@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@
import pytest
+from time import sleep
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import timezone
from selenium.webdriver.support.select import Select
+from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from tests.functional.functional_helpers import SeleniumFunctionalTestCase
from orm.models import Build, Project, Target
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
@@ -164,6 +166,70 @@ class TestProjectPage(SeleniumFunctionalTestCase):
f"The {th_class} column is checked in EditColumn dropdown, but it's not visible in table"
+ def _get_config_nav_item(self, index):
+ config_nav = self.find('#config-nav')
+ return config_nav.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'li')[index]
+ def _navigate_to_config_nav(self, nav_id, nav_index):
+ # navigate to the project page
+ url = reverse("project", args=(1,))
+ self.get(url)
+ self.wait_until_visible('#config-nav')
+ # click on "Software recipe" tab
+ soft_recipe = self._get_config_nav_item(nav_index)
+ soft_recipe.click()
+ self.wait_until_visible(f'#{nav_id}')
+ def _mixin_test_table_show_rows(self, table_selector, **kwargs):
+ """ Test the show rows feature in the builds table on the all builds page """
+ def test_show_rows(row_to_show, show_row_link):
+ # Check that we can show rows == row_to_show
+ show_row_link.select_by_value(str(row_to_show))
+ self.wait_until_visible(f'#{table_selector} tbody tr', poll=2)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ len(self.find_all(f'#{table_selector} tbody tr')) == row_to_show
+ )
+ self.wait_until_present(f'#{table_selector} tbody tr')
+ show_rows = self.driver.find_elements(
+ f'//select[@class="form-control pagesize-{table_selector}"]'
+ )
+ rows_to_show = [10, 25, 50, 100, 150]
+ to_skip = kwargs.get('to_skip', [])
+ # Check show rows
+ for show_row_link in show_rows:
+ show_row_link = Select(show_row_link)
+ for row_to_show in rows_to_show:
+ if row_to_show not in to_skip:
+ test_show_rows(row_to_show, show_row_link)
+ def _wait_until_build(self, state):
+ while True:
+ try:
+ last_build_state = self.driver.find_element(
+ '//*[@id="latest-builds"]/div[1]//div[@class="build-state"]',
+ )
+ build_state = last_build_state.get_attribute(
+ 'data-build-state')
+ state_text = state.lower().split()
+ if any(x in str(build_state).lower() for x in state_text):
+ break
+ except NoSuchElementException:
+ continue
+ sleep(1)
+ def _mixin_test_table_search_input(self, **kwargs):
+ input_selector, input_text, searchBtn_selector, table_selector, *_ = kwargs.values()
+ # Test search input
+ self.wait_until_visible(f'#{input_selector}')
+ recipe_input = self.find(f'#{input_selector}')
+ recipe_input.send_keys(input_text)
+ self.find(f'#{searchBtn_selector}').click()
+ self.wait_until_visible(f'#{table_selector} tbody tr')
+ rows = self.find_all(f'#{table_selector} tbody tr')
+ self.assertTrue(len(rows) > 0)
def test_image_recipe_editColumn(self):
""" Test the edit column feature in image recipe table on project page """
self._get_create_builds(success=10, failure=10)
@@ -375,3 +441,55 @@ class TestProjectPage(SeleniumFunctionalTestCase):
'core-image-minimal' in str(last_build.text)
+ def test_softwareRecipe_page(self):
+ """ Test software recipe page
+ - Check title "Compatible software recipes" is displayed
+ - Check search input
+ - Check "build recipe" button works
+ - Check software recipe table feature(show/hide column, pagination)
+ """
+ self._navigate_to_config_nav('softwarerecipestable', 4)
+ # check title "Compatible software recipes" is displayed
+ self.assertTrue("Compatible software recipes" in self.get_page_source())
+ # Test search input
+ self._mixin_test_table_search_input(
+ input_selector='search-input-softwarerecipestable',
+ input_text='busybox',
+ searchBtn_selector='search-submit-softwarerecipestable',
+ table_selector='softwarerecipestable'
+ )
+ # check "build recipe" button works
+ rows = self.find_all('#softwarerecipestable tbody tr')
+ image_to_build = rows[0]
+ build_btn = image_to_build.find_element(
+ '//td[@class="add-del-layers"]'
+ )
+ build_btn.click()
+ self._wait_until_build('parsing starting cloning')
+ lastest_builds = self.driver.find_elements(
+ '//div[@id="latest-builds"]/div'
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(len(lastest_builds) > 0)
+ # check software recipe table feature(show/hide column, pagination)
+ self._navigate_to_config_nav('softwarerecipestable', 4)
+ column_list = [
+ 'get_description_or_summary',
+ 'layer_version__get_vcs_reference',
+ 'layer_version__layer__name',
+ 'license',
+ 'recipe-file',
+ 'section',
+ 'version',
+ ]
+ self._mixin_test_table_edit_column(
+ 'softwarerecipestable',
+ 'edit-columns-button',
+ [f'checkbox-{column}' for column in column_list]
+ )
+ self._navigate_to_config_nav('softwarerecipestable', 4)
+ # check show rows(pagination)
+ self._mixin_test_table_show_rows(table_selector='softwarerecipestable')
Test software recipe page - Check title "Compatible software recipes" is displayed - Check search input - Check "build recipe" button works - Check software recipe table feature(show/hide column, pagination) Signed-off-by: Alassane Yattara <alassane.yattara@savoirfairelinux.com> --- .../tests/functional/test_project_page.py | 118 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 118 insertions(+)