deleted file mode 100644
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${COREBASE}/meta/recipes-extended/ltp/ltp:"
-FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${TITESTBASE}/recipes-extended/ltp/ltp:"
-require recipes-extended/ltp/ltp_${PV}.bb
-SUMMARY = "Embedded Linux Device Driver Tests based on Linux Test Project"
-PROVIDES += "ltp"
-DEPENDS += "alsa-lib"
-PE = "1"
-PR = "r1"
-PV:append = "+git"
-SRCREV = "551467bce4c38af24c9c98843770fdfe45e1e253"
-BRANCH ?= "master"
-SRC_URI:remove = "git://;branch=master;protocol=https"
-SRC_URI:prepend = "git://;protocol=https;branch=${BRANCH} "
-export prefix = "/opt/ltp"
-export exec_prefix = "/opt/ltp"
-EXTRA_OEMAKE:append = " \
-RDEPENDS:${PN} += "\
- acl \
- at \
- pm-qa \
- serialcheck \
- memtester \
-do_install:prepend() {
- # Upstream ltp recipe wants to remove this test case in do_install
- install -d ${D}${prefix}/runtest/
- echo "memcg_stress" >> ${D}${prefix}/runtest/controllers
Now that we have moved to the 20250130 version we no longer need to carry the previous version. Signed-off-by: Ryan Eatmon <> --- .../ltp-ddt/ | 44 ------------------- 1 file changed, 44 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 meta-arago-test/recipes-devtools/ltp-ddt/