@@ -380,3 +380,44 @@ class TestProjectConfigTab(SeleniumFunctionalTestCase):
+ def test_project_page_image_recipe(self):
+ """ Test project page section images
+ - Check image recipes are displayed
+ - Check search input
+ - Check image recipe build button works
+ - Check image recipe table features(show/hide column, pagination)
+ """
+ # navigate to the project page
+ url = reverse("project", args=(1,))
+ self.get(url)
+ self.wait_until_visible('#config-nav')
+ # navigate to "Images section"
+ images_section = self._get_config_nav_item(3)
+ images_section.click()
+ self.wait_until_visible('#imagerecipestable')
+ rows = self.find_all('#imagerecipestable tbody tr')
+ self.assertTrue(len(rows) > 0)
+ # Test search input
+ self.wait_until_visible('#search-input-imagerecipestable')
+ recipe_input = self.find('#search-input-imagerecipestable')
+ recipe_input.send_keys('core-image-minimal')
+ self.find('#search-submit-imagerecipestable').click()
+ rows = self.find_all('#imagerecipestable tbody tr')
+ self.assertTrue(len(rows) > 0)
+ # Test build button
+ image_to_build = rows[0]
+ build_btn = image_to_build.find_element(
+ '//td[@class="add-del-layers"]'
+ )
+ build_btn.click()
+ self._wait_until_build('parsing starting cloning')
+ lastest_builds = self.driver.find_elements(
+ '//div[@id="latest-builds"]/div'
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(len(lastest_builds) > 0)
BUILD IMAGE RECIPES: toastergui/project/{id}/images/ Test project page section images - Check image recipes are displayed - Check search input - Check image recipe build button works - Check image recipe table features(show/hide column, pagination) Signed-off-by: Alassane Yattara <alassane.yattara@savoirfairelinux.com> --- .../test_project_page_tab_config.py | 41 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+)