From patchwork Wed May 31 08:22:08 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Bartosz Golaszewski X-Patchwork-Id: 520 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from (localhost.localdomain []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4314CC7EE24 for ; Wed, 31 May 2023 08:25:11 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by with SMTP id smtpd.web10.9096.1685521509908603719 for ; Wed, 31 May 2023 01:25:10 -0700 Authentication-Results:; dkim=fail reason="signature has expired" header.s=20221208 header.b=m1PE8BoB; spf=none, err=SPF record not found (domain:, ip:, mailfrom: Received: by with SMTP id ffacd0b85a97d-30aebe2602fso2457816f8f.3 for ; Wed, 31 May 2023 01:25:09 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20221208; t=1685521508; x=1688113508; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:message-id:date:subject:cc :to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=pEa+EIqyhdfnGWRt8WGelSS9NIkIP6/mRVGUxRfu4Fk=; b=m1PE8BoBpiRmg3f2o/UW+Ij63yqwQeKL7MsSvslwhqYpGlDzRzgIP6NkMXEEhrRpmr eW5M4rlwgBtXcXDLbW2kcJN0ODYCBarjDaFQc/nC61b+jQLjtNajl1h0jhaVVDO2M/YC RN3eAYkbb8KlLd11wSoBAempKAPvumHBEF2Zbe7ArVfF34+DcrezDhz+19llpJbMotDT a3ENpUxu/mIXqOUTXhQbOGRNFEBDBiWe+tsjCEBWyqAppphpy+aUonqVUWwBw7dYxsbA PC3Z2wGgjMnC91iEjXkFz3qtXX7bdebsVSeQ9T+C3FERLnbieoLGsbi7WhYdIkMy6TRA 1qUw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20221208; t=1685521508; x=1688113508; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:message-id:date:subject:cc :to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id :reply-to; bh=pEa+EIqyhdfnGWRt8WGelSS9NIkIP6/mRVGUxRfu4Fk=; b=d6G/kbj6YmSbIv9+hddPzQ/kimkMiE/1CCAcKgh/dBOyRrTnDNq4VOpcVwRul/cDQd gnY0JKr5xJGK6/xB/jxOU8ZzRMN4PkOUotJ95rrVFuYcDlz4tRgbFQ7PTNAzDDJlZk6N ksmk7YF0xHg5c4eEb83/1MdYpWU7jT1B4ZX4yER13zcj36+AdU81zGJjcTAPis1dw6pq uSNplC6NyKpIELRcrwYVv1SLMEK+HPdyAwDpCRD4UtYgs26zShQThmFWaDlHKGJz5LLh 9dXt8tMMLXgg94RsB7QK+cQ8dBQnbtSukoDGFRXp+ZuxDwk3jMZ6IAaT6TJoPTp2dr/Q 3Viw== X-Gm-Message-State: AC+VfDyrvU10UIe8xYgzBH+1kJIxhetfwXWpJYwMJk86qeZuYWAKqOYN 3aQOTTpg5bcJSG5tknGWbB2NqA== X-Google-Smtp-Source: ACHHUZ5aDAtWK/jxNI5x5vj7xKU2SWTpvOrfi2aMamwHvFjiIiVgxA+74fq3sKq8SQIN2o/p9XSc3A== X-Received: by 2002:adf:e702:0:b0:306:3286:69a2 with SMTP id c2-20020adfe702000000b00306328669a2mr3356421wrm.48.1685521507911; Wed, 31 May 2023 01:25:07 -0700 (PDT) Received: from brgl-uxlite.home ([2a01:cb1d:334:ac00:fc69:2162:e0f2:38b5]) by with ESMTPSA id o11-20020a5d670b000000b0030ada01ca78sm5855346wru.10.2023. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Wed, 31 May 2023 01:25:07 -0700 (PDT) From: Bartosz Golaszewski To: Khem Raj , Bruce Ashfield , Cc: Bartosz Golaszewski Subject: [meta-python][PATCH 000/149] python3: improve run-time dependencies situation Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 10:22:08 +0200 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.39.2 MIME-Version: 1.0 List-Id: X-Webhook-Received: from [] by with HTTPS for ; Wed, 31 May 2023 08:25:11 -0000 X-Groupsio-URL: From: Bartosz Golaszewski A significant number of python recipes don't specify all the run-time dependencies required to at least be able to import all the installed modules. This series is the result of a semi-automated run through all python recipes in meta-python, building minimal images and verifying that there are no import exceptions. Most patches just add missing RDEPENDS entries where needed. Some tweak the coding style if it's inconsistent. There are a few new packages on which existing recipes depend at run-time but which were not provided in meta-python previously. This probably doesn't cover all the corner cases. Ptest packages were not tested with the assumption that they are being run somewhere and verified already. There are also other run-time dependencies that may fail - like python code executing external programs that may be missing or ctypes opening shared objects at run-time later than at import-time but in general this series should at least improve the situation significantly. There's some space for QA improvement in OE-core - like maybe raising a warning if a python recipe doesn't specify any RDEPENDS which usually means they are missing (but the module can also be very simple so this cannot be a hard fail). Bartosz Golaszewski (149): python3-pyparted: add missing run-time dependencies python3-send2trash: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pywbem: drop unneeded class from RDEPENDS python3-pywbem: don't use PYTHON_PN python3-pywbem: order RDEPENDS alphabetically python3-pywbem: add missing run-time dependencies python3-mock: cleanup RDEPENDS python3-mock: add missing run-time dependencies python3-cson: fix run-time dependencies python3-ldap: don't use PYTHON_PN python3-ldap: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pyrad: add missing run-time dependencies python3-html2text: add missing run-time dependencies python3-parse: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style python3-parse: add missing run-time dependencies python3-meld3: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pyiface: add missing run-time dependencies python3-mpmath: add missing run-time dependencies python3-uswid: add missing run-time dependencies python3-xmlrunner: add missing run-time dependencies python3-editor: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pykwalify: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style python3-pykwalify: add missing run-time dependencies python3-iperf: add missing run-time dependencies python3-sdnotify: add missing run-time dependencies python3-service-identity: add missing run-time dependencies python3-sqlsoup: add missing run-time dependencies python3-sqlalchemy: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style python3-sqlalchemy: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pure-eval: add missing run-time dependencies python3-stack-data: fix coding style python3-stack-data: add missing run-time dependencies python3-sympy: add missing run-time dependencies python3-thrift: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style python3-thrift: add missing run-time dependencies python3-tomlkit: add missing run-time dependencies python3-tornado: drop ${PN} from RDEPENDS python3-tornado: fix coding style python3-tornado: remove the testing submodule from FILES:${PN}-test python3-tornado: add missing run-time dependencies python3-trustme: add missing run-time dependencies python3-twofish: add missing run-time dependencies python3-txws: add missing run-time dependencies python3-web3: add missing run-time dependencies python3-uefi-firmware: add missing run-time dependencies python3-websockets: fix coding style python3-websockets: add missing run-time dependencies python3-xlrd: fix coding style python3-xlrd: add missing run-time dependencies python3-versiontools: add missing run-time dependencies python3-typeguard: add missing run-time dependencies python3-process-tests: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pyatspi: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pydantic: don't use PYTHON_PN and improve coding style python3-pydantic: add missing run-time dependencies python3-python-vlc: add missing run-time dependencies python3-redis: fix coding style python3-redis: add missing run-time dependencies python3-raven: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pypng: new package python3-qrcode: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pyusb: fix run-time dependencies python3-pytest-mock: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pyroute2: fix coding style python3-fcntl: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pyproject-metadata: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pyproj: don't use PYTHON_PN python3-pyproj: drop unnecessary run-time dependency python3-pyproj: add missing run-time dependencies python3-classes: new package python3-pylyrics: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pyjwt: stop using PYTHON_PN python3-pyjwt: add missing run-time dependencies python3-javaobj-py3: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pyjks: stop using PYTHON_PN python3-pyjks: fix run-time dependencies python3-pyexpect: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pynetlinux: fix relative imports python3-pynetlinux: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pickleshare: add missing run-time dependencies python3-petact: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pefile: add missing run-time dependencies python3-jsonpath-rw: add missing run-time dependencies python3-jsonrpcclient: add missing run-time dependencies python3-jstyleson: add missing run-time dependencies python3-kconfiglib: add missing run-time dependencies python3-libevdev: add missing run-time dependencies python3-linux-procfs: add missing run-time dependencies python3-lockfile: add missing run-time dependencies python3-msm: fix coding style python3-lazy: new recipe python3-msm: add missing run-time dependencies python3-netaddr: stop using PYTHON_PN python3-netaddr: add missing run-time dependencies python3-ninja-syntax: new package python3-ninja: add missing run-time dependencies python3-nmap: add missing run-time dependencies python3-oslash: add missing run-time dependencies python3-padaos: add missing run-time dependencies python3-padatious: add missing run-time dependencies python3-pako: add missing run-time dependencies python3-paramiko: stop using PYTHON_PN python3-paramiko: add missing run-time dependencies python3-path: fix coding style python3-path: add missing run-time dependencies python3-ecdsa: don't install tests python3-et-xmlfile: fix coding style python3-et-xmlfile: add missing run-time dependencies python3-flask-user: fix coding style python3-flask-user: add missing run-time dependencies python3-isort: fix coding style python3-isort: add missing run-time dependencies python3-isodate: stop using PYTHON_PN python3-isodate: add missing run-time dependencies python-idna-ssl: add missing run-time dependencies python3-hpack: add missing run-time dependencies python3-h11: add missing run-time dependencies python3-gsocketpool: drop unneeded DEPENDS python3-gsocketpool: stop using PYTHON_PN python3-gsocketpool: add missing run-time dependencies python3-flask-mail: stop using PYTHON_PN python3-flask-mail: add missing run-time dependencies python3-flask-sijax: stop using PYTHON_PN python3-flask-sijax: add missing run-time dependencies python3-flask-script: remove recipe python3-aioserial: fix coding style python3-aioserial: add missing run-time dependencies python3-aspectlib: add missing run-time dependencies python3-asyncio-throttle: add missing run-time dependencies python3-attrdict3: add missing run-time dependencies python3-betamax: add missing run-time dependencies python3-binwalk: add missing run-time dependencies python3-can: fix coding style python3-can: add missing run-time dependencies python3-click-spinner: add missing run-time dependencies python3-colorlog: add missing run-time dependencies python3-colorzero: add missing run-time dependencies python3-configobj: fix coding style python3-configobj: add missing run-time dependencies python3-configshell-fb: add missing run-time dependencies python3-coverage: fix coding style and RDEPENDS python3-custom-inherit: add missing run-time dependencies python3-dateparser: fix coding style python3-dateparser: add missing run-time dependencies python3-tzlocal: fix coding style python3-tzlocal: add missing run-time dependencies python3-dbus-next: add missing run-time dependencies python3-defusedxml: add missing run-time dependencies python3-setuptools-scm-git-archive: add missing run-time dependencies meta-oe/recipes-security/nmap/ | 6 +- .../ | 7 ++- .../python-hpack/ | 2 + .../python-thrift/ | 9 +-- .../python-txws/ | 5 ++ .../packagegroups/ | 1 - .../python/ | 12 ---- .../python/ | 6 +- .../python/ | 5 ++ .../python/ | 6 +- .../python/ | 5 +- .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 6 +- .../python/ | 8 ++- .../python/ | 28 +++++---- .../python/ | 10 ++++ .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 5 +- .../python/ | 5 +- .../python/ | 7 ++- .../python/ | 19 +++--- .../python/ | 5 ++ .../python/ | 11 ++-- .../python/ | 5 ++ .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 4 ++ .../python/ | 5 ++ .../python/ | 8 ++- .../python/ | 5 +- .../python/ | 2 - .../python/ | 13 ++-- .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 6 ++ .../python/ | 3 +- .../python/ | 16 ++--- .../python/ | 5 ++ .../python/ | 7 ++- .../python/ | 4 +- .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 6 ++ .../python/ | 8 +++ .../python/ | 5 ++ .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 5 +- .../python/ | 6 ++ .../python/ | 15 +++-- .../python/ | 5 +- .../python/ | 14 ++++- .../python/ | 5 +- .../python/ | 10 ++++ .../python/ | 7 ++- .../python/ | 5 +- .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 8 +++ .../python/ | 7 +++ .../python/ | 11 ++-- .../python/ | 13 ++-- .../python/ | 12 ++-- .../python/ | 6 ++ .../python/ | 6 ++ .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 6 ++ .../python/ | 5 ++ .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 19 +++--- .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 6 ++ .../python/ | 12 ++-- .../python/ | 5 +- .../python/ | 7 ++- .../python/ | 8 ++- .../0002-Fixed-relative-imports.patch | 60 +++++++++++++++++++ .../python/ | 11 +++- .../python/ | 8 +++ .../python/ | 8 ++- .../ | 6 ++ .../python/ | 8 +++ .../python/ | 33 +++++----- .../python/ | 6 ++ .../python/ | 5 ++ .../python/ | 2 +- .../python/ | 7 ++- .../python/ | 5 ++ .../python/ | 12 ++-- .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 6 ++ .../ | 1 + .../python/ | 18 +++--- .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 8 ++- .../python/ | 5 +- .../python/ | 6 ++ .../python/ | 22 +++++-- .../python/ | 7 +++ .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 5 ++ .../python/ | 7 ++- .../python/ | 5 ++ .../python/ | 6 ++ .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 2 + .../python/ | 5 +- .../python/ | 10 +++- .../python/ | 2 + .../ | 2 + .../python-cson/ | 3 +- .../ | 5 +- .../pywbem/ | 38 ++++++------ .../send2trash/ | 2 + .../python/ | 9 +-- 112 files changed, 649 insertions(+), 201 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/ create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/ delete mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/ create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/ create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/ create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/python3-pynetlinux/0002-Fixed-relative-imports.patch create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/