Show patches with: Submitter = Denys Dmytriyenko       |    Archived = No       |   233 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[master-wip,8/8] netopeer2-server: move and clean up [master-wip,1/8] sysrepo: move and clean up - - - --- 2025-03-11 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master-wip,7/8] tsn-yang-models: move and clean up [master-wip,1/8] sysrepo: move and clean up - - - --- 2025-03-11 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master-wip,6/8] nw-configurator: move and clean up [master-wip,1/8] sysrepo: move and clean up - - - --- 2025-03-11 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master-wip,5/8] libredblack: move and clean up [master-wip,1/8] sysrepo: move and clean up - - - --- 2025-03-11 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master-wip,4/8] libnetconf2: move and clean up [master-wip,1/8] sysrepo: move and clean up - - - --- 2025-03-11 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master-wip,3/8] libyang: move bbappend [master-wip,1/8] sysrepo: move and clean up - - - --- 2025-03-11 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master-wip,2/8] sysrepo-plugins-common: move and clean up [master-wip,1/8] sysrepo: move and clean up - - - --- 2025-03-11 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master-wip,1/8] sysrepo: move and clean up [master-wip,1/8] sysrepo: move and clean up - - - --- 2025-03-11 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/scarthgap] open62541: fix examples binaries packaging [master/scarthgap] open62541: fix examples binaries packaging - - - --- 2025-03-11 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Superseded
[RFC] arago-optimized.conf: add a Distro variant with optimized tunes [RFC] arago-optimized.conf: add a Distro variant with optimized tunes - - - --- 2025-01-21 Denys Dmytriyenko New
[master/scarthgap] arago.conf: bump distro version [master/scarthgap] arago.conf: bump distro version - - - --- 2025-01-21 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/scarthgap] gstreamer1.0-plugins-vpe: set branch explicitly [master/scarthgap] gstreamer1.0-plugins-vpe: set branch explicitly - - - --- 2025-01-14 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] arago.conf: remove INSANE_SKIP that was fixed upstream [master] arago.conf: remove INSANE_SKIP that was fixed upstream - - - --- 2024-10-12 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] layer.conf: add compatibility with walnascar [master] layer.conf: add compatibility with walnascar 1 - - --- 2024-10-12 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
layer.conf: add compatibility with walnascar layer.conf: add compatibility with walnascar - - - --- 2024-10-12 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Superseded
[scarthgap,16/16] remove [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,15/16] llvm: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,14/16] opencl: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove 1 - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,13/16] openmpacc: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,12/16] gstreamer1.0-plugins-dsp66: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,11/16] libarch: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,10/16] linalg: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,09/16] fftlib: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,08/16] tiovx: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,07/16] tidl-api, tidl-utils: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove 1 - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,06/16] tensorflow-lite: remove [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,05/16] arm-compute-library: remove [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,04/16] barcode-roi: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,03/16] qt-opencv-opencl-opengl-multithreaded: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,02/16] packagegroup: remove opencl/openmp packagegroups [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,16/16] remove [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,15/16] llvm: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,14/16] opencl: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove 1 - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,13/16] openmpacc: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,12/16] gstreamer1.0-plugins-dsp66: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,11/16] libarch: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,10/16] linalg: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,09/16] fftlib: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,08/16] tiovx: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,07/16] tidl-api, tidl-utils: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove 1 - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,06/16] tensorflow-lite: remove [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,05/16] arm-compute-library: remove [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,04/16] barcode-roi: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,03/16] qt-opencv-opencl-opengl-multithreaded: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,02/16] packagegroup: remove opencl/openmp packagegroups [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/scarthgap] gcc-cross-canadian: remove disabling of buildpaths check [master/scarthgap] gcc-cross-canadian: remove disabling of buildpaths check - - - --- 2024-08-06 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,RFC,16/16] remove [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,15/16] llvm: deprecate [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,14/16] opencl: deprecate [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove 1 - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,13/16] openmpacc: deprecate [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,12/16] gstreamer1.0-plugins-dsp66: deprecate [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,11/16] libarch: deprecate [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,10/16] linalg: deprecate [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,09/16] fftlib: deprecate [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,08/16] tiovx: deprecate [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,07/16] tidl-api, tidl-utils: deprecate [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove 1 - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,06/16] tensorflow-lite: remove [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,05/16] arm-compute-library: remove [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,04/16] barcode-roi: deprecate [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,03/16] qt-opencv-opencl-opengl-multithreaded: deprecate [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,02/16] packagegroup: remove opencl/openmp packagegroups [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master] arago.conf: disable build-deps QA check for nativesdk-qemu [master] arago.conf: disable build-deps QA check for nativesdk-qemu - - - --- 2024-07-16 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] arago.conf: disable build-deps QA check for nativesdk-openssl-misc [master] arago.conf: disable build-deps QA check for nativesdk-openssl-misc - - - --- 2024-07-16 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] gnutls: drop unused bbappend [master] gnutls: drop unused bbappend - - - --- 2024-07-16 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] libdrm: refresh local patches to remove fuzz [master] libdrm: refresh local patches to remove fuzz - - - --- 2024-07-16 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] ti-llvm: adopt an LLVM fix for buildpaths errors [master] ti-llvm: adopt an LLVM fix for buildpaths errors - - - --- 2024-07-16 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Rejected
[master] arago.conf: disable buildpaths QA errors in meta-qt5 [master] arago.conf: disable buildpaths QA errors in meta-qt5 - - - --- 2024-07-16 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] sysrepo: fix "buildpaths" QA error [master] sysrepo: fix "buildpaths" QA error - - - --- 2024-07-15 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] recipes: UNPACKDIR cleanup [master] recipes: UNPACKDIR cleanup - - - --- 2024-07-15 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] weston: adjust bbappend for minor version bump [master] weston: adjust bbappend for minor version bump 1 - - --- 2024-07-02 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/scarthgap] branding: fix the variable name for selecting BSP [master/scarthgap] branding: fix the variable name for selecting BSP - - - --- 2024-06-21 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/scarthgap] linux: remove unused bbappends and generic empty kernel [master/scarthgap] linux: remove unused bbappends and generic empty kernel - - - --- 2024-06-14 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/scarthgap] branding: simplify some branding configs [master/scarthgap] branding: simplify some branding configs - - - --- 2024-06-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/scarthgap/kirkstone] busybox: convert custom old defconfig to config fragments [master/scarthgap/kirkstone] busybox: convert custom old defconfig to config fragments 1 - - --- 2024-05-17 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] linux-firmware: remove packaging of Intel AC 9260 bluetooth firmware [master] linux-firmware: remove packaging of Intel AC 9260 bluetooth firmware - - - --- 2024-05-01 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/scarthgap] php: cleanup more places where php-fpm is creeping in [master/scarthgap] php: cleanup more places where php-fpm is creeping in - - - --- 2024-04-17 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] layer.conf: add compatibility with scarthgap [master] layer.conf: add compatibility with scarthgap 1 - - --- 2024-02-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,2/2] libnl: update for 3.9.0 [master,1/2] weston: update to version 13 - - - --- 2024-02-01 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,1/2] weston: update to version 13 [master,1/2] weston: update to version 13 - - - --- 2024-02-01 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,2/2] nativesdk-packagegroup-arago-tisdk-host: replace distutils with setuptools [master,1/2] libcamera: drop old 0.0.5 version - - - --- 2024-01-24 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,1/2] libcamera: drop old 0.0.5 version [master,1/2] libcamera: drop old 0.0.5 version - - - --- 2024-01-24 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[kirkstone] README: update with kirkstone-specific info [kirkstone] README: update with kirkstone-specific info - - - --- 2023-12-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/kirkstone,2/2] meta-arago-test: minor README correction [master/kirkstone,1/2] meta-arago-demos: add layer README and COPYING.MIT license - - - --- 2023-12-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/kirkstone,1/2] meta-arago-demos: add layer README and COPYING.MIT license [master/kirkstone,1/2] meta-arago-demos: add layer README and COPYING.MIT license - - - --- 2023-12-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/kirkstone] weston-init: provide a custom beaglebone weston.ini file [master/kirkstone] weston-init: provide a custom beaglebone weston.ini file 1 - - --- 2023-12-01 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/kirkstone,2/2] arago-gpl-notice: unbreak initscript [master/kirkstone,1/2] bt-enable: unbreak initscript - - - --- 2023-12-01 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/kirkstone,1/2] bt-enable: unbreak initscript [master/kirkstone,1/2] bt-enable: unbreak initscript - - - --- 2023-12-01 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/kirkstone] arago.conf: bump distro version [master/kirkstone] arago.conf: bump distro version 1 - - --- 2023-11-08 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/kirkstone,v2] tisdk-bundle: bring this class on par with current image.bbclass [master/kirkstone,v2] tisdk-bundle: bring this class on par with current image.bbclass - - - --- 2023-10-19 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/kirkstone] tisdk-bundle: bring this class on par with current image.bbclass [master/kirkstone] tisdk-bundle: bring this class on par with current image.bbclass - - - --- 2023-10-19 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Superseded
[master,2/2] omapdrmtest: explicitly specify branch in SRC_URI [master,1/2] weston: update bbappend to match oe-core/master 1 - - --- 2023-09-14 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,1/2] weston: update bbappend to match oe-core/master [master,1/2] weston: update bbappend to match oe-core/master 1 - - --- 2023-09-14 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] meta-arago: layer.conf: add compatibility with nanbield [master] meta-arago: layer.conf: add compatibility with nanbield - - - --- 2023-09-12 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] libssh: remove old version [master] libssh: remove old version - - - --- 2023-09-12 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[kirkstone] libssh: Update LICENSE variable to use SPDX license identifier [kirkstone] libssh: Update LICENSE variable to use SPDX license identifier - - - --- 2023-09-12 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master/kirkstone] packagegroup-arago-sysvinit-boot: fix tiny image unable to login issue [master/kirkstone] packagegroup-arago-sysvinit-boot: fix tiny image unable to login issue - - - --- 2023-07-20 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[kirkstone,6/6] tisdk-bundle: package up secondary K3R5 toolchain Rework secondary toolchain for K3R5 - - - --- 2023-07-06 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
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