
[scarthgap,2.8,0/4] Patch review

Message ID cover.1741206585.git.steve@sakoman.com
State Not Applicable, archived
Headers show


https://git.openembedded.org/bitbake-contrib stable/2.8-nut


Steve Sakoman March 5, 2025, 10:09 p.m. UTC
Please review this set of changes for 2.8/scarthgap and have comments back
by end of day Friday, March 7

Passed a-full on autobuilder:


The following changes since commit 4e443aeab9096b41c9e5ba41cd21027ecaa20285:

  bitbake-diffsigs: fix handling when finding only a single sigfile (2025-03-05 14:24:43 +0000)

are available in the Git repository at:

  https://git.openembedded.org/bitbake-contrib stable/2.8-nut

Richard Purdie (4):
  utils: Print information about lock issue before exiting
  utils: Tweak lock_timeout logic
  utils: Add signal blocking for lock_timeout
  event/utils: Avoid deadlock from lock_timeout() and recursive events

 lib/bb/event.py | 10 +++++++++-
 lib/bb/utils.py | 20 +++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)