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[v2] codeparser: Skipping typing when inspecting Python modules

Message ID 20250307103351.374456-1-pmi183@gmail.com
State Accepted, archived
Commit 0ecfd0b8540220633e71d24cd73cc5306863ae3c
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Series [v2] codeparser: Skipping typing when inspecting Python modules | expand

Commit Message

Pedro Ferreira March 7, 2025, 10:33 a.m. UTC
From: Pedro Ferreira <Pedro.Silva.Ferreira@criticaltechworks.com>

If a custom python module is added thru BBIMPORTS and it
uses typing(Any,Tuple,Union...), codeparser will fail because
inspect.py raises TypeError exception if the object is a
built-in module, class, or function.

Signed-off-by: Pedro Silva Ferreira <Pedro.Silva.Ferreira@criticaltechworks.com>
 lib/bb/codeparser.py | 12 ++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/lib/bb/codeparser.py b/lib/bb/codeparser.py
index d249af326..4bc6adbe4 100644
--- a/lib/bb/codeparser.py
+++ b/lib/bb/codeparser.py
@@ -72,12 +72,20 @@  def add_module_functions(fn, functions, namespace):
             parser.parse_python(None, filename=fn, lineno=1, fixedhash=fixedhash+f)
             #bb.warn("Cached %s" % f)
         except KeyError:
-            targetfn = inspect.getsourcefile(functions[f])
+            try:
+                targetfn = inspect.getsourcefile(functions[f])
+            except TypeError:
+                # Builtin
+                continue
             if fn != targetfn:
                 # Skip references to other modules outside this file
                 #bb.warn("Skipping %s" % name)
-            lines, lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(functions[f])
+            try:
+                lines, lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(functions[f])
+            except TypeError:
+                # Builtin
+                continue
             src = "".join(lines)
             parser.parse_python(src, filename=fn, lineno=lineno, fixedhash=fixedhash+f)
             #bb.warn("Not cached %s" % f)