@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ SRC_URI = "${GNOME_MIRROR}/${GNOMEBN}/${@oe.utils.trim_version("${PV}", 1)}/${GN
file://0002-help-meson.build-disable-the-use-of-yelp.patch \
file://migrator.patch \
file://distributor.patch \
+ file://CVE-2023-26081.patch \
SRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = "370938ad2920eeb28bc2435944776b7ba55a0e2ede65836f79818cfb7e8f0860"
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+From 53363c3c8178bf9193dad9fa3516f4e10cff0ffd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2023 13:07:15 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] Don't autofill passwords in sandboxed contexts
+If using the sandbox CSP or iframe tag, the web content is supposed to
+be not trusted by the main resource origin. Therefore, we'd better
+disable the password manager entirely so the untrusted web content
+cannot exfiltrate passwords.
+Part-of: <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/epiphany/-/merge_requests/1275>
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+CVE: CVE-2023-26081
+Signed-off-by: Siddharth Doshi <sdoshi@mvista.com>
+ .../resources/js/ephy.js | 26 +++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/embed/web-process-extension/resources/js/ephy.js b/embed/web-process-extension/resources/js/ephy.js
+index 38b806f..44d1792 100644
+--- a/embed/web-process-extension/resources/js/ephy.js
++++ b/embed/web-process-extension/resources/js/ephy.js
+@@ -352,6 +352,12 @@ Ephy.hasModifiedForms = function()
+ }
+ };
++Ephy.isSandboxedWebContent = function()
++ // https://github.com/google/security-research/security/advisories/GHSA-mhhf-w9xw-pp9x
++ return self.origin === null || self.origin === 'null';
+ Ephy.PasswordManager = class PasswordManager
+ {
+ constructor(pageID, frameID)
+@@ -385,6 +391,11 @@ Ephy.PasswordManager = class PasswordManager
+ query(origin, targetOrigin, username, usernameField, passwordField)
+ {
++ if (Ephy.isSandboxedWebContent()) {
++ Ephy.log(`Not querying passwords for origin=${origin} because web content is sandboxed`);
++ return Promise.resolve(null);
++ }
+ Ephy.log(`Querying passwords for origin=${origin}, targetOrigin=${targetOrigin}, username=${username}, usernameField=${usernameField}, passwordField=${passwordField}`);
+ return new Promise((resolver, reject) => {
+@@ -396,6 +407,11 @@ Ephy.PasswordManager = class PasswordManager
+ save(origin, targetOrigin, username, password, usernameField, passwordField, isNew)
+ {
++ if (Ephy.isSandboxedWebContent()) {
++ Ephy.log(`Not saving password for origin=${origin} because web content is sandboxed`);
++ return;
++ }
+ Ephy.log(`Saving password for origin=${origin}, targetOrigin=${targetOrigin}, username=${username}, usernameField=${usernameField}, passwordField=${passwordField}, isNew=${isNew}`);
+ window.webkit.messageHandlers.passwordManagerSave.postMessage({
+@@ -407,6 +423,11 @@ Ephy.PasswordManager = class PasswordManager
+ // FIXME: Why is pageID a parameter here?
+ requestSave(origin, targetOrigin, username, password, usernameField, passwordField, isNew, pageID)
+ {
++ if (Ephy.isSandboxedWebContent()) {
++ Ephy.log(`Not requesting to save password for origin=${origin} because web content is sandboxed`);
++ return;
++ }
+ Ephy.log(`Requesting to save password for origin=${origin}, targetOrigin=${targetOrigin}, username=${username}, usernameField=${usernameField}, passwordField=${passwordField}, isNew=${isNew}`);
+ window.webkit.messageHandlers.passwordManagerRequestSave.postMessage({
+@@ -426,6 +447,11 @@ Ephy.PasswordManager = class PasswordManager
+ queryUsernames(origin)
+ {
++ if (Ephy.isSandboxedWebContent()) {
++ Ephy.log(`Not querying usernames for origin=${origin} because web content is sandboxed`);
++ return Promise.resolve(null);
++ }
+ Ephy.log(`Requesting usernames for origin=${origin}`);
+ return new Promise((resolver, reject) => {