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[v4,1/1] hashserv: Add `gc-mark-stream` command for batch hash marking

Message ID 20250312112204.778528-1-c137.marques@gmail.com
State New
Headers show
Series [v4,1/1] hashserv: Add `gc-mark-stream` command for batch hash marking | expand

Commit Message

Alexandre Marques March 12, 2025, 11:22 a.m. UTC
From: Alexandre Marques <c137.marques@gmail.com>

Implements the `gc-mark-stream` command to allow for marking equivalence entries
in batch, by  making use of stream mode communication to the server.

The aim of this is to improve efficiency by reducing the impact of latency when
marking a high volume of hash entries.

Example usage of the new `gc-mark-stream` command:

$ cat << HASHES | \
./bin/bitbake-hashclient --address "ws://localhost:8688/ws" gc-mark-stream "alive"
unihash f37918cc02eb5a520b1aff86faacbc0a38124646
unihash af36b199320e611fbb16f1f277d3ee1d619ca58b
taskhash a1117c1f5a7c9ab2f5a39cc6fe5e6152169d09c0 method oe.sstatesig.OEOuthashBasic

Signed-off-by: Alexander Marques <c137.marques@gmail.com>
 bin/bitbake-hashclient | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/hashserv/client.py | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/hashserv/server.py | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/hashserv/tests.py  | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 124 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/bin/bitbake-hashclient b/bin/bitbake-hashclient
index a50701a88..b8755c579 100755
--- a/bin/bitbake-hashclient
+++ b/bin/bitbake-hashclient
@@ -227,6 +227,27 @@  def main():
         print("New hashes marked: %d" % result["count"])
         return 0
+    def handle_gc_mark_stream(args, client):
+        stdin = (l.strip() for l in sys.stdin)
+        marked_hashes = 0
+        try:
+            result = client.gc_mark_stream(args.mark, stdin)
+            marked_hashes = result["count"]
+        except ConnectionError:
+            logger.warning(
+                "Server doesn't seem to support `gc-mark-stream`. Sending "
+                "hashes sequentially using `gc-mark` API."
+            )
+            for line in stdin:
+                pairs = line.split()
+                condition = dict(zip(pairs[::2], pairs[1::2]))
+                result = client.gc_mark(args.mark, condition)
+                marked_hashes += result["count"]
+        print("New hashes marked: %d" % marked_hashes)
+        return 0
     def handle_gc_sweep(args, client):
         result = client.gc_sweep(args.mark)
         print("Removed %d rows" % result["count"])
@@ -366,6 +387,16 @@  def main():
                              help="Keep entries in table where KEY == VALUE")
+    gc_mark_parser_stream = subparsers.add_parser(
+        'gc-mark-stream',
+        help=(
+            "Mark multiple hashes to be retained for garbage collection. Input should be provided via stdin, "
+            "with each line formatted as key-value pairs separated by spaces, for example 'column1 foo column2 bar'."
+        )
+    )
+    gc_mark_parser_stream.add_argument("mark", help="Mark for this garbage collection operation")
+    gc_mark_parser_stream.set_defaults(func=handle_gc_mark_stream)
     gc_sweep_parser = subparsers.add_parser('gc-sweep', help="Perform garbage collection and delete any entries that are not marked")
     gc_sweep_parser.add_argument("mark", help="Mark for this garbage collection operation")
diff --git a/lib/hashserv/client.py b/lib/hashserv/client.py
index a510f3284..8cb18050a 100644
--- a/lib/hashserv/client.py
+++ b/lib/hashserv/client.py
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@  class AsyncClient(bb.asyncrpc.AsyncClient):
     MODE_NORMAL = 0
     def __init__(self, username=None, password=None):
         super().__init__("OEHASHEQUIV", "1.1", logger)
@@ -164,6 +165,8 @@  class AsyncClient(bb.asyncrpc.AsyncClient):
             await normal_to_stream("get-stream")
         elif new_mode == self.MODE_EXIST_STREAM:
             await normal_to_stream("exists-stream")
+        elif new_mode == self.MODE_MARK_STREAM:
+            await normal_to_stream("gc-mark-stream")
         elif new_mode != self.MODE_NORMAL:
             raise Exception("Undefined mode transition {self.mode!r} -> {new_mode!r}")
@@ -306,6 +309,24 @@  class AsyncClient(bb.asyncrpc.AsyncClient):
         return await self.invoke({"gc-mark": {"mark": mark, "where": where}})
+    async def gc_mark_stream(self, mark, rows):
+        """
+        Similar to `gc-mark`, but accepts a list of "where" key-value pair
+        conditions. It utilizes stream mode to mark hashes, which helps reduce
+        the impact of latency when communicating with the hash equivalence
+        server.
+        """
+        def row_to_dict(row):
+            pairs = row.split()
+            return dict(zip(pairs[::2], pairs[1::2]))
+        responses = await self.send_stream_batch(
+            self.MODE_MARK_STREAM,
+            (json.dumps({"mark": mark, "where": row_to_dict(row)}) for row in rows),
+        )
+        return {"count": sum(int(json.loads(r)["count"]) for r in responses)}
     async def gc_sweep(self, mark):
         Finishes garbage collection for "mark". All unihash entries that have
@@ -351,6 +372,7 @@  class Client(bb.asyncrpc.Client):
+            "gc_mark_stream",
diff --git a/lib/hashserv/server.py b/lib/hashserv/server.py
index 68f64f983..58f95c7bc 100644
--- a/lib/hashserv/server.py
+++ b/lib/hashserv/server.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@  import math
 import time
 import os
 import base64
+import json
 import hashlib
 from . import create_async_client
 import bb.asyncrpc
@@ -256,6 +257,7 @@  class ServerClient(bb.asyncrpc.AsyncServerConnection):
                     "backfill-wait": self.handle_backfill_wait,
                     "remove": self.handle_remove,
                     "gc-mark": self.handle_gc_mark,
+                    "gc-mark-stream": self.handle_gc_mark_stream,
                     "gc-sweep": self.handle_gc_sweep,
                     "gc-status": self.handle_gc_status,
                     "clean-unused": self.handle_clean_unused,
@@ -583,6 +585,33 @@  class ServerClient(bb.asyncrpc.AsyncServerConnection):
         return {"count": await self.db.gc_mark(mark, condition)}
+    @permissions(DB_ADMIN_PERM)
+    async def handle_gc_mark_stream(self, request):
+        async def handler(line):
+            try:
+                decoded_line = json.loads(line)
+            except json.JSONDecodeError as exc:
+                raise bb.asyncrpc.InvokeError(
+                    "Could not decode JSONL input '%s'" % line
+                ) from exc
+            try:
+                mark = decoded_line["mark"]
+                condition = decoded_line["where"]
+                if not isinstance(mark, str):
+                    raise TypeError("Bad mark type %s" % type(mark))
+                if not isinstance(condition, dict):
+                    raise TypeError("Bad condition type %s" % type(condition))
+            except KeyError as exc:
+                raise bb.asyncrpc.InvokeError(
+                    "Input line is missing key '%s' " % exc
+                ) from exc
+            return json.dumps({"count": await self.db.gc_mark(mark, condition)})
+        return await self._stream_handler(handler)
     async def handle_gc_sweep(self, request):
         mark = request["mark"]
diff --git a/lib/hashserv/tests.py b/lib/hashserv/tests.py
index 13ccb20eb..da3f8e088 100644
--- a/lib/hashserv/tests.py
+++ b/lib/hashserv/tests.py
@@ -969,6 +969,48 @@  class HashEquivalenceCommonTests(object):
         # First hash is still present
         self.assertClientGetHash(self.client, taskhash, unihash)
+    def test_gc_stream(self):
+        taskhash = '53b8dce672cb6d0c73170be43f540460bfc347b4'
+        outhash = '5a9cb1649625f0bf41fc7791b635cd9c2d7118c7f021ba87dcd03f72b67ce7a8'
+        unihash = 'f37918cc02eb5a520b1aff86faacbc0a38124646'
+        result = self.client.report_unihash(taskhash, self.METHOD, outhash, unihash)
+        self.assertEqual(result['unihash'], unihash, 'Server returned bad unihash')
+        taskhash2 = '3bf6f1e89d26205aec90da04854fbdbf73afe6b4'
+        outhash2 = '77623a549b5b1a31e3732dfa8fe61d7ce5d44b3370f253c5360e136b852967b4'
+        unihash2 = 'af36b199320e611fbb16f1f277d3ee1d619ca58b'
+        result = self.client.report_unihash(taskhash2, self.METHOD, outhash2, unihash2)
+        self.assertClientGetHash(self.client, taskhash2, unihash2)
+        taskhash3 = 'a1117c1f5a7c9ab2f5a39cc6fe5e6152169d09c0'
+        outhash3 = '7289c414905303700a1117c1f5a7c9ab2f5a39cc6fe5e6152169d09c04f9a53c'
+        unihash3 = '905303700a1117c1f5a7c9ab2f5a39cc6fe5e615'
+        result = self.client.report_unihash(taskhash3, self.METHOD, outhash3, unihash3)
+        self.assertClientGetHash(self.client, taskhash3, unihash3)
+        # Mark the first unihash to be kept
+        ret = self.client.gc_mark_stream("ABC", (f"unihash {h}" for h in [unihash, unihash2]))
+        self.assertEqual(ret, {"count": 2})
+        ret = self.client.gc_status()
+        self.assertEqual(ret, {"mark": "ABC", "keep": 2, "remove": 1})
+        # Third hash is still there; mark doesn't delete hashes
+        self.assertClientGetHash(self.client, taskhash3, unihash3)
+        ret = self.client.gc_sweep("ABC")
+        self.assertEqual(ret, {"count": 1})
+        # Hash is gone. Taskhash is returned for second hash
+        self.assertClientGetHash(self.client, taskhash3, None)
+        # First hash is still present
+        self.assertClientGetHash(self.client, taskhash, unihash)
+        # Second hash is still present
+        self.assertClientGetHash(self.client, taskhash2, unihash2)
     def test_gc_switch_mark(self):
         taskhash = '53b8dce672cb6d0c73170be43f540460bfc347b4'
         outhash = '5a9cb1649625f0bf41fc7791b635cd9c2d7118c7f021ba87dcd03f72b67ce7a8'