@@ -2199,6 +2199,7 @@ class GitLfsTest(FetcherTest):
self.gitdir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'git')
self.srcdir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'gitsource')
+ self.srcdirsm = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'gitsource-submodule')
self.d.setVar('WORKDIR', self.tempdir)
self.d.setVar('S', self.gitdir)
@@ -2213,8 +2214,18 @@ class GitLfsTest(FetcherTest):
with open(os.path.join(self.srcdir, '.gitattributes'), 'wt') as attrs:
attrs.write('*.mp3 filter=lfs -text')
+ with open(os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'lalala.mp3'), 'wt') as attrs:
+ attrs.write('lalala')
self.git(['add', '.gitattributes'], cwd=self.srcdir)
self.git(['commit', '-m', "attributes", '.gitattributes'], cwd=self.srcdir)
+ self.git(['add', 'lalala.mp3'], cwd=self.srcdir)
+ self.git(['commit', '-m', "lalala", 'lalala.mp3'], cwd=self.srcdir)
+ # set another git repo which will have the first 1 as a submodule
+ bb.utils.mkdirhier(self.srcdirsm)
+ self.git_init(cwd=self.srcdirsm)
+ self.git(['submodule', 'add', self.srcdir], cwd=self.srcdirsm)
+ self.git(['commit', '-am', "submodule"], cwd=self.srcdirsm)
def fetch(self, uri=None, download=True):
uris = self.d.getVar('SRC_URI').split()
@@ -2277,6 +2288,63 @@ class GitLfsTest(FetcherTest):
shutil.rmtree(self.gitdir, ignore_errors=True)
+ def test_lfs_in_submodule_enabled(self):
+ import shutil
+ uri = 'gitsm://%s;protocol=file;lfs=1;branch=master' % self.srcdirsm
+ self.d.setVar('SRC_URI', uri)
+ # In contrast to regular fetch() here the LFS isn't in the
+ # main repo, but in its submodule
+ fetcher, ud = self.fetch()
+ self.assertIsNotNone(ud.method._find_git_lfs)
+ # If git-lfs can be found, the unpack should be successful. A
+ # live copy of git-lfs is not required for this case, so
+ # unconditionally forge its presence.
+ ud.method._find_git_lfs = lambda d: True
+ shutil.rmtree(self.gitdir, ignore_errors=True)
+ fetcher.unpack(self.d.getVar('WORKDIR'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.d.getVar('WORKDIR'), 'git', 'gitsource', 'lalala.mp3')))
+ self.assertEqual(open(os.path.join(self.d.getVar('WORKDIR'), 'git', 'gitsource', 'lalala.mp3'), 'r').read(), 'lalala')
+ def test_lfs_in_submodule_disabled(self):
+ import shutil
+ uri = 'gitsm://%s;protocol=file;lfs=0;branch=master' % self.srcdirsm
+ self.d.setVar('SRC_URI', uri)
+ # In contrast to regular fetch() here the LFS isn't in the
+ # main repo, but in its submodule
+ fetcher, ud = self.fetch()
+ self.assertIsNotNone(ud.method._find_git_lfs)
+ # If git-lfs can be found, the unpack should be successful. A
+ # live copy of git-lfs is not required for this case, so
+ # unconditionally forge its presence.
+ ud.method._find_git_lfs = lambda d: True
+ shutil.rmtree(self.gitdir, ignore_errors=True)
+ fetcher.unpack(self.d.getVar('WORKDIR'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.d.getVar('WORKDIR'), 'git', 'gitsource', 'lalala.mp3')))
+ # There should be something like:
+ # version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+ # oid sha256:3f29e1b2b05f8371595dc761fed8e8b37544b38d56dfce81a551b46c82f2f56b
+ # size 6
+ # not the actual 'lalala' content, but that depends on git config
+ # with:
+ # [filter "lfs"]
+ # smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
+ # process = git-lfs filter-process
+ # required = true
+ # clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
+ # it works correctly, but might fail in git smudge when the objects aren't available
+ # and without smudge and process it fails with:
+ # fatal: lalala.mp3: smudge filter lfs failed
+ # fatal: unable to checkout submodule 'gitsource'
+ # and without this whole "lfs" section it will contain 'lalala' here instead of the link
+ # even when lfs is explicitly disabled in SRC_URI
+ self.assertNotEqual(open(os.path.join(self.d.getVar('WORKDIR'), 'git', 'gitsource', 'lalala.mp3'), 'r').read(), 'lalala')
class GitURLWithSpacesTest(FetcherTest):
test_git_urls = {
"git://tfs-example.org:22/tfs/example%20path/example.git;branch=master" : {
* RFC because it will currently fail on hosts where LFS isn't enabled in .gitconfig or /etc/gitconfig, but it documents why people are seeing different results in repos with LFS objects e.g. vulkan-samples recipe failing in do_unpack I'm not sure what's the expected behavior here which would work for everybody, lets discuss. [YOCTO #14938] Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <Martin.Jansa@gmail.com> --- lib/bb/tests/fetch.py | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+)