diff mbox series

[2/2] tpm2-pkcs11: Add tools python runtime dependencies

Message ID 20250311103333.2972573-3-omri.sarig13@gmail.com
State New
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Series meta-tpm: Update python runtime dependencies | expand

Commit Message

Omri Sarig March 11, 2025, 10:33 a.m. UTC
The tpm2-pkcs11-tools python module is importing several modules which
are not currently included in it's dependencies. This causes the script
invocation to fail. The current commit adds the relevant dependencies,
to ensure that the python module is always able to run.

The relevant dependencies are:
* python3-fcntl: To add the fcntl module, imported in db.py.
* python3-sqlite3: To add the sqlite3 module, imported in db.py.
* python3-tpm2-pytss: To add the tpm2_pytss module, imported in
* python3-compression: To add the zipfile module, imported through
  "importlib.metadata import distribution" in tpm2_ptool.

Signed-off-by: Omri Sarig <omri.sarig13@gmail.com>
 meta-tpm/recipes-tpm2/tpm2-pkcs11/tpm2-pkcs11_1.9.1.bb | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta-tpm/recipes-tpm2/tpm2-pkcs11/tpm2-pkcs11_1.9.1.bb b/meta-tpm/recipes-tpm2/tpm2-pkcs11/tpm2-pkcs11_1.9.1.bb
index a7d8170..331dc4f 100644
--- a/meta-tpm/recipes-tpm2/tpm2-pkcs11/tpm2-pkcs11_1.9.1.bb
+++ b/meta-tpm/recipes-tpm2/tpm2-pkcs11/tpm2-pkcs11_1.9.1.bb
@@ -44,6 +44,6 @@  FILES:${PN} += "\
 INSANE_SKIP:${PN}   += "dev-so"
 RDEPENDS:${PN} = "p11-kit tpm2-tools "
-RDEPENDS:${PN}-tools = "python3-pyyaml python3-cryptography python3-pyasn1-modules"
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-tools = "python3-pyyaml python3-cryptography python3-pyasn1-modules python3-compression python3-fcntl python3-sqlite3 python3-tpm2-pytss"
 BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"