 2024-02-23 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-clang to a-full [yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-clang to a-full - - - --- 2024-02-23 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts/abint: add a footer showing when the report was generated [yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts/abint: add a footer showing when the report was generated - - - --- 2024-02-13 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] generate-testresult-index: fix key generation when filenames have hyphens [yocto-autobuilder-helper] generate-testresult-index: fix key generation when filenames have hyphens - - - --- 2024-02-09 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,2/2] run-config: log the contents of bblayers.conf after edits [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] run-config: generalise auto.conf logging and only show when changed - - - --- 2024-02-07 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] run-config: generalise auto.conf logging and only show when changed [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] run-config: generalise auto.conf logging and only show when changed - - - --- 2024-02-07 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-webosose repository list [yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-webosose repository list - - - --- 2024-01-30 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2,2/2] add new meta-webosose builder [yocto-autobuilder2,1/2] upgrade qt6 to 6.6.0 - - - --- 2024-01-30 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2,1/2] upgrade qt6 to 6.6.0 [yocto-autobuilder2,1/2] upgrade qt6 to 6.6.0 - - - --- 2024-01-30 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] ping meta-qt6 to 6.5.2 branch [yocto-autobuilder2] ping meta-qt6 to 6.5.2 branch - - - --- 2024-01-30 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-qt6 and meta-webosose repositories [yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-qt6 and meta-webosose repositories - - - --- 2023-12-22 Ross Burton New
[yocto-metrics] Add Nanbield to releases.csv [yocto-metrics] Add Nanbield to releases.csv - - - --- 2023-11-29 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: add qemu-lite builder for qemuarmv5 [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: add qemu-lite builder for qemuarmv5 - - - --- 2023-11-07 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] Add builder for qemuarmv5 [yocto-autobuilder2] Add builder for qemuarmv5 - - - --- 2023-11-07 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts: pull before updating metrics [yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts: pull before updating metrics - - - --- 2023-11-03 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,2/2] config.json: add meta-oe to the metrics target [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] Rewrite metrics-gathering scripts - 1 - --- 2023-10-31 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] Rewrite metrics-gathering scripts [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] Rewrite metrics-gathering scripts - 1 - --- 2023-10-31 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-oe to the metrics build [yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-oe to the metrics build - - - --- 2023-10-26 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] Add very basic testimage for poky-tiny [yocto-autobuilder-helper] Add very basic testimage for poky-tiny - - - --- 2023-10-13 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: add generic-arm64/poky-altcfg build [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: add generic-arm64/poky-altcfg build - - - --- 2023-09-06 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,3/3] Add meta-clang builders [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/3] scripts/layer-config: remove unused imports - - - --- 2023-06-07 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,2/3] config.json: remove redundant oe-selftest-arm builder [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/3] scripts/layer-config: remove unused imports - - - --- 2023-06-07 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/3] scripts/layer-config: remove unused imports [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/3] scripts/layer-config: remove unused imports - - - --- 2023-06-07 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-clang to check-layer-nightly [yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-clang to check-layer-nightly - - - --- 2023-06-07 Ross Burton New
[matchbox-panel-2] applets/startup*/startup.c: clarify license to GPLv2+ [matchbox-panel-2] applets/startup*/startup.c: clarify license to GPLv2+ - - - --- 2023-03-15 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2,2/2] add meta-clang builder [yocto-autobuilder2,1/2] remove redundant oe-selftest-arm - - - --- 2023-01-04 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2,1/2] remove redundant oe-selftest-arm [yocto-autobuilder2,1/2] remove redundant oe-selftest-arm - - - --- 2023-01-04 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] add knowledge of meta-clang [yocto-autobuilder2] add knowledge of meta-clang - - - --- 2022-12-15 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config: set MACHINE=qemuarm64 for oe-selftest-armhost [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config: set MACHINE=qemuarm64 for oe-selftest-armhost - - - --- 2022-11-11 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] run oe-selftest-armhost in a-quick and a-full [yocto-autobuilder2] run oe-selftest-armhost in a-quick and a-full - - - --- 2022-08-23 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] add ubuntu2204-arm-1 (the Ampere Altra) to workers_arm [yocto-autobuilder2] add ubuntu2204-arm-1 (the Ampere Altra) to workers_arm - - - --- 2022-08-23 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: add a PREEMPT_RT-rt test build [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: add a PREEMPT_RT-rt test build - - - --- 2022-07-20 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: Set SDKMACHINE to aarch64 for oe-selftest-armhost [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: Set SDKMACHINE to aarch64 for oe-selftest-armhost - - - --- 2022-07-12 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,2/2] config.json: remove non-gpl3 job [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] config.json: remove meta-gplv2 from the check-layer job - - - --- 2022-07-06 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] config.json: remove meta-gplv2 from the check-layer job [yocto-autobuilder-helper,1/2] config.json: remove meta-gplv2 from the check-layer job - - - --- 2022-07-06 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,10/10] python3-pyocd: remove, unused [meta-zephyr,01/10] python3-cbor: remove, unused and obsolete - - - --- 2022-05-13 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,09/10] python3-lpc-checksum: remove, unused [meta-zephyr,01/10] python3-cbor: remove, unused and obsolete - - - --- 2022-05-13 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,08/10] python3-pygithub: remove, unused [meta-zephyr,01/10] python3-cbor: remove, unused and obsolete - - - --- 2022-05-13 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,07/10] python3-junitparser: remove, unused [meta-zephyr,01/10] python3-cbor: remove, unused and obsolete - - - --- 2022-05-13 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,06/10] python3-junithtml: remove, unused [meta-zephyr,01/10] python3-cbor: remove, unused and obsolete - - - --- 2022-05-13 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,05/10] python3-canopen: remove, unused [meta-zephyr,01/10] python3-cbor: remove, unused and obsolete - - - --- 2022-05-13 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,04/10] python3-breathe: remove, unused [meta-zephyr,01/10] python3-cbor: remove, unused and obsolete - - - --- 2022-05-13 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,03/10] python3-anytree: remove, unused [meta-zephyr,01/10] python3-cbor: remove, unused and obsolete - - - --- 2022-05-13 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,02/10] python3-gitlint: remove, unused [meta-zephyr,01/10] python3-cbor: remove, unused and obsolete - - - --- 2022-05-13 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,01/10] python3-cbor: remove, unused and obsolete [meta-zephyr,01/10] python3-cbor: remove, unused and obsolete - - - --- 2022-05-13 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,6/6] meta-zephyr-core/python3-pylink: remove, obviously unused [meta-zephyr,1/6] meta-zephyr-core/python3-pygments: remove, duplicate of oe-core recipe - - - --- 2022-05-09 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,5/6] meta-zephyr-core/python3-imgtool: remove, duplicate of meta-python recipe [meta-zephyr,1/6] meta-zephyr-core/python3-pygments: remove, duplicate of oe-core recipe - - - --- 2022-05-09 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,4/6] meta-zephyr-core/python3-packaging: remove, duplicate of oe-core recipes [meta-zephyr,1/6] meta-zephyr-core/python3-pygments: remove, duplicate of oe-core recipe - - - --- 2022-05-09 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,3/6] meta-zephyr-core/python3-pyparsing: remove, duplicate of oe-core recipe [meta-zephyr,1/6] meta-zephyr-core/python3-pygments: remove, duplicate of oe-core recipe - - - --- 2022-05-09 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,2/6] meta-zephyr-core/python3-sphinx: remove, duplicate of oe-core recipe [meta-zephyr,1/6] meta-zephyr-core/python3-pygments: remove, duplicate of oe-core recipe - - - --- 2022-05-09 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr,1/6] meta-zephyr-core/python3-pygments: remove, duplicate of oe-core recipe [meta-zephyr,1/6] meta-zephyr-core/python3-pygments: remove, duplicate of oe-core recipe - - - --- 2022-05-09 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr] python3-pygments: remove, this is in oe-core [meta-zephyr] python3-pygments: remove, this is in oe-core - - - --- 2022-05-09 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: also build meta-virt for qemuarm [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: also build meta-virt for qemuarm - - - --- 2022-04-29 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2,v2] add meta-virtualization to a-full [yocto-autobuilder2,v2] add meta-virtualization to a-full 1 - - --- 2022-04-29 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-virtualization to a-full [yocto-autobuilder2] add meta-virtualization to a-full - - - --- 2022-04-29 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: rename meta-virt to meta-virtualization [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: rename meta-virt to meta-virtualization - - - --- 2022-04-29 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: rewrite meta-virt build steps [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: rewrite meta-virt build steps - - - --- 2022-04-07 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: no need to explicitly exclude the NPM tests [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: no need to explicitly exclude the NPM tests - - - --- 2022-03-29 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] add qemuarm64-alt to a-quick and a-full [yocto-autobuilder2] add qemuarm64-alt to a-quick and a-full - - - --- 2022-01-12 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] Add qemuarm64-alt to the build matrix [yocto-autobuilder-helper] Add qemuarm64-alt to the build matrix - - - --- 2022-01-12 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2,v2] Run oe-selftest-armhost jobs on the Arm workers only [yocto-autobuilder2,v2] Run oe-selftest-armhost jobs on the Arm workers only - - - --- 2022-01-05 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper,v2] Add a oe-selftest for Arm hosts and targets [yocto-autobuilder-helper,v2] Add a oe-selftest for Arm hosts and targets - - - --- 2022-01-05 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] Add a oe-selftest for Arm host/target [yocto-autobuilder-helper] Add a oe-selftest for Arm host/target - - - --- 2022-01-05 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] Run oe-selftest-arm jobs on the Arm workers only [yocto-autobuilder2] Run oe-selftest-arm jobs on the Arm workers only - - - --- 2022-01-05 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] publish-artefacts: publish meta-arm/generic-arm64 binaries [yocto-autobuilder-helper] publish-artefacts: publish meta-arm/generic-arm64 binaries - - - --- 2021-11-25 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder2] schedulers: add deploy_artefacts to all builders [yocto-autobuilder2] schedulers: add deploy_artefacts to all builders - - - --- 2021-11-24 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: set ZSTD_THREADS like XZ_THREADS [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: set ZSTD_THREADS like XZ_THREADS - - - --- 2021-11-23 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: build generic-arm64 instead of Juno [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: build generic-arm64 instead of Juno - - - --- 2021-11-23 Ross Burton New
[meta-zephyr] zephyr-kernel-src: fix build with latest dtc [meta-zephyr] zephyr-kernel-src: fix build with latest dtc - - - --- 2021-11-15 Ross Burton New
[meta-mingw] dtc: update for recipe changes in oe-core [meta-mingw] dtc: update for recipe changes in oe-core - - - --- 2021-11-12 Ross Burton New