Show patches with: State = Action Required       |   11711 patches
« 1 2 ... 86 87 88117 118 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[langdale,25/27] staging: Separate out different multiconfig manifests [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,24/27] linux: inherit pkgconfig in kernel.bbclass [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,23/27] oeqa/sdk: Improve Meson test [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,22/27] meson: Fix wrapper handling of implicit setup command [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,21/27] rpm: Fix hdr_hash function prototype [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,20/27] libcomps: Fix callback function prototype for PyCOMPS_hash [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,19/27] mesa-demos: packageconfig weston should have a dependency on wayland-protocols [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,18/27] vim: add missing pkgconfig inherit [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,17/27] systemd: add group sgx to udev package [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,16/27] ffmpeg: fix build failure when vulkan is enabled [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,15/27] oeqa/selftest/prservice: Improve debug output for failure [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,14/27] u-boot: Map arm64 into map for u-boot dts installation [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,13/27] devtool: ignore patch-fuzz errors when extracting source [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,12/27] binutils: Fix nativesdk search [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,11/27] libmicrohttpd: upgrade 0.9.75 -> 0.9.76 [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,10/27] iso-codes: upgrade 4.12.0 -> 4.13.0 [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,09/27] linux-yocto-rt/5.15: update to -rt59 [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,08/27] linux-yocto/5.15: update to v5.15.96 [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,07/27] linux-yocto/5.15: update to v5.15.94 [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,06/27] cve-extra-exclusions: ignore inapplicable linux-yocto CVEs [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - 1 - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,05/27] shadow: ignore CVE-2016-15024 [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,04/27] epiphany: Security fix for CVE-2023-26081 [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,03/27] qemu: Fix CVE-2022-4144 [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,02/27] libxml2: Fix CVE-2022-40303 && CVE-2022-40304 [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs [langdale,01/27] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-09 Steve Sakoman New
[RFC,6/6] webkitgtk: update 2.38.5 -> 2.39.91 [RFC,1/6] glib: update 2.74.6 -> 2.75.4 - - - --- 2023-03-09 Markus Volk New
[RFC,5/6] epiphany: update 43.1 -> 44.rc [RFC,1/6] glib: update 2.74.6 -> 2.75.4 - - - --- 2023-03-09 Markus Volk New
[RFC,4/6] adwaita-icon-theme: update 43 -> 44.beta [RFC,1/6] glib: update 2.74.6 -> 2.75.4 - - - --- 2023-03-09 Markus Volk New
[RFC,3/6] gsettings-desktop-schemas: update 43.0 -> 44.beta [RFC,1/6] glib: update 2.74.6 -> 2.75.4 - - - --- 2023-03-09 Markus Volk New
[RFC,2/6] glib-networking: update 2.74.0 -> 2.76.beta [RFC,1/6] glib: update 2.74.6 -> 2.75.4 - - - --- 2023-03-09 Markus Volk New
[RFC,1/6] glib: update 2.74.6 -> 2.75.4 [RFC,1/6] glib: update 2.74.6 -> 2.75.4 - - - --- 2023-03-09 Markus Volk New
[14/26] libgit2: update 1.5.1 -> 1.6.2 [01/26] devtool/upgrade: do not delete the workspace/recipes directory - - - --- 2023-03-09 Alexander Kanavin New
[13/26] ffmpeg: update 5.1.2 -> 6.0 [01/26] devtool/upgrade: do not delete the workspace/recipes directory - - - --- 2023-03-09 Alexander Kanavin New
staging.bbclass: run prepare_recipe_sysroot after unpack, not fetch staging.bbclass: run prepare_recipe_sysroot after unpack, not fetch - - - --- 2023-03-09 Alexander Kanavin New
[RFC,5/5] llvm: allow building libllvm in native builds, subject to PACKAGECONFIG [RFC,1/5] runqemu: direct mesa to use its own drivers, rather than ones provided by host distro - - - --- 2023-03-08 Alexander Kanavin New
[RFC,4/5] mesa: enable a rich set of drivers for native builds [RFC,1/5] runqemu: direct mesa to use its own drivers, rather than ones provided by host distro - - - --- 2023-03-08 Alexander Kanavin New
[RFC,3/5] mesa: allow mesa-native/nativesdk only subject to opengl/vulkan DISTRO_FEATURE [RFC,1/5] runqemu: direct mesa to use its own drivers, rather than ones provided by host distro - - - --- 2023-03-08 Alexander Kanavin New
[RFC,2/5] bitbake.conf: do not set native opengl distro feature from target [RFC,1/5] runqemu: direct mesa to use its own drivers, rather than ones provided by host distro - - - --- 2023-03-08 Alexander Kanavin New
[RFC,1/5] runqemu: direct mesa to use its own drivers, rather than ones provided by host distro [RFC,1/5] runqemu: direct mesa to use its own drivers, rather than ones provided by host distro - - - --- 2023-03-08 Alexander Kanavin New
[kirkstone,1/1] libmicrohttpd: upgrade 0.9.75 -> 0.9.76 [kirkstone,1/1] libmicrohttpd: upgrade 0.9.75 -> 0.9.76 - - - --- 2023-03-08 nmali New
meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/wic: Add tests for configuring kernel image install into boot partitio… meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/wic: Add tests for configuring kernel image install into boot partitio… - - - --- 2023-03-08 Kareem Zarka New
wic/plugins/source/bootimg-efi: Configure installation of kernel image into boot partition. wic/plugins/source/bootimg-efi: Configure installation of kernel image into boot partition. - - - --- 2023-03-08 Kareem Zarka New
[dunfell] gnutls: fix CVE-2023-0361 timing side-channel in the TLS RSA key exchange code [dunfell] gnutls: fix CVE-2023-0361 timing side-channel in the TLS RSA key exchange code - - - --- 2023-03-08 Vivek Kumbhar New
[V2,5/5] bash: Fix install conflict when enable multilib. [V2,1/5] dhcpcd: Fix install conflict when enable multilib. - - - --- 2023-03-08 Mingyu Wang (Fujitsu) New
[V2,4/5] xcb-proto: Fix install conflict when enable multilib. [V2,1/5] dhcpcd: Fix install conflict when enable multilib. - - - --- 2023-03-08 Mingyu Wang (Fujitsu) New
[kirkstone] gnutls: fix CVE-2023-0361 timing side-channel in the TLS RSA key exchange code [kirkstone] gnutls: fix CVE-2023-0361 timing side-channel in the TLS RSA key exchange code - - - --- 2023-03-07 Vivek Kumbhar New
[kirkstone] glibc: Security fix for CVE-2023-0687 [kirkstone] glibc: Security fix for CVE-2023-0687 - - - --- 2023-03-07 Shubham Kulkarni New
[langdale] epiphany: Security fix for CVE-2023-26081 [langdale] epiphany: Security fix for CVE-2023-26081 - - - --- 2023-03-06 Siddharth Doshi New
[kirkstone] epiphany: Security fix for CVE-2023-26081 [kirkstone] epiphany: Security fix for CVE-2023-26081 - - - --- 2023-03-06 Siddharth Doshi New
[kirkstone] python3-setuptools-rust-native: Add direct dependency of native python3 modules [kirkstone] python3-setuptools-rust-native: Add direct dependency of native python3 modules - - - --- 2023-03-06 Poonam Jadhav New
[meta,dunfell] tar: CVE-2022-48303 [meta,dunfell] tar: CVE-2022-48303 - - - --- 2023-03-06 Riyaz Khan New
[v3,3/3] mesa: Add PACKAGECONFIG "rusticl" Mesa 23.0.0 - - - --- 2023-03-06 Zoltán Böszörményi New
[v3,2/3] mesa: Rename PACKAGECONFIG "opencl" to "clover" Mesa 23.0.0 - - - --- 2023-03-06 Zoltán Böszörményi New
[v3,1/3] mesa, mesa-gl: 23.0.0 Mesa 23.0.0 1 - - --- 2023-03-06 Zoltán Böszörményi New
[kirkstone,29/29] nghttp2: never build python bindings [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,28/29] runqemu: kill qemu if it hangs [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,27/29] oeqa fix hangs in run() [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,26/29] libseccomp: fix for the ptest result format [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,25/29] kernel-yocto: fix kernel-meta data detection [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,24/29] lib/buildstats: handle tasks that never finished [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,23/29] oeqa/selftest/resulttooltests: fix minor typo [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,22/29] libssh2: Clean up ptest patch/coverage [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,21/29] lttng-modules: fix for kernel 6.2+ [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,20/29] dhcpcd: fix dhcpcd start failure on qemuppc64 [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,19/29] sstatesig: Improve output hash calculation [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,18/29] busybox: Fix depmod patch [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,17/29] wic: Fix usage of fstype=none in wic [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,16/29] curl: fix dependencies when building with ldap/ldaps [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,15/29] wireless-regdb: upgrade 2022.08.12 -> 2023.02.13 [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,14/29] linux-firmware: upgrade 20230117 -> 20230210 [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,13/29] linux-firmware: add yamato fw files to qcom-adreno-a2xx package [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,12/29] linux-firmware: properly set license for all Qualcomm firmware [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,11/29] openssl: Upgrade 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,10/29] dbus: upgrade 1.14.4 -> 1.14.6 [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,09/29] xwayland: upgrade 22.1.7 -> 22.1.8 [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,08/29] libjpeg-turbo: upgrade 2.1.5 -> [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,07/29] vim: update 9.0.1211 -> 9.0.1293 to resolve open CVEs [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,06/29] xserver-xorg: 21.1.6 -> 21.1.7 [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,05/29] package.bbclase: Add check for /build in copydebugsources() [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,04/29] less: backport the fix for CVE-2022-46663 [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,03/29] libsdl2: fix CVE-2022-4743 [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,02/29] harfbuzz: fix CVE-2023-25193 allows attackers to trigger O(n^2) growth via consec… [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 [kirkstone,01/29] binutils : Fix CVE-2023-22608 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Steve Sakoman New
[dunfell,V2] openssl: upgrade 1.1.1s to 1.1.1t [dunfell,V2] openssl: upgrade 1.1.1s to 1.1.1t - - - --- 2023-03-03 Hugo Simeliere New
[dunfell,V2] bluez5: Exclude CVE-2022-39177 from cve-check [dunfell,V2] bluez5: Exclude CVE-2022-39177 from cve-check - - - --- 2023-03-03 Hugo Simeliere New
image_types: fix vname var init in multiubi_mkfs() function image_types: fix vname var init in multiubi_mkfs() function - - - --- 2023-03-03 Romuald JEANNE New
[dunfell] git: Security fix for CVE-2022-41903 [dunfell] git: Security fix for CVE-2022-41903 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Vijay Anusuri New
[oe,1/1] Fix Bug 11766 - "nobody" group added by systemd sysusers.d [oe,1/1] Fix Bug 11766 - "nobody" group added by systemd sysusers.d - - - --- 2023-03-03 New allow overwrite of QB_CPU To test nested kvm with qemu QB_CPU* needs to be modifi… allow overwrite of QB_CPU To test nested kvm with qemu QB_CPU* needs to be modifi… - - - --- 2023-03-03 Roos, Thomas New
[v2,1/1] oeqa/utils/qemurunner: change the serial runner Change the serial runner usage - - - --- 2023-03-03 Louis Rannou New
[meta,kirkstone,2/2] curl: Add fix for CVE-2023-23916 [meta,kirkstone,1/2] curl: Add fix for CVE-2023-23914, CVE-2023-23915 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Pawan Badganchi New
[meta,kirkstone,1/2] curl: Add fix for CVE-2023-23914, CVE-2023-23915 [meta,kirkstone,1/2] curl: Add fix for CVE-2023-23914, CVE-2023-23915 - - - --- 2023-03-03 Pawan Badganchi New
libgit2: update license information libgit2: update license information - - - --- 2023-03-02 Sudip Mukherjee New
[kirkstone,v2] rpm: fix CVE-2021-35938 races with chown/chmod/capabilities calls during installation [kirkstone,v2] rpm: fix CVE-2021-35938 races with chown/chmod/capabilities calls during installation - - - --- 2023-03-02 Vivek Kumbhar New
[langdale,3/3] qemu: Fix CVE-2022-4144 [langdale,1/3] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-02 Lee, Chee Yang New
[langdale,2/3] libxml2: Fix CVE-2022-40303 && CVE-2022-40304 [langdale,1/3] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-02 Lee, Chee Yang New
[langdale,1/3] tiff: fix multiple CVEs [langdale,1/3] tiff: fix multiple CVEs - - - --- 2023-03-02 Lee, Chee Yang New
btrfs-tools: upgrade 6.1.3 -> 6.2 btrfs-tools: upgrade 6.1.3 -> 6.2 - - - --- 2023-03-02 Mingyu Wang (Fujitsu) New
bootimg-efi: Use the custom .dtb file's path as its final location bootimg-efi: Use the custom .dtb file's path as its final location - - - --- 2023-03-01 Tomás González New
[dunfell] gcc: Fix inconsistent noexcept specifier for valarray in libstdc++ [dunfell] gcc: Fix inconsistent noexcept specifier for valarray in libstdc++ - - - --- 2023-03-01 Bhabu Bindu New
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