diff mbox series

[meta-rockchip,5/6] bsp: rkbin: ddr: factor out do_deploy to be SoC-agnostic

Message ID 20250311-ddrbin-custom-v1-5-e5c994ac25e1@cherry.de
State New
Headers show
Series rkbin: factoring ddrbin do_deploy, customize ddrbin and bump rkbin | expand

Commit Message

Quentin Schulz March 11, 2025, 11:26 a.m. UTC
From: Quentin Schulz <quentin.schulz@cherry.de>

The do_deploy task is essentially the same for all SoCs, install a file
from a specific path to another one.

No magic involved, so let's rather have one generic do_deploy task. For
this to work nicely, we check that all necessary variables are set and
notify the developer otherwise. This may be useful whenever a new SoC
will be supported by this recipe.

Signed-off-by: Quentin Schulz <quentin.schulz@cherry.de>
 recipes-bsp/rkbin/rockchip-rkbin-ddr_git.bb | 33 +++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/recipes-bsp/rkbin/rockchip-rkbin-ddr_git.bb b/recipes-bsp/rkbin/rockchip-rkbin-ddr_git.bb
index 193d0f00a6868f050a0ff4531278b3296d3eae94..17131b6d5a6b443409eacb5806e0613b292852d7 100644
--- a/recipes-bsp/rkbin/rockchip-rkbin-ddr_git.bb
+++ b/recipes-bsp/rkbin/rockchip-rkbin-ddr_git.bb
@@ -8,40 +8,41 @@  DDRBIN_FILE:rk3308 ?= "rk3308_ddr_589MHz_uart4_m0_${DDRBIN_VERS}.bin"
 DDRBIN_DEPLOY_FILENAME:rk3308 ?= "ddr-rk3308.bin"
 DDRBIN_TOOL_SOC:rk3308 ?= "rk3308"
-do_deploy:rk3308() {
-	# Prebuilt U-Boot TPL (DDR init)
 DDRBIN_DIR:rk3566 ?= "bin/rk35/"
 DDRBIN_VERS:rk3566 ?= "v1.23"
 DDRBIN_FILE:rk3566 ?= "rk3566_ddr_1056MHz_${DDRBIN_VERS}.bin"
 DDRBIN_DEPLOY_FILENAME:rk3566 ?= "ddr-rk3566.bin"
 DDRBIN_TOOL_SOC:rk3566 ?= "rk356x"
-do_deploy:rk3566() {
-	# Prebuilt U-Boot TPL (DDR init)
 DDRBIN_DIR:rk3568 ?= "bin/rk35/"
 DDRBIN_VERS:rk3568 ?= "v1.23"
 DDRBIN_FILE:rk3568 ?= "rk3568_ddr_1560MHz_${DDRBIN_VERS}.bin"
 DDRBIN_DEPLOY_FILENAME:rk3568 ?= "ddr-rk3568.bin"
 DDRBIN_TOOL_SOC:rk3568 ?= "rk356x"
-do_deploy:rk3568() {
-	# Prebuilt U-Boot TPL (DDR init)
 DDRBIN_DIR:rk3588s ?= "bin/rk35/"
 DDRBIN_VERS:rk3588s ?= "v1.18"
 DDRBIN_FILE:rk3588s ?= "rk3588_ddr_lp4_2112MHz_lp5_2400MHz_${DDRBIN_VERS}.bin"
 DDRBIN_DEPLOY_FILENAME:rk3588s ?= "ddr-rk3588.bin"
 DDRBIN_TOOL_SOC:rk3588s ?= "rk3588"
-do_deploy:rk3588s() {
+do_deploy() {
+	if [ -z "${DDRBIN_DIR}" ]; then
+		bbfatal "Non-empty DDRBIN_DIR:<MACHINE> required!"
+	fi
+	if [ -z "${DDRBIN_VERS}" ]; then
+		bbfatal "Non-empty DDRBIN_VERS:<MACHINE> required!"
+	fi
+	if [ -z "${DDRBIN_FILE}" ]; then
+		bbfatal "Non-empty DDRBIN_FILE:<MACHINE> required!"
+	fi
+	if [ -z "${DDRBIN_DEPLOY_FILENAME}" ]; then
+		bbfatal "Non-empty DDRBIN_DEPLOY_FILENAME:<MACHINE> required!"
+	fi
 	# Prebuilt U-Boot TPL (DDR init)