diff mbox series

[2/3] lzlib: upgrade 1.14 -> 1.15

Message ID 20250204195125.76033-2-denis@denix.org
State Accepted, archived
Commit a7d90be90cbcd6d75d88b55a821395cd272ac757
Headers show
Series [1/3] wayland-protocols: upgrade 1.39 -> 1.40 | expand

Commit Message

Denys Dmytriyenko Feb. 4, 2025, 7:51 p.m. UTC
From: Denys Dmytriyenko <denys@konsulko.com>

Changes in version 1.15:

  * Lzlib now reports a nonzero first LZMA byte as a LZ_data_error.
* minilzip now exits with error status 2 if any empty member is found in a multimember file.
* LZ_Errno, LZ_Encoder, and LZ_Decoder are now declared in lzlib.h as typedef.
* The targets 'lib' and 'bin' have been added to Makefile.in. 'lib' is the new default and builds just the library. 'bin' builds both the library and minilzip.
  * minilzip is no longer built by default.
  * 'install-bin' installs minilzip and its man page again.
* To improve portability, the linker option '--soname' is now used conditionally. (Reported by Michael Sullivan).
  * The use of the target 'bin' has been documented in INSTALL.


Signed-off-by: Denys Dmytriyenko <denys@konsulko.com>
 meta/recipes-extended/lzip/{lzlib_1.14.bb => lzlib_1.15.bb} | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
 rename meta/recipes-extended/lzip/{lzlib_1.14.bb => lzlib_1.15.bb} (93%)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/recipes-extended/lzip/lzlib_1.14.bb b/meta/recipes-extended/lzip/lzlib_1.15.bb
similarity index 93%
rename from meta/recipes-extended/lzip/lzlib_1.14.bb
rename to meta/recipes-extended/lzip/lzlib_1.15.bb
index a6010bbf27..087b781873 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-extended/lzip/lzlib_1.14.bb
+++ b/meta/recipes-extended/lzip/lzlib_1.15.bb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@  LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=04d943636aa1482e0a97d924d9f4f68f \
 SRC_URI = "${SAVANNAH_GNU_MIRROR}/lzip/lzlib/lzlib-${PV}.tar.gz"
-SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "5acac8714ed4f306020bae660dddce706e5f8a795863679037da9fe6bf4dcf6f"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "4afab907a46d5a7d14e927a1080c3f4d7e3ca5a0f9aea81747d8fed0292377ff"
 B = "${WORKDIR}/build"
 do_configure[cleandirs] = "${B}"