diff mbox series

[3/3] lzip: upgrade 1.24.1 -> 1.25

Message ID 20250204195125.76033-3-denis@denix.org
State Accepted, archived
Commit 4270e8a6f07b9323f125da6795073f9b2fb18dd7
Headers show
Series [1/3] wayland-protocols: upgrade 1.39 -> 1.40 | expand

Commit Message

Denys Dmytriyenko Feb. 4, 2025, 7:51 p.m. UTC
From: Denys Dmytriyenko <denys@konsulko.com>

Changes in version 1.25:

* lzip now exits with error status 2 if any empty member is found in a multimember file.
* lzip now exits with error status 2 if the first byte of the LZMA stream is not 0.
  * Options '--empty-error' and '--marking-error' have been removed.
* The chapter 'Syntax of command-line arguments' has been added to the manual.


Please note, that there was a minor change in the COPYING file, changing the hash:

* Physical FSF address was replaced with a link to http://fsf.org, license is the same

Signed-off-by: Denys Dmytriyenko <denys@konsulko.com>
 meta/recipes-extended/lzip/{lzip_1.24.1.bb => lzip_1.25.bb} | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 rename meta/recipes-extended/lzip/{lzip_1.24.1.bb => lzip_1.25.bb} (88%)


patchtest@automation.yoctoproject.org Feb. 4, 2025, 8:02 p.m. UTC | #1
Thank you for your submission. Patchtest identified one
or more issues with the patch. Please see the log below for
more information:

Testing patch /home/patchtest/share/mboxes/3-3-lzip-upgrade-1.24.1---1.25.patch

FAIL: test lic files chksum modified not mentioned: LIC_FILES_CHKSUM changed without "License-Update:" tag and description in commit message (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_lic_files_chksum_modified_not_mentioned)

PASS: pretest src uri left files (test_metadata.TestMetadata.pretest_src_uri_left_files)
PASS: test CVE check ignore (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_cve_check_ignore)
PASS: test Signed-off-by presence (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_signed_off_by_presence)
PASS: test author valid (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_author_valid)
PASS: test commit message presence (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_commit_message_presence)
PASS: test commit message user tags (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_commit_message_user_tags)
PASS: test max line length (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_max_line_length)
PASS: test mbox format (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_mbox_format)
PASS: test non-AUH upgrade (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_non_auh_upgrade)
PASS: test shortlog format (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_shortlog_format)
PASS: test shortlog length (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_shortlog_length)
PASS: test src uri left files (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_src_uri_left_files)
PASS: test target mailing list (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_target_mailing_list)

SKIP: pretest pylint: No python related patches, skipping test (test_python_pylint.PyLint.pretest_pylint)
SKIP: test CVE tag format: No new CVE patches introduced (test_patch.TestPatch.test_cve_tag_format)
SKIP: test Signed-off-by presence: No new CVE patches introduced (test_patch.TestPatch.test_signed_off_by_presence)
SKIP: test Upstream-Status presence: No new CVE patches introduced (test_patch.TestPatch.test_upstream_status_presence_format)
SKIP: test bugzilla entry format: No bug ID found (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_bugzilla_entry_format)
SKIP: test lic files chksum presence: No added recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_lic_files_chksum_presence)
SKIP: test license presence: No added recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_license_presence)
SKIP: test pylint: No python related patches, skipping test (test_python_pylint.PyLint.test_pylint)
SKIP: test series merge on head: Merge test is disabled for now (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_series_merge_on_head)
SKIP: test summary presence: No added recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_summary_presence)


Please address the issues identified and
submit a new revision of the patch, or alternatively, reply to this
email with an explanation of why the patch should be accepted. If you
believe these results are due to an error in patchtest, please submit a
bug at https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/ (use the 'Patchtest' category
under 'Yocto Project Subprojects'). For more information on specific
failures, see: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Patchtest. Thank
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/recipes-extended/lzip/lzip_1.24.1.bb b/meta/recipes-extended/lzip/lzip_1.25.bb
similarity index 88%
rename from meta/recipes-extended/lzip/lzip_1.24.1.bb
rename to meta/recipes-extended/lzip/lzip_1.25.bb
index 6eda012734..590e35cb75 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-extended/lzip/lzip_1.24.1.bb
+++ b/meta/recipes-extended/lzip/lzip_1.25.bb
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@  HOMEPAGE = "http://lzip.nongnu.org/lzip.html"
 DESCRIPTION = "Lzip is a lossless data compressor with a user interface similar to the one of gzip or bzip2. Lzip uses a simplified form of the Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm (LZMA) stream format, chosen to maximize safety and interoperability."
 SECTION = "console/utils"
 LICENSE = "GPL-2.0-or-later"
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=76d6e300ffd8fb9d18bd9b136a9bba13 \
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=cca7f74ec83b7a9ce7ccd195aad471bd \
                     file://decoder.cc;beginline=3;endline=16;md5=18c279060cd0be128188404b45837f88 \
 SRC_URI = "${SAVANNAH_GNU_MIRROR}/lzip/lzip-${PV}.tar.gz"
-SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "30c9cb6a0605f479c496c376eb629a48b0a1696d167e3c1e090c5defa481b162"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "09418a6d8fb83f5113f5bd856e09703df5d37bae0308c668d0f346e3d3f0a56f"
 B = "${WORKDIR}/build"
 do_configure[cleandirs] = "${B}"