mbox series

[meta-python,000/149] python3: improve run-time dependencies situation

Message ID 20230531082437.10646-1-brgl@bgdev.pl
Headers show
Series python3: improve run-time dependencies situation | expand


Bartosz Golaszewski May 31, 2023, 8:22 a.m. UTC
From: Bartosz Golaszewski <bartosz.golaszewski@linaro.org>

A significant number of python recipes don't specify all the run-time
dependencies required to at least be able to import all the installed
modules. This series is the result of a semi-automated run through all
python recipes in meta-python, building minimal images and verifying that
there are no import exceptions.

Most patches just add missing RDEPENDS entries where needed. Some tweak
the coding style if it's inconsistent. There are a few new packages on
which existing recipes depend at run-time but which were not provided
in meta-python previously.

This probably doesn't cover all the corner cases. Ptest packages were not
tested with the assumption that they are being run somewhere and verified

There are also other run-time dependencies that may fail - like python code
executing external programs that may be missing or ctypes opening shared
objects at run-time later than at import-time but in general this series
should at least improve the situation significantly.

There's some space for QA improvement in OE-core - like maybe raising
a warning if a python recipe doesn't specify any RDEPENDS which usually
means they are missing (but the module can also be very simple so this
cannot be a hard fail).

Bartosz Golaszewski (149):
  python3-pyparted: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-send2trash: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pywbem: drop unneeded class from RDEPENDS
  python3-pywbem: don't use PYTHON_PN
  python3-pywbem: order RDEPENDS alphabetically
  python3-pywbem: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-mock: cleanup RDEPENDS
  python3-mock: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-cson: fix run-time dependencies
  python3-ldap: don't use PYTHON_PN
  python3-ldap: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pyrad: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-html2text: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-parse: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style
  python3-parse: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-meld3: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pyiface: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-mpmath: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-uswid: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-xmlrunner: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-editor: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pykwalify: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style
  python3-pykwalify: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-iperf: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-sdnotify: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-service-identity: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-sqlsoup: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-sqlalchemy: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style
  python3-sqlalchemy: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pure-eval: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-stack-data: fix coding style
  python3-stack-data: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-sympy: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-thrift: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style
  python3-thrift: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-tomlkit: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-tornado: drop ${PN} from RDEPENDS
  python3-tornado: fix coding style
  python3-tornado: remove the testing submodule from FILES:${PN}-test
  python3-tornado: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-trustme: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-twofish: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-txws: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-web3: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-uefi-firmware: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-websockets: fix coding style
  python3-websockets: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-xlrd: fix coding style
  python3-xlrd: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-versiontools: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-typeguard: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-process-tests: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pyatspi: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pydantic: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style
  python3-pydantic: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-python-vlc: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-redis: fix coding style
  python3-redis: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-raven: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pypng: new package
  python3-qrcode: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pyusb: fix run-time dependencies
  python3-pytest-mock: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pyroute2: fix coding style
  python3-fcntl: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pyproject-metadata: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pyproj: don't use PYTHON_PN
  python3-pyproj: drop unnecessary run-time dependency
  python3-pyproj: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-classes: new package
  python3-pylyrics: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pyjwt: stop using PYTHON_PN
  python3-pyjwt: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-javaobj-py3: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pyjks: stop using PYTHON_PN
  python3-pyjks: fix run-time dependencies
  python3-pyexpect: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pynetlinux: fix relative imports
  python3-pynetlinux: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pickleshare: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-petact: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pefile: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-jsonpath-rw: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-jsonrpcclient: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-jstyleson: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-kconfiglib: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-libevdev: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-linux-procfs: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-lockfile: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-msm: fix coding style
  python3-lazy: new recipe
  python3-msm: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-netaddr: stop using PYTHON_PN
  python3-netaddr: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-ninja-syntax: new package
  python3-ninja: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-nmap: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-oslash: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-padaos: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-padatious: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-pako: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-paramiko: stop using PYTHON_PN
  python3-paramiko: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-path: fix coding style
  python3-path: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-ecdsa: don't install tests
  python3-et-xmlfile: fix coding style
  python3-et-xmlfile: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-flask-user: fix coding style
  python3-flask-user: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-isort: fix coding style
  python3-isort: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-isodate: stop using PYTHON_PN
  python3-isodate: add missing run-time dependencies
  python-idna-ssl: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-hpack: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-h11: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-gsocketpool: drop unneeded DEPENDS
  python3-gsocketpool: stop using PYTHON_PN
  python3-gsocketpool: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-flask-mail: stop using PYTHON_PN
  python3-flask-mail: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-flask-sijax: stop using PYTHON_PN
  python3-flask-sijax: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-flask-script: remove recipe
  python3-aioserial: fix coding style
  python3-aioserial: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-aspectlib: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-asyncio-throttle: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-attrdict3: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-betamax: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-binwalk: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-can: fix coding style
  python3-can: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-click-spinner: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-colorlog: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-colorzero: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-configobj: fix coding style
  python3-configobj: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-configshell-fb: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-coverage: fix coding style and RDEPENDS
  python3-custom-inherit: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-dateparser: fix coding style
  python3-dateparser: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-tzlocal: fix coding style
  python3-tzlocal: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-dbus-next: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-defusedxml: add missing run-time dependencies
  python3-setuptools-scm-git-archive: add missing run-time dependencies

 meta-oe/recipes-security/nmap/nmap_7.80.bb    |  6 +-
 .../python3-gsocketpool_0.1.6.bb              |  7 ++-
 .../python-hpack/python3-hpack_4.0.0.bb       |  2 +
 .../python-thrift/python3-thrift_0.16.0.bb    |  9 +--
 .../python-txws/python3-txws_0.9.1.bb         |  5 ++
 .../packagegroups/packagegroup-meta-python.bb |  1 -
 .../python/python-flask-script.inc            | 12 ----
 .../python/python-flask-sijax.inc             |  6 +-
 .../python/python-idna-ssl.inc                |  5 ++
 .../python/python3-aioserial_1.3.1.bb         |  6 +-
 .../python/python3-aspectlib_2.0.0.bb         |  5 +-
 .../python/python3-asyncio-throttle_1.0.2.bb  |  2 +
 .../python/python3-betamax_0.8.1.bb           |  6 +-
 .../python/python3-binwalk_2.3.3.bb           |  8 ++-
 .../python/python3-can_4.2.1.bb               | 28 +++++----
 .../python/python3-classes_0.4.1.bb           | 10 ++++
 .../python/python3-click-spinner_0.1.10.bb    |  2 +
 .../python/python3-colorlog_6.7.0.bb          |  2 +
 .../python/python3-colorzero_2.0.bb           |  5 +-
 .../python/python3-configobj_5.0.8.bb         |  5 +-
 .../python/python3-configshell-fb_1.1.29.bb   |  7 ++-
 .../python/python3-coverage_7.2.6.bb          | 19 +++---
 .../python/python3-custom-inherit_2.3.1.bb    |  5 ++
 .../python/python3-dateparser_1.1.8.bb        | 11 ++--
 .../python/python3-dbus-next_0.2.3.bb         |  5 ++
 .../python/python3-defusedxml_0.7.1.bb        |  2 +
 .../python/python3-ecdsa_0.18.0.bb            |  4 ++
 .../python/python3-editor_1.0.4.bb            |  5 ++
 .../python/python3-et-xmlfile_1.1.0.bb        |  8 ++-
 .../python/python3-flask-mail_0.9.1.bb        |  5 +-
 .../python/python3-flask-script_2.0.6.bb      |  2 -
 .../python/python3-flask-user_0.6.19.bb       | 13 ++--
 .../python/python3-h11_0.14.0.bb              |  2 +
 .../python/python3-html2text_2020.1.16.bb     |  2 +
 .../python/python3-iperf_0.1.11.bb            |  6 ++
 .../python/python3-isodate_0.6.1.bb           |  3 +-
 .../python/python3-isort_5.12.0.bb            | 16 ++---
 .../python/python3-javaobj-py3_0.4.3.bb       |  5 ++
 .../python/python3-jsonpath-rw_1.4.0.bb       |  7 ++-
 .../python/python3-jsonrpcclient_4.0.2.bb     |  4 +-
 .../python/python3-jstyleson_0.0.2.bb         |  2 +
 .../python/python3-kconfiglib_14.1.0.bb       |  6 ++
 .../python/python3-lazy_1.5.bb                |  8 +++
 .../python/python3-libevdev_0.11.bb           |  5 ++
 .../python/python3-linux-procfs_0.7.1.bb      |  2 +
 .../python/python3-lockfile_0.12.2.bb         |  5 +-
 .../python/python3-meld3_2.0.1.bb             |  6 ++
 .../python/python3-mock_5.0.2.bb              | 15 +++--
 .../python/python3-mpmath_1.3.0.bb            |  5 +-
 .../python/python3-msm_0.8.8.bb               | 14 ++++-
 .../python/python3-netaddr_0.8.0.bb           |  5 +-
 .../python/python3-ninja-syntax_1.7.2.bb      | 10 ++++
 .../python/python3-ninja_1.11.1.bb            |  7 ++-
 .../python/python3-oslash_0.6.3.bb            |  5 +-
 .../python/python3-padaos_0.1.10.bb           |  2 +
 .../python/python3-padatious_0.4.8.bb         |  8 +++
 .../python/python3-pako_0.3.1.bb              |  7 +++
 .../python/python3-paramiko_3.1.0.bb          | 11 ++--
 .../python/python3-parse_1.19.0.bb            | 13 ++--
 .../python/python3-path_16.6.0.bb             | 12 ++--
 .../python/python3-pefile_2023.2.7.bb         |  6 ++
 .../python/python3-petact_0.1.2.bb            |  6 ++
 .../python/python3-pickleshare_0.7.5.bb       |  2 +
 .../python/python3-process-tests_2.1.2.bb     |  6 ++
 .../python/python3-pure-eval_0.2.2.bb         |  5 ++
 .../python/python3-pyatspi_2.46.0.bb          |  2 +
 .../python/python3-pydantic_1.10.7.bb         | 19 +++---
 .../python/python3-pyexpect_1.0.22.bb         |  2 +
 .../python/python3-pyiface_git.bb             |  6 ++
 .../python/python3-pyjks_20.0.0.bb            | 12 ++--
 .../python/python3-pyjwt_2.7.0.bb             |  5 +-
 .../python/python3-pykwalify_1.8.0.bb         |  7 ++-
 .../python/python3-pylyrics_1.1.0.bb          |  8 ++-
 .../0002-Fixed-relative-imports.patch         | 60 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../python/python3-pynetlinux_1.1.bb          | 11 +++-
 .../python/python3-pypng_0.20220715.0.bb      |  8 +++
 .../python/python3-pyproj_3.5.0.bb            |  8 ++-
 .../python3-pyproject-metadata_0.7.1.bb       |  6 ++
 .../python/python3-pyrad_2.4.bb               |  8 +++
 .../python/python3-pyroute2_0.5.19.bb         | 33 +++++-----
 .../python/python3-pytest-mock_3.10.0.bb      |  6 ++
 .../python/python3-python-vlc_3.0.18122.bb    |  5 ++
 .../python/python3-pyusb_1.2.1.bb             |  2 +-
 .../python/python3-qrcode_7.4.2.bb            |  7 ++-
 .../python/python3-raven_6.10.0.bb            |  5 ++
 .../python/python3-redis_4.5.5.bb             | 12 ++--
 .../python/python3-sdnotify_0.3.2.bb          |  2 +
 .../python/python3-service-identity_21.1.0.bb |  6 ++
 .../python3-setuptools-scm-git-archive_1.1.bb |  1 +
 .../python/python3-sqlalchemy_2.0.15.bb       | 18 +++---
 .../python/python3-sqlsoup_0.9.1.bb           |  2 +
 .../python/python3-stack-data_0.6.2.bb        |  8 ++-
 .../python/python3-sympy_1.12.bb              |  5 +-
 .../python/python3-tomlkit_0.11.8.bb          |  6 ++
 .../python/python3-tornado_6.3.bb             | 22 +++++--
 .../python/python3-trustme_0.9.0.bb           |  7 +++
 .../python/python3-twofish_0.3.0.bb           |  2 +
 .../python/python3-typeguard_4.0.0.bb         |  5 ++
 .../python/python3-tzlocal_5.0.1.bb           |  7 ++-
 .../python/python3-uefi-firmware_1.10.bb      |  5 ++
 .../python/python3-uswid_git.bb               |  6 ++
 .../python/python3-versiontools_1.9.1.bb      |  2 +
 .../python/python3-web3_6.3.0.bb              |  2 +
 .../python/python3-websockets_11.0.3.bb       |  5 +-
 .../python/python3-xlrd_2.0.1.bb              | 10 +++-
 .../python/python3-xmlrunner_1.7.7.bb         |  2 +
 .../python3-attrdict3_2.0.2.bb                |  2 +
 .../python-cson/python3-cson_git.bb           |  3 +-
 .../python3-pyparted_3.12.0.bb                |  5 +-
 .../pywbem/python3-pywbem_1.6.1.bb            | 38 ++++++------
 .../send2trash/python3-send2trash_1.8.0.bb    |  2 +
 .../python/python3-ldap_3.4.3.bb              |  9 +--
 112 files changed, 649 insertions(+), 201 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python-flask-script.inc
 create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-classes_0.4.1.bb
 delete mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-flask-script_2.0.6.bb
 create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-lazy_1.5.bb
 create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-ninja-syntax_1.7.2.bb
 create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-pynetlinux/0002-Fixed-relative-imports.patch
 create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-pypng_0.20220715.0.bb


ChenQi May 31, 2023, 8:55 a.m. UTC | #1
On 5/31/23 16:22, Bartosz Golaszewski wrote:
> From: Bartosz Golaszewski <bartosz.golaszewski@linaro.org>
> A significant number of python recipes don't specify all the run-time
> dependencies required to at least be able to import all the installed
> modules. This series is the result of a semi-automated run through all
> python recipes in meta-python, building minimal images and verifying that
> there are no import exceptions.

I checked a few changes. Why are some recipes adding 'python3-unittest' 
as a runtime dependency?

For example, python3-ldap does not seem to need it. I checked the codes, 
https://github.com/cannatag/ldap3, all unittest references reside inside 
the test/ directory.

If it's a semi-automated run, then when it fails, I think the failed 
import commands could be recorded and put in the commit message. This 
could be achieved by using a template commit file which is then 
substituted to generate the actual commit file and using '-F' option to 



> Most patches just add missing RDEPENDS entries where needed. Some tweak
> the coding style if it's inconsistent. There are a few new packages on
> which existing recipes depend at run-time but which were not provided
> in meta-python previously.
> This probably doesn't cover all the corner cases. Ptest packages were not
> tested with the assumption that they are being run somewhere and verified
> already.
> There are also other run-time dependencies that may fail - like python code
> executing external programs that may be missing or ctypes opening shared
> objects at run-time later than at import-time but in general this series
> should at least improve the situation significantly.
> There's some space for QA improvement in OE-core - like maybe raising
> a warning if a python recipe doesn't specify any RDEPENDS which usually
> means they are missing (but the module can also be very simple so this
> cannot be a hard fail).
> Bartosz Golaszewski (149):
>    python3-pyparted: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-send2trash: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pywbem: drop unneeded class from RDEPENDS
>    python3-pywbem: don't use PYTHON_PN
>    python3-pywbem: order RDEPENDS alphabetically
>    python3-pywbem: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-mock: cleanup RDEPENDS
>    python3-mock: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-cson: fix run-time dependencies
>    python3-ldap: don't use PYTHON_PN
>    python3-ldap: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pyrad: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-html2text: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-parse: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style
>    python3-parse: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-meld3: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pyiface: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-mpmath: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-uswid: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-xmlrunner: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-editor: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pykwalify: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style
>    python3-pykwalify: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-iperf: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-sdnotify: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-service-identity: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-sqlsoup: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-sqlalchemy: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style
>    python3-sqlalchemy: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pure-eval: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-stack-data: fix coding style
>    python3-stack-data: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-sympy: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-thrift: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style
>    python3-thrift: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-tomlkit: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-tornado: drop ${PN} from RDEPENDS
>    python3-tornado: fix coding style
>    python3-tornado: remove the testing submodule from FILES:${PN}-test
>    python3-tornado: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-trustme: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-twofish: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-txws: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-web3: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-uefi-firmware: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-websockets: fix coding style
>    python3-websockets: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-xlrd: fix coding style
>    python3-xlrd: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-versiontools: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-typeguard: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-process-tests: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pyatspi: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pydantic: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style
>    python3-pydantic: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-python-vlc: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-redis: fix coding style
>    python3-redis: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-raven: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pypng: new package
>    python3-qrcode: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pyusb: fix run-time dependencies
>    python3-pytest-mock: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pyroute2: fix coding style
>    python3-fcntl: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pyproject-metadata: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pyproj: don't use PYTHON_PN
>    python3-pyproj: drop unnecessary run-time dependency
>    python3-pyproj: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-classes: new package
>    python3-pylyrics: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pyjwt: stop using PYTHON_PN
>    python3-pyjwt: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-javaobj-py3: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pyjks: stop using PYTHON_PN
>    python3-pyjks: fix run-time dependencies
>    python3-pyexpect: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pynetlinux: fix relative imports
>    python3-pynetlinux: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pickleshare: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-petact: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pefile: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-jsonpath-rw: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-jsonrpcclient: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-jstyleson: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-kconfiglib: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-libevdev: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-linux-procfs: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-lockfile: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-msm: fix coding style
>    python3-lazy: new recipe
>    python3-msm: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-netaddr: stop using PYTHON_PN
>    python3-netaddr: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-ninja-syntax: new package
>    python3-ninja: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-nmap: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-oslash: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-padaos: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-padatious: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-pako: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-paramiko: stop using PYTHON_PN
>    python3-paramiko: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-path: fix coding style
>    python3-path: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-ecdsa: don't install tests
>    python3-et-xmlfile: fix coding style
>    python3-et-xmlfile: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-flask-user: fix coding style
>    python3-flask-user: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-isort: fix coding style
>    python3-isort: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-isodate: stop using PYTHON_PN
>    python3-isodate: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python-idna-ssl: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-hpack: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-h11: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-gsocketpool: drop unneeded DEPENDS
>    python3-gsocketpool: stop using PYTHON_PN
>    python3-gsocketpool: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-flask-mail: stop using PYTHON_PN
>    python3-flask-mail: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-flask-sijax: stop using PYTHON_PN
>    python3-flask-sijax: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-flask-script: remove recipe
>    python3-aioserial: fix coding style
>    python3-aioserial: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-aspectlib: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-asyncio-throttle: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-attrdict3: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-betamax: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-binwalk: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-can: fix coding style
>    python3-can: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-click-spinner: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-colorlog: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-colorzero: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-configobj: fix coding style
>    python3-configobj: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-configshell-fb: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-coverage: fix coding style and RDEPENDS
>    python3-custom-inherit: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-dateparser: fix coding style
>    python3-dateparser: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-tzlocal: fix coding style
>    python3-tzlocal: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-dbus-next: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-defusedxml: add missing run-time dependencies
>    python3-setuptools-scm-git-archive: add missing run-time dependencies
>   meta-oe/recipes-security/nmap/nmap_7.80.bb    |  6 +-
>   .../python3-gsocketpool_0.1.6.bb              |  7 ++-
>   .../python-hpack/python3-hpack_4.0.0.bb       |  2 +
>   .../python-thrift/python3-thrift_0.16.0.bb    |  9 +--
>   .../python-txws/python3-txws_0.9.1.bb         |  5 ++
>   .../packagegroups/packagegroup-meta-python.bb |  1 -
>   .../python/python-flask-script.inc            | 12 ----
>   .../python/python-flask-sijax.inc             |  6 +-
>   .../python/python-idna-ssl.inc                |  5 ++
>   .../python/python3-aioserial_1.3.1.bb         |  6 +-
>   .../python/python3-aspectlib_2.0.0.bb         |  5 +-
>   .../python/python3-asyncio-throttle_1.0.2.bb  |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-betamax_0.8.1.bb           |  6 +-
>   .../python/python3-binwalk_2.3.3.bb           |  8 ++-
>   .../python/python3-can_4.2.1.bb               | 28 +++++----
>   .../python/python3-classes_0.4.1.bb           | 10 ++++
>   .../python/python3-click-spinner_0.1.10.bb    |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-colorlog_6.7.0.bb          |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-colorzero_2.0.bb           |  5 +-
>   .../python/python3-configobj_5.0.8.bb         |  5 +-
>   .../python/python3-configshell-fb_1.1.29.bb   |  7 ++-
>   .../python/python3-coverage_7.2.6.bb          | 19 +++---
>   .../python/python3-custom-inherit_2.3.1.bb    |  5 ++
>   .../python/python3-dateparser_1.1.8.bb        | 11 ++--
>   .../python/python3-dbus-next_0.2.3.bb         |  5 ++
>   .../python/python3-defusedxml_0.7.1.bb        |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-ecdsa_0.18.0.bb            |  4 ++
>   .../python/python3-editor_1.0.4.bb            |  5 ++
>   .../python/python3-et-xmlfile_1.1.0.bb        |  8 ++-
>   .../python/python3-flask-mail_0.9.1.bb        |  5 +-
>   .../python/python3-flask-script_2.0.6.bb      |  2 -
>   .../python/python3-flask-user_0.6.19.bb       | 13 ++--
>   .../python/python3-h11_0.14.0.bb              |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-html2text_2020.1.16.bb     |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-iperf_0.1.11.bb            |  6 ++
>   .../python/python3-isodate_0.6.1.bb           |  3 +-
>   .../python/python3-isort_5.12.0.bb            | 16 ++---
>   .../python/python3-javaobj-py3_0.4.3.bb       |  5 ++
>   .../python/python3-jsonpath-rw_1.4.0.bb       |  7 ++-
>   .../python/python3-jsonrpcclient_4.0.2.bb     |  4 +-
>   .../python/python3-jstyleson_0.0.2.bb         |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-kconfiglib_14.1.0.bb       |  6 ++
>   .../python/python3-lazy_1.5.bb                |  8 +++
>   .../python/python3-libevdev_0.11.bb           |  5 ++
>   .../python/python3-linux-procfs_0.7.1.bb      |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-lockfile_0.12.2.bb         |  5 +-
>   .../python/python3-meld3_2.0.1.bb             |  6 ++
>   .../python/python3-mock_5.0.2.bb              | 15 +++--
>   .../python/python3-mpmath_1.3.0.bb            |  5 +-
>   .../python/python3-msm_0.8.8.bb               | 14 ++++-
>   .../python/python3-netaddr_0.8.0.bb           |  5 +-
>   .../python/python3-ninja-syntax_1.7.2.bb      | 10 ++++
>   .../python/python3-ninja_1.11.1.bb            |  7 ++-
>   .../python/python3-oslash_0.6.3.bb            |  5 +-
>   .../python/python3-padaos_0.1.10.bb           |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-padatious_0.4.8.bb         |  8 +++
>   .../python/python3-pako_0.3.1.bb              |  7 +++
>   .../python/python3-paramiko_3.1.0.bb          | 11 ++--
>   .../python/python3-parse_1.19.0.bb            | 13 ++--
>   .../python/python3-path_16.6.0.bb             | 12 ++--
>   .../python/python3-pefile_2023.2.7.bb         |  6 ++
>   .../python/python3-petact_0.1.2.bb            |  6 ++
>   .../python/python3-pickleshare_0.7.5.bb       |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-process-tests_2.1.2.bb     |  6 ++
>   .../python/python3-pure-eval_0.2.2.bb         |  5 ++
>   .../python/python3-pyatspi_2.46.0.bb          |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-pydantic_1.10.7.bb         | 19 +++---
>   .../python/python3-pyexpect_1.0.22.bb         |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-pyiface_git.bb             |  6 ++
>   .../python/python3-pyjks_20.0.0.bb            | 12 ++--
>   .../python/python3-pyjwt_2.7.0.bb             |  5 +-
>   .../python/python3-pykwalify_1.8.0.bb         |  7 ++-
>   .../python/python3-pylyrics_1.1.0.bb          |  8 ++-
>   .../0002-Fixed-relative-imports.patch         | 60 +++++++++++++++++++
>   .../python/python3-pynetlinux_1.1.bb          | 11 +++-
>   .../python/python3-pypng_0.20220715.0.bb      |  8 +++
>   .../python/python3-pyproj_3.5.0.bb            |  8 ++-
>   .../python3-pyproject-metadata_0.7.1.bb       |  6 ++
>   .../python/python3-pyrad_2.4.bb               |  8 +++
>   .../python/python3-pyroute2_0.5.19.bb         | 33 +++++-----
>   .../python/python3-pytest-mock_3.10.0.bb      |  6 ++
>   .../python/python3-python-vlc_3.0.18122.bb    |  5 ++
>   .../python/python3-pyusb_1.2.1.bb             |  2 +-
>   .../python/python3-qrcode_7.4.2.bb            |  7 ++-
>   .../python/python3-raven_6.10.0.bb            |  5 ++
>   .../python/python3-redis_4.5.5.bb             | 12 ++--
>   .../python/python3-sdnotify_0.3.2.bb          |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-service-identity_21.1.0.bb |  6 ++
>   .../python3-setuptools-scm-git-archive_1.1.bb |  1 +
>   .../python/python3-sqlalchemy_2.0.15.bb       | 18 +++---
>   .../python/python3-sqlsoup_0.9.1.bb           |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-stack-data_0.6.2.bb        |  8 ++-
>   .../python/python3-sympy_1.12.bb              |  5 +-
>   .../python/python3-tomlkit_0.11.8.bb          |  6 ++
>   .../python/python3-tornado_6.3.bb             | 22 +++++--
>   .../python/python3-trustme_0.9.0.bb           |  7 +++
>   .../python/python3-twofish_0.3.0.bb           |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-typeguard_4.0.0.bb         |  5 ++
>   .../python/python3-tzlocal_5.0.1.bb           |  7 ++-
>   .../python/python3-uefi-firmware_1.10.bb      |  5 ++
>   .../python/python3-uswid_git.bb               |  6 ++
>   .../python/python3-versiontools_1.9.1.bb      |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-web3_6.3.0.bb              |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-websockets_11.0.3.bb       |  5 +-
>   .../python/python3-xlrd_2.0.1.bb              | 10 +++-
>   .../python/python3-xmlrunner_1.7.7.bb         |  2 +
>   .../python3-attrdict3_2.0.2.bb                |  2 +
>   .../python-cson/python3-cson_git.bb           |  3 +-
>   .../python3-pyparted_3.12.0.bb                |  5 +-
>   .../pywbem/python3-pywbem_1.6.1.bb            | 38 ++++++------
>   .../send2trash/python3-send2trash_1.8.0.bb    |  2 +
>   .../python/python3-ldap_3.4.3.bb              |  9 +--
>   112 files changed, 649 insertions(+), 201 deletions(-)
>   delete mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python-flask-script.inc
>   create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-classes_0.4.1.bb
>   delete mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-flask-script_2.0.6.bb
>   create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-lazy_1.5.bb
>   create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-ninja-syntax_1.7.2.bb
>   create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-pynetlinux/0002-Fixed-relative-imports.patch
>   create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-pypng_0.20220715.0.bb
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
> View/Reply Online (#102927): https://lists.openembedded.org/g/openembedded-devel/message/102927
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> Group Owner: openembedded-devel+owner@lists.openembedded.org
> Unsubscribe: https://lists.openembedded.org/g/openembedded-devel/unsub [Qi.Chen@eng.windriver.com]
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Bartosz Golaszewski May 31, 2023, 9:02 a.m. UTC | #2
On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 10:55 AM ChenQi <Qi.Chen@windriver.com> wrote:
> On 5/31/23 16:22, Bartosz Golaszewski wrote:
> > From: Bartosz Golaszewski <bartosz.golaszewski@linaro.org>
> >
> > A significant number of python recipes don't specify all the run-time
> > dependencies required to at least be able to import all the installed
> > modules. This series is the result of a semi-automated run through all
> > python recipes in meta-python, building minimal images and verifying that
> > there are no import exceptions.
> I checked a few changes. Why are some recipes adding 'python3-unittest'
> as a runtime dependency?
> For example, python3-ldap does not seem to need it. I checked the codes,
> https://github.com/cannatag/ldap3, all unittest references reside inside
> the test/ directory.
> If it's a semi-automated run, then when it fails, I think the failed
> import commands could be recorded and put in the commit message. This
> could be achieved by using a template commit file which is then
> substituted to generate the actual commit file and using '-F' option to
> commit.
> Regards,
> Qi

In this case it's not ldap itself but slapdtest which is also shipped
and installed by the recipe. If someone ends up splitting it into its
propert ptest package then we could remove this dependency but as it
is now: it's impossible to import all shipped modules without unittest
so adding it at least makes it more correct.
