Show patches with: State = Action Required       |    Archived = No       |   10077 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[AUH] mmc-utils: upgrading to 2aef4cd9a84ddc76349fc0d7e10d675e7fa596fa SUCCEEDED [AUH] mmc-utils: upgrading to 2aef4cd9a84ddc76349fc0d7e10d675e7fa596fa SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] llvm: upgrading to 20.1.0 SUCCEEDED [AUH] llvm: upgrading to 20.1.0 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 Under Review
[AUH] pkgconf: upgrading to 2.4.3 SUCCEEDED [AUH] pkgconf: upgrading to 2.4.3 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] git: upgrading to 2.49.0 SUCCEEDED [AUH] git: upgrading to 2.49.0 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] ccache: upgrading to 4.11 SUCCEEDED [AUH] ccache: upgrading to 4.11 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] fastfloat: upgrading to 8.0.2 SUCCEEDED [AUH] fastfloat: upgrading to 8.0.2 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] dpkg: upgrading to 1.22.18 FAILED [AUH] dpkg: upgrading to 1.22.18 FAILED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] dnf: upgrading to 4.23.0 SUCCEEDED [AUH] dnf: upgrading to 4.23.0 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] ttyrun: upgrading to 2.37.0 SUCCEEDED [AUH] ttyrun: upgrading to 2.37.0 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] dhcpcd: upgrading to 10.2.2 SUCCEEDED [AUH] dhcpcd: upgrading to 10.2.2 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] ell: upgrading to 0.74 SUCCEEDED [AUH] ell: upgrading to 0.74 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] sysvinit: upgrading to 3.14 SUCCEEDED [AUH] sysvinit: upgrading to 3.14 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] dropbear: upgrading to 2025.87 FAILED [AUH] dropbear: upgrading to 2025.87 FAILED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] dbus-glib: upgrading to 0.114 SUCCEEDED [AUH] dbus-glib: upgrading to 0.114 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] ofono: upgrading to 2.15 SUCCEEDED [AUH] ofono: upgrading to 2.15 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] expat: upgrading to 2.7.0 SUCCEEDED [AUH] expat: upgrading to 2.7.0 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] systemd-systemctl-native,systemd-boot-native,systemd-boot,systemd: upgrading to 257.4,257.4,2… [AUH] systemd-systemctl-native,systemd-boot-native,systemd-boot,systemd: upgrading to 257.4,257.4,2… - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] xinit,xauth: upgrading to 1.4.4,1.1.4 SUCCEEDED [AUH] xinit,xauth: upgrading to 1.4.4,1.1.4 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] libx11,libsm,xtrans: upgrading to 1.8.12,1.2.6,1.6.0 SUCCEEDED [AUH] libx11,libsm,xtrans: upgrading to 1.8.12,1.2.6,1.6.0 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] python3-cryptography,python3-cryptography-vectors: upgrading to 44.0.2,44.0.2 SUCCEEDED [AUH] python3-cryptography,python3-cryptography-vectors: upgrading to 44.0.2,44.0.2 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] cmake-native,cmake: upgrading to 3.31.6,3.31.6 SUCCEEDED [AUH] cmake-native,cmake: upgrading to 3.31.6,3.31.6 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
[AUH] glib-2.0,glib-2.0-initial: upgrading to 2.84.0,2.84.0 SUCCEEDED [AUH] glib-2.0,glib-2.0-initial: upgrading to 2.84.0,2.84.0 SUCCEEDED - - - --- 2025-03-15 New
gtk4: update 4.16.2 -> 4.18.1 gtk4: update 4.16.2 -> 4.18.1 - - - --- 2025-03-15 Markus Volk New
[v6,1/1] babeltrace2: upgrade 2.0.6 -> 2.1.0 babeltrace2: upgrade 2.0.6 -> 2.1.0 - - - --- 2025-03-14 Bin Lan New
rpm: fix redudant slash remove and add extra cmake flag rpm: fix redudant slash remove and add extra cmake flag - - - --- 2025-03-14 Artemiy Romanov New
[v2,1/6] systemd: use serial-getty-generator on genericarm64 systemd based initrd and modular kernel support - - - --- 2025-03-14 Mikko Rapeli New
[6/6] oeqa selftest add aarch64/arm test with systemd based initrd systemd based initrd and modular kernel support - - - --- 2025-03-14 Mikko Rapeli New
[5/6] core-image-initramfs-boot: add option to build systemd based initrd systemd based initrd and modular kernel support - - - --- 2025-03-14 Mikko Rapeli New
[4/6] kernel.bbclass: add kernel-initrd-modules meta package systemd based initrd and modular kernel support - - - --- 2025-03-14 Mikko Rapeli New
[3/6] uki.bbclass: drop serial console from kernel command line systemd based initrd and modular kernel support - - - --- 2025-03-14 Mikko Rapeli New
[2/6] systemd: enable efi support if in MACHINE_FEATURES too systemd based initrd and modular kernel support - - - --- 2025-03-14 Mikko Rapeli New
[v6,1/1] scripts: Add clean-hashserver-database script [v6,1/1] scripts: Add clean-hashserver-database script - - - --- 2025-03-14 Alexandre Marques New
[v5,1/1] scripts: Add clean-hashserver-database script [v5,1/1] scripts: Add clean-hashserver-database script - - - --- 2025-03-14 Alexandre Marques New
ppp: remove erroneous generated header from the source tree ppp: remove erroneous generated header from the source tree - - - --- 2025-03-14 Alexander Kanavin New
[scarthgap,2/2] Fix buildpaths error for pthread.h [scarthgap,1/2] gcc: remove paths to sysroot from configargs.h and checksum-options for gcc-cross-c… - - - --- 2025-03-14 Sana Kazi sakoman Under Review
[scarthgap,1/2] gcc: remove paths to sysroot from configargs.h and checksum-options for gcc-cross-c… [scarthgap,1/2] gcc: remove paths to sysroot from configargs.h and checksum-options for gcc-cross-c… - - - --- 2025-03-14 Sana Kazi sakoman Under Review
[scarthgap] mpg123: upgrade 1.32.6 -> 1.32.10 [scarthgap] mpg123: upgrade 1.32.6 -> 1.32.10 - - - --- 2025-03-14 Peng Zhang sakoman Under Review
[RFC,3/3] default-providers: set virtual-emptty-conf Display manager proposal for x11 and wayland - - - --- 2025-03-14 Randolph Sapp New
[RFC,2/3] weston-init: convert to virtual-emptty-conf Display manager proposal for x11 and wayland - - - --- 2025-03-14 Randolph Sapp New
[RFC,1/3] emptty: add version 0.13.0 Display manager proposal for x11 and wayland - - - --- 2025-03-14 Randolph Sapp New
bzip2: add link for compat bzip2: add link for compat - - - --- 2025-03-14 Randolph Sapp New
Revert "gettext: fix a parallel build issue" Revert "gettext: fix a parallel build issue" - - - --- 2025-03-14 Randolph Sapp New
[v2] oe-selftest: fitimage add more u-boot tests [v2] oe-selftest: fitimage add more u-boot tests - - - --- 2025-03-13 Adrian Freihofer New
waf-samba: using python variable from python3native.bbclass waf-samba: using python variable from python3native.bbclass - - - --- 2025-03-13 Dmitry Makhnin New
[kirkstone] mpg123: fix CVE-2024-10573 [kirkstone] mpg123: fix CVE-2024-10573 - - - --- 2025-03-13 Peng Zhang sakoman Under Review
[v4,1/1] scripts: Add clean-hashserver-database script [v4,1/1] scripts: Add clean-hashserver-database script - - - --- 2025-03-13 Alexandre Marques New
[kirkstone] ruby: Fix CVE-2025-27219 [kirkstone] ruby: Fix CVE-2025-27219 - - - --- 2025-03-13 Ashish Sharma sakoman Under Review
lib/oe/qa: raise error on objdump failure lib/oe/qa: raise error on objdump failure - - - --- 2025-03-13 Thomas Perrot New
rpm: fix redudant slash remove and add lacking dependency rpm: fix redudant slash remove and add lacking dependency - - - --- 2025-03-13 Artemiy Romanov New
[kirkstone] grub: fix Multiple CVEs [kirkstone] grub: fix Multiple CVEs - - - --- 2025-03-13 Hitendra Prajapati sakoman Under Review
[kirkstone] grub: Fix multiple CVEs [kirkstone] grub: Fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2025-03-13 Hitendra Prajapati sakoman Under Review
[RFC,gnome48,PATCHv2,4/4] vte: update 0.78.2 -> 0.79.91 [RFC,gnome48,PATCHv2,1/4] gtk4: update 4.16.2 -> 4.17.6 - - - --- 2025-03-13 Markus Volk New
[RFC,gnome48,PATCHv2,3/4] gsettings-desktop-schemas: update 47.1 -> 48.rc [RFC,gnome48,PATCHv2,1/4] gtk4: update 4.16.2 -> 4.17.6 - - - --- 2025-03-13 Markus Volk New
[RFC,gnome48,PATCHv2,2/4] libadwaita: update 1.6.4 -> 1.7.rc [RFC,gnome48,PATCHv2,1/4] gtk4: update 4.16.2 -> 4.17.6 - - - --- 2025-03-13 Markus Volk New
[RFC,gnome48,PATCHv2,1/4] gtk4: update 4.16.2 -> 4.17.6 [RFC,gnome48,PATCHv2,1/4] gtk4: update 4.16.2 -> 4.17.6 - - - --- 2025-03-13 Markus Volk New
[kirkstone] grub: Fix multiple CVEs [kirkstone] grub: Fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2025-03-13 Hitendra Prajapati sakoman Under Review
[RFC,gnome48,4/4] vte: update 0.78.2 -> 0.79.91 [RFC,gnome48,1/4] gtk4: update 4.16.2 -> 4.17.6 - - - --- 2025-03-13 Markus Volk New
[RFC,gnome48,3/4] gsettings-desktop-schemas: update 47.1 -> 48.rc [RFC,gnome48,1/4] gtk4: update 4.16.2 -> 4.17.6 - - - --- 2025-03-13 Markus Volk New
[RFC,gnome48,2/4] libadwaita: update 1.6.4 -> 1.7.rc [RFC,gnome48,1/4] gtk4: update 4.16.2 -> 4.17.6 - - - --- 2025-03-13 Markus Volk New
[RFC,gnome48,1/4] gtk4: update 4.16.2 -> 4.17.6 [RFC,gnome48,1/4] gtk4: update 4.16.2 -> 4.17.6 - - - --- 2025-03-13 Markus Volk New
systemd: check SERIAL_CONSOLES for serial-getty-generator PACKAGECONFIG systemd: check SERIAL_CONSOLES for serial-getty-generator PACKAGECONFIG - - - --- 2025-03-13 ChenQi New
[v5,1/1] babeltrace2: upgrade 2.0.6 -> 2.1.0 babeltrace2: upgrade 2.0.6 -> 2.1.0 - - - --- 2025-03-13 Bin Lan New
[scarthgap] libarchive: patch CVE-2025-1632 and CVE-2025-25724 [scarthgap] libarchive: patch CVE-2025-1632 and CVE-2025-25724 - - - --- 2025-03-12 Peter Marko sakoman Under Review
[kirkstone] libarchive: patch CVE-2025-25724 [kirkstone] libarchive: patch CVE-2025-25724 - - - --- 2025-03-12 Peter Marko sakoman Under Review
[styhead,2/2] openssh: patch CVE-2025-26465 [styhead,1/2] openssh: patch CVE-2025-26466 - - - --- 2025-03-12 Peter Marko sakoman Under Review
[styhead,1/2] openssh: patch CVE-2025-26466 [styhead,1/2] openssh: patch CVE-2025-26466 - - - --- 2025-03-12 Peter Marko sakoman Under Review
oe-selftest: fitimage add more u-boot tests oe-selftest: fitimage add more u-boot tests - - - --- 2025-03-12 Adrian Freihofer New
[v3,1/1] scripts: Add clean-hashserver-database script [v3,1/1] scripts: Add clean-hashserver-database script - - - --- 2025-03-12 Alexandre Marques New
linux-firmware: upgrade 20250211 -> 20250311 linux-firmware: upgrade 20250211 -> 20250311 - - - --- 2025-03-12 Vivek Puar New
go; upgrade 1.24.0 -> 1.24.1 go; upgrade 1.24.0 -> 1.24.1 - - - --- 2025-03-11 Peter Marko New
[v2] scripts: Add clean-hashserver-database script [v2] scripts: Add clean-hashserver-database script - - - --- 2025-03-11 Alexandre Marques New
[2/2] tcmode-default: eliminate needless binutils defaults [1/2] tcmode-default: eliminate needless rust, cargo defaults - - - --- 2025-03-11 Randy MacLeod New
[1/2] tcmode-default: eliminate needless rust, cargo defaults [1/2] tcmode-default: eliminate needless rust, cargo defaults - - - --- 2025-03-11 Randy MacLeod New
[v4] dhcpcd: upgrade 10.1.0 -> 10.2.2 [v4] dhcpcd: upgrade 10.1.0 -> 10.2.2 - - - --- 2025-03-11 Balaji Pothunoori New
[v3] dhcpcd: upgrade 10.1.0 -> 10.2.2 [v3] dhcpcd: upgrade 10.1.0 -> 10.2.2 - - - --- 2025-03-11 Balaji Pothunoori New
[kirkstone,1/1] vim: Upgrade 9.1.1043 -> 9.1.1115 [kirkstone,1/1] vim: Upgrade 9.1.1043 -> 9.1.1115 - - - --- 2025-03-11 dchellam sakoman Under Review
[2/2] scripts/install-buildtools: write download URLs to files for traceability [1/2] scripts/install-buildtools: add an option to preserve downloads - - - --- 2025-03-11 Alexander Kanavin New
[1/2] scripts/install-buildtools: add an option to preserve downloads [1/2] scripts/install-buildtools: add an option to preserve downloads - - - --- 2025-03-11 Alexander Kanavin New
[2/2] man-pages: 6.11 -> 6.13 [1/2] gnupg: 2.5.4 -> 2.5.5 - - - --- 2025-03-11 Hongxu Jia New
[1/1] scripts: Add clean-hashserver-database script Add new script to clean hash equivalence db - - - --- 2025-03-10 Alexandre Marques New
oe-init-build-env: define umask oe-init-build-env: define umask - - - --- 2025-03-10 Adrian Freihofer New
docbook-xml-dtd4: correct license name docbook-xml-dtd4: correct license name - - - --- 2025-03-10 Hongxu Jia New
[v4,1/1] babeltrace2: upgrade 2.0.6 -> 2.1.0 babeltrace2: upgrade 2.0.6 -> 2.1.0 - - - --- 2025-03-10 Bin Lan New
[kirkstone] puzzles: ignore three new CVEs for a different puzzles [kirkstone] puzzles: ignore three new CVEs for a different puzzles - - - --- 2025-03-07 Peter Marko sakoman Under Review
[PATCHv2] glib-2.0: update 2.82.4 -> 2.84.0 [PATCHv2] glib-2.0: update 2.82.4 -> 2.84.0 - - - --- 2025-03-07 Markus Volk New
lib: spdx30_tasks: Use Fetch.expanded_urldata() lib: spdx30_tasks: Use Fetch.expanded_urldata() - - - --- 2025-03-07 Joshua Watt New
glib-2.0: update 2.82.4 -> 2.84.0 glib-2.0: update 2.82.4 -> 2.84.0 - - - --- 2025-03-07 Markus Volk New
Use LoongArch as host for LLVM architecture Use LoongArch as host for LLVM architecture - - - --- 2025-03-07 Xiaotian Wu New
[v2] ovmf: Add OVMF_BUILD_TYPE to support debug builds [v2] ovmf: Add OVMF_BUILD_TYPE to support debug builds - - - --- 2025-03-07 Pavel Zhukov New
ovmf: Add OVMF_BUILD_TYPE to support debug builds ovmf: Add OVMF_BUILD_TYPE to support debug builds - - - --- 2025-03-07 Pavel Zhukov New
minizip: Add new recipe minizip: Add new recipe - - - --- 2025-03-07 New
kernel-arch: use file-prefix-map in KERNEL_CC kernel-arch: use file-prefix-map in KERNEL_CC - - - --- 2025-03-06 Stefan Müller-Klieser New
classes/kernel: add QA to check required or forbidden kernel configs classes/kernel: add QA to check required or forbidden kernel configs - - - --- 2025-03-06 Louis Rannou New
[v2] dhcpcd: upgrade 10.1.0 -> 10.2.2 [v2] dhcpcd: upgrade 10.1.0 -> 10.2.2 - 1 - --- 2025-03-06 Balaji Pothunoori New
dhcpcd: upgrade 10.1.0 -> 10.2.2 dhcpcd: upgrade 10.1.0 -> 10.2.2 - - - --- 2025-03-06 Balaji Pothunoori New
[v3] babeltrace2: upgrade 2.0.6 -> 2.1.0 [v3] babeltrace2: upgrade 2.0.6 -> 2.1.0 - - - --- 2025-03-06 Bin Lan New
[meta-oe] libmodbus: upgrade 3.1.10 -> 3.1.11 [meta-oe] libmodbus: upgrade 3.1.10 -> 3.1.11 - - - --- 2025-03-05 Peter Marko New
libsdl2: update 2.30.12 -> 2.32.2 libsdl2: update 2.30.12 -> 2.32.2 - - - --- 2025-03-05 Markus Volk New
[v2] python3: Remove DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP completely from sysconfigdata [v2] python3: Remove DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP completely from sysconfigdata - - - --- 2025-03-05 Jorge Sanjuan Garcia New
[v2] babeltrace2: upgrade 2.0.6 -> 2.1.0 [v2] babeltrace2: upgrade 2.0.6 -> 2.1.0 - - - --- 2025-03-05 Bin Lan New
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