diff mbox series

[meta-arago,scarthgap/master] tisdk-readme: Remove this recipe

Message ID 20250303150145.495200-1-afd@ti.com
State Accepted
Delegated to: Ryan Eatmon
Headers show
Series [meta-arago,scarthgap/master] tisdk-readme: Remove this recipe | expand

Commit Message

Andrew Davis March 3, 2025, 3:01 p.m. UTC
These README files for the TI SDK should go up in the SDK layers.
They have not been updated in years and do not include useful nor
up to date information. Remove them.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Davis <afd@ti.com>
 ...packagegroup-arago-tisdk-amsdk-sdk-host.bb |  4 +--
 .../tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme.bb              | 22 ----------------
 .../tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme/README          | 22 ----------------
 .../tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme/k3/README       | 26 -------------------
 4 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 meta-arago-distro/recipes-tisdk/tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme.bb
 delete mode 100644 meta-arago-distro/recipes-tisdk/tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme/README
 delete mode 100644 meta-arago-distro/recipes-tisdk/tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme/k3/README
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta-arago-distro/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-arago-tisdk-amsdk-sdk-host.bb b/meta-arago-distro/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-arago-tisdk-amsdk-sdk-host.bb
index 9d4889c9..c20bed7a 100644
--- a/meta-arago-distro/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-arago-tisdk-amsdk-sdk-host.bb
+++ b/meta-arago-distro/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-arago-tisdk-amsdk-sdk-host.bb
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@  inherit packagegroup
 EXTRA_FILES:ti43x = "tisdk-uenv"
-EXTRA_FILES:omap-a15 = "tisdk-readme tisdk-uenv"
-EXTRA_FILES:k3 = "tisdk-readme tisdk-uenv"
+EXTRA_FILES:omap-a15 = "tisdk-uenv"
+EXTRA_FILES:k3 = "tisdk-uenv"
 RDEPENDS:${PN} = "\
     ${EXTRA_FILES} \
diff --git a/meta-arago-distro/recipes-tisdk/tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme.bb b/meta-arago-distro/recipes-tisdk/tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme.bb
deleted file mode 100644
index 59df0c97..00000000
--- a/meta-arago-distro/recipes-tisdk/tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme.bb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ 
-DESCRIPTION = "Package that will install a README file into the SDK prebuilt-binaries directory"
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
-SRC_URI = "\
-    file://README \
-PR = "r0"
-PV = "1.0"
-S = "${WORKDIR}"
-do_install () {
-    install -d ${D}/board-support/prebuilt-images
-    install -m 0644 ${S}/README ${D}/board-support/prebuilt-images/
-FILES:${PN} += "board-support/*"
diff --git a/meta-arago-distro/recipes-tisdk/tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme/README b/meta-arago-distro/recipes-tisdk/tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 873d1e86..00000000
--- a/meta-arago-distro/recipes-tisdk/tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ 
-The files contained in this directory represent the images that were built
-as part of the original SDK build and packaging process.  They are meant
-to serve as a restore and starting point for your development.  In order
-to use these images with an SD card they should be placed in the appropriate
-By default these locations are:
-|       FILE       |                  LOCATION                                 |
-|    MLO           | boot partition
-|    u-boot.img    | boot partition
-|    uEnv.txt      | boot partition
-|    uImage        | /boot directory of the rootfs partition
-|    *.dtb         | /boot directory of the rootfs partition
-By default the boot loaders are read from the first FAT partition, which is
-usually called the "boot" partition.  Then the bootloader will look for the
-uImage and DTB files in the /boot directory of the EXT partition, which is
-usually called the "rootfs" partition.
diff --git a/meta-arago-distro/recipes-tisdk/tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme/k3/README b/meta-arago-distro/recipes-tisdk/tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme/k3/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eb6dd3c..00000000
--- a/meta-arago-distro/recipes-tisdk/tisdk-readme/tisdk-readme/k3/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ 
-The files contained in this directory represent the images that were built
-as part of the original SDK build and packaging process.  They are meant
-to serve as a restore and starting point for your development.  In order
-to use these images with an SD card they should be placed in the appropriate
-By default these locations are:
-|    File     |                Location                 |
-| tiboot3.bin | boot partition                          |
-| tispl.bin   | boot partition                          |
-| u-boot.img  | boot partition                          |
-| sysfw.itb   | boot partition                          |
-| uEnv.txt    | boot partition                          |
-| Image       | /boot directory of the rootfs partition |
-| *.dtb       | /boot directory of the rootfs partition |
-| *.dtbo      | /boot directory of the rootfs partition |
-By default the boot loaders are read from the first FAT partition, which is
-usually called the "boot" partition.  Then the bootloader will look for the
-Image and .dtb .dtbo files in the /boot directory of the ext4 partition, which is
-usually called the "rootfs" partition.