@@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ class Git(FetchMethod):
if ud.bareclone:
ud.cloneflags += " --mirror"
+ ud.shallow_skip_fast = False
ud.shallow = d.getVar("BB_GIT_SHALLOW") == "1"
ud.shallow_extra_refs = (d.getVar("BB_GIT_SHALLOW_EXTRA_REFS") or "").split()
@@ -446,6 +447,24 @@ class Git(FetchMethod):
if ud.proto.lower() != 'file':
bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, clone_cmd, ud.url)
progresshandler = GitProgressHandler(d)
+ # Try creating a fast initial shallow clone
+ # Enabling ud.shallow_skip_fast will skip this
+ # If the Git error "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object"
+ # occurs, shallow_skip_fast is enabled automatically.
+ # This may happen if the Git server does not allow the request
+ # or if the Git client has issues with this functionality.
+ if ud.shallow and not ud.shallow_skip_fast:
+ try:
+ self.clone_shallow_with_tarball(ud, d)
+ # When the shallow clone has succeeded, use the shallow tarball
+ ud.localpath = ud.fullshallow
+ return
+ except:
+ logger.warning("Creating fast initial shallow clone failed, try initial regular clone now.")
+ # When skipping fast initial shallow or the fast inital shallow clone failed:
+ # Try again with an initial regular clone
runfetchcmd(clone_cmd, d, log=progresshandler)
# Update the checkout if needed
@@ -508,48 +527,74 @@ class Git(FetchMethod):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(ud.destdir, ".git", "lfs")):
runfetchcmd("tar -cf - lfs | tar -xf - -C %s" % ud.clonedir, d, workdir="%s/.git" % ud.destdir)
- def build_mirror_data(self, ud, d):
- # Create as a temp file and move atomically into position to avoid races
- @contextmanager
- def create_atomic(filename):
- fd, tfile = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.path.dirname(filename))
- try:
- yield tfile
- umask = os.umask(0o666)
- os.umask(umask)
- os.chmod(tfile, (0o666 & ~umask))
- os.rename(tfile, filename)
- finally:
- os.close(fd)
+ def lfs_fetch(self, ud, d, clonedir, revision, fetchall=False, progresshandler=None):
+ """Helper method for fetching Git LFS data"""
+ try:
+ if self._need_lfs(ud) and self._contains_lfs(ud, d, clonedir) and self._find_git_lfs(d) and len(revision):
+ # Using worktree with the revision because .lfsconfig may exists
+ worktree_add_cmd = "%s worktree add wt %s" % (ud.basecmd, revision)
+ runfetchcmd(worktree_add_cmd, d, log=progresshandler, workdir=clonedir)
+ lfs_fetch_cmd = "%s lfs fetch %s" % (ud.basecmd, "--all" if fetchall else "")
+ runfetchcmd(lfs_fetch_cmd, d, log=progresshandler, workdir=(clonedir + "/wt"))
+ worktree_rem_cmd = "%s worktree remove -f wt" % ud.basecmd
+ runfetchcmd(worktree_rem_cmd, d, log=progresshandler, workdir=clonedir)
+ except:
+ logger.warning("Fetching LFS did not succeed.")
+ @contextmanager
+ def create_atomic(self, filename):
+ """Create as a temp file and move atomically into position to avoid races"""
+ fd, tfile = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.path.dirname(filename))
+ try:
+ yield tfile
+ umask = os.umask(0o666)
+ os.umask(umask)
+ os.chmod(tfile, (0o666 & ~umask))
+ os.rename(tfile, filename)
+ finally:
+ os.close(fd)
+ def build_mirror_data(self, ud, d):
if ud.shallow and ud.write_shallow_tarballs:
if not os.path.exists(ud.fullshallow):
if os.path.islink(ud.fullshallow):
- tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=d.getVar('DL_DIR'))
- shallowclone = os.path.join(tempdir, 'git')
- try:
- self.clone_shallow_local(ud, shallowclone, d)
- logger.info("Creating tarball of git repository")
- with create_atomic(ud.fullshallow) as tfile:
- runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s ." % tfile, d, workdir=shallowclone)
- runfetchcmd("touch %s.done" % ud.fullshallow, d)
- finally:
- bb.utils.remove(tempdir, recurse=True)
+ self.clone_shallow_with_tarball(ud, d)
elif ud.write_tarballs and not os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror):
if os.path.islink(ud.fullmirror):
logger.info("Creating tarball of git repository")
- with create_atomic(ud.fullmirror) as tfile:
+ with self.create_atomic(ud.fullmirror) as tfile:
mtime = runfetchcmd("{} log --all -1 --format=%cD".format(ud.basecmd), d,
quiet=True, workdir=ud.clonedir)
runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s --owner oe:0 --group oe:0 --mtime \"%s\" ."
% (tfile, mtime), d, workdir=ud.clonedir)
runfetchcmd("touch %s.done" % ud.fullmirror, d)
+ def clone_shallow_with_tarball(self, ud, d):
+ ret = False
+ tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=d.getVar('DL_DIR'))
+ shallowclone = os.path.join(tempdir, 'git')
+ try:
+ try:
+ self.clone_shallow_local(ud, shallowclone, d)
+ except:
+ logger.warning("Fash shallow clone failed, try to skip fast mode now.")
+ bb.utils.remove(tempdir, recurse=True)
+ os.mkdir(tempdir)
+ ud.shallow_skip_fast = True
+ self.clone_shallow_local(ud, shallowclone, d)
+ logger.info("Creating tarball of git repository")
+ with self.create_atomic(ud.fullshallow) as tfile:
+ runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s ." % tfile, d, workdir=shallowclone)
+ runfetchcmd("touch %s.done" % ud.fullshallow, d)
+ ret = True
+ finally:
+ bb.utils.remove(tempdir, recurse=True)
+ return ret
def clone_shallow_local(self, ud, dest, d):
Shallow fetch from ud.clonedir (${DL_DIR}/git2/<gitrepo> by default):
@@ -557,12 +602,20 @@ class Git(FetchMethod):
- For BB_GIT_SHALLOW_REVS: git fetch --shallow-exclude=<revs> rev
+ progresshandler = GitProgressHandler(d)
+ repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud)
init_cmd = "%s init -q" % ud.basecmd
if ud.bareclone:
init_cmd += " --bare"
runfetchcmd(init_cmd, d, workdir=dest)
- runfetchcmd("%s remote add origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.clonedir), d, workdir=dest)
+ # Use repourl when creating a fast initial shallow clone
+ # Prefer already existing full bare clones if available
+ if not ud.shallow_skip_fast and not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir):
+ remote = shlex.quote(repourl)
+ else:
+ remote = ud.clonedir
+ runfetchcmd("%s remote add origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, remote), d, workdir=dest)
# Check the histories which should be excluded
shallow_exclude = ''
@@ -600,10 +653,14 @@ class Git(FetchMethod):
# The ud.clonedir is a local temporary dir, will be removed when
# fetch is done, so we can do anything on it.
adv_cmd = 'git branch -f advertise-%s %s' % (revision, revision)
- runfetchcmd(adv_cmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir)
+ if ud.shallow_skip_fast:
+ runfetchcmd(adv_cmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir)
runfetchcmd(fetch_cmd, d, workdir=dest)
runfetchcmd("%s update-ref %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, ref, revision), d, workdir=dest)
+ # Fetch Git LFS data for fast shallow clones
+ if not ud.shallow_skip_fast:
+ self.lfs_fetch(ud, d, dest, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]])
# Apply extra ref wildcards
all_refs_remote = runfetchcmd("%s ls-remote origin 'refs/*'" % ud.basecmd, \
@@ -629,7 +686,6 @@ class Git(FetchMethod):
runfetchcmd("%s update-ref %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, ref, revision), d, workdir=dest)
# The url is local ud.clonedir, set it to upstream one
- repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud)
runfetchcmd("%s remote set-url origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, shlex.quote(repourl)), d, workdir=dest)
def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d):
When `ud.shallow == 1`: - Prefer an initial shallow clone over an initial full bare clone, while still utilizing any already existing full bare clones. - If the Git error "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object" occurs, the initial full bare clone is fetched automatically. This may happen if the Git server does not allow the request or if the Git client has issues with this functionality, especially with the Git client from Ubuntu 20.04. This improves: - Resolve timeout issues during initial clones on slow internet connections by reducing the amount of data transferred. - Eliminate the need to use an HTTPS tarball `SRC_URI` to reduce data transfer. - Allow SSH-based authentication (e.g. cert and agent-based) when using non-public repos, so additional HTTPS tokens may not be required. Signed-off-by: Stefan Koch <stefan-koch@siemens.com> --- lib/bb/fetch2/git.py | 114 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 85 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)