Show patches with: Archived = No       |   1241 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[meta-arago,master,v2,4/4] gstreamer1.0-plugins-good: Update to v1.24 [meta-arago,master,v2,1/4] conf: layer.conf: Remove BB_DANGLINGAPPENDS_WARNONLY - - - --- 2024-12-03 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master,v2,3/4] weston: Update to weston 14.0 [meta-arago,master,v2,1/4] conf: layer.conf: Remove BB_DANGLINGAPPENDS_WARNONLY - - - --- 2024-12-03 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master,v2,2/4] vulkan-cts: Remove bbappend [meta-arago,master,v2,1/4] conf: layer.conf: Remove BB_DANGLINGAPPENDS_WARNONLY - - - --- 2024-12-03 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master,v2,1/4] conf: layer.conf: Remove BB_DANGLINGAPPENDS_WARNONLY [meta-arago,master,v2,1/4] conf: layer.conf: Remove BB_DANGLINGAPPENDS_WARNONLY - - - --- 2024-12-03 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master,4/4] gstreamer1.0-plugins-good: Update to v1.24 [meta-arago,master,1/4] conf: layer.conf: Remove BB_DANGLINGAPPENDS_WARNONLY - - - --- 2024-11-30 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,master,3/4] weston: Update to weston 14.0 [meta-arago,master,1/4] conf: layer.conf: Remove BB_DANGLINGAPPENDS_WARNONLY - - - --- 2024-11-30 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,master,2/4] vulkan-cts: Update to newer vulkan version [meta-arago,master,1/4] conf: layer.conf: Remove BB_DANGLINGAPPENDS_WARNONLY - - - --- 2024-11-30 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,master,1/4] conf: layer.conf: Remove BB_DANGLINGAPPENDS_WARNONLY [meta-arago,master,1/4] conf: layer.conf: Remove BB_DANGLINGAPPENDS_WARNONLY - - - --- 2024-11-30 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone/scarthgap,v3] ti-test: Add hwspinlocktest [meta-arago,master/kirkstone/scarthgap,v3] ti-test: Add hwspinlocktest - - - --- 2024-11-21 Judith Mendez reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap] README: yocto-check-layer clean up [meta-arago,master/scarthgap] README: yocto-check-layer clean up - - - --- 2024-11-21 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,kirkstone] ltp-ddt: Change to ti-ltp-ddt_20230127 branch [meta-arago,kirkstone] ltp-ddt: Change to ti-ltp-ddt_20230127 branch - - - --- 2024-11-21 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap,v2,1/1] meta-arago: Enable SELinux package meta-arago: Enable SELinux package - - - --- 2024-11-20 Aashvij Shenai reatmon Accepted
[oe-layersetup,master,v2,1/1] oelayersetup: Bringing meta-selinux into Yocto builds oelayersetup: Bringing meta-selinux into Yocto builds - - - --- 2024-11-20 Aashvij Shenai reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone/scarthgap,RESEND,v2] Add hwspinlocktest [meta-arago,master/kirkstone/scarthgap,RESEND,v2] Add hwspinlocktest - - - --- 2024-11-19 Judith Mendez reatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone/scarthgap] Add hwspinlocktest [meta-arago,master/kirkstone/scarthgap] Add hwspinlocktest - - - --- 2024-11-18 Judith Mendez reatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap/kirkstone] SECURITY: Add file [meta-arago,master/scarthgap/kirkstone] SECURITY: Add file 1 - - --- 2024-11-15 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap,v1] meta-arago: Enable SELinux packages for recipe [meta-arago,master/scarthgap,v1] meta-arago: Enable SELinux packages for recipe - - - --- 2024-11-14 Aashvij Shenai reatmon Superseded
[oe-layersetup,master,v1,1/1] oe-layersetup: Bringing meta-selinux into Yocto builds Downloading SELinux for TISDK - - - --- 2024-11-14 Aashvij Shenai reatmon Superseded
[oe-layersetup,master,5/5] src: Add the v3 src files [oe-layersetup,master,1/5] .gitignore: Fix paths - - - --- 2024-11-13 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[oe-layersetup,master,3/5] src: Initial conversion from oe-layersetup configs to XML [oe-layersetup,master,1/5] .gitignore: Fix paths - - - --- 2024-11-13 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[oe-layersetup,master,2/5] src: New XML/XSLT generation of config files. [oe-layersetup,master,1/5] .gitignore: Fix paths - - - --- 2024-11-13 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[oe-layersetup,master,1/5] .gitignore: Fix paths [oe-layersetup,master,1/5] .gitignore: Fix paths - - - --- 2024-11-13 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[oe-layersetup,master] Add a v3 config for master (and future) branches [oe-layersetup,master] Add a v3 config for master (and future) branches - - - --- 2024-11-08 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap] meta-arago-test: packagegroups: ti-test: j742s2: Add ufs-utils package [meta-arago,master/scarthgap] meta-arago-test: packagegroups: ti-test: j742s2: Add ufs-utils package - - - --- 2024-11-06 Aniket Limaye reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master] mesa: enable llvmpipe and pull in meta-clang [meta-arago,scarthgap/master] mesa: enable llvmpipe and pull in meta-clang - - - --- 2024-11-05 Randolph Sapp reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2,2/2] mesa-pvr-22.3.5: Fix build issues with llvm 18+ [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2,1/2] mesa-pvr_23.2.1: Fix build issues with llvm 18+ - - - --- 2024-11-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Not Applicable
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2,1/2] mesa-pvr_23.2.1: Fix build issues with llvm 18+ [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2,1/2] mesa-pvr_23.2.1: Fix build issues with llvm 18+ - - - --- 2024-11-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Not Applicable
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap] conf: Re-enable llvm now that meta-clang is supported [meta-arago,master/scarthgap] conf: Re-enable llvm now that meta-clang is supported - - - --- 2024-11-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone/scarthgap] ti-test: Add hwspinlocktest [meta-arago,master/kirkstone/scarthgap] ti-test: Add hwspinlocktest - - - --- 2024-11-01 Judith Mendez reatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap,v2] recipes-core: packagegroup-arago-console: Add ti-rtos-firmware [meta-arago,master/scarthgap,v2] recipes-core: packagegroup-arago-console: Add ti-rtos-firmware - - - --- 2024-10-23 Chirag Shilwant reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap] recipes-core: packagegroup-arago-console: Add ti-rtos-firmware [meta-arago,master/scarthgap] recipes-core: packagegroup-arago-console: Add ti-rtos-firmware - - - --- 2024-10-23 Chirag Shilwant reatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap,v2] kernel-selftest: Enable more tests [meta-arago,master/scarthgap,v2] kernel-selftest: Enable more tests - - - --- 2024-10-21 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,kirkstone/scarthgap,RFC] ti-test: Add hwspinlocktest [meta-ti,kirkstone/scarthgap,RFC] ti-test: Add hwspinlocktest - - - --- 2024-10-16 Judith Mendez reatmon RFC
[oe-layersetup,master,RFC] src: New XML/XSLT generation of config files. [oe-layersetup,master,RFC] src: New XML/XSLT generation of config files. - - - --- 2024-10-16 Ryan Eatmon reatmon RFC
[meta-arago,master] makedumpfile: Remove outdated recipe [meta-arago,master] makedumpfile: Remove outdated recipe - - - --- 2024-10-15 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[master] arago.conf: remove INSANE_SKIP that was fixed upstream [master] arago.conf: remove INSANE_SKIP that was fixed upstream - - - --- 2024-10-12 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master] layer.conf: add compatibility with walnascar [master] layer.conf: add compatibility with walnascar 1 - - --- 2024-10-12 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
layer.conf: add compatibility with walnascar layer.conf: add compatibility with walnascar - - - --- 2024-10-12 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap] kernel-selftest: Enable more tests [meta-arago,master/scarthgap] kernel-selftest: Enable more tests - - - --- 2024-10-11 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap] ltp-ddt: Remove rpmsg_rpc.h [meta-arago,master/scarthgap] ltp-ddt: Remove rpmsg_rpc.h - - - --- 2024-10-07 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap] branding-ltsprep: Update to ti-6_12 [meta-arago,master/scarthgap] branding-ltsprep: Update to ti-6_12 - - - --- 2024-10-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap] packagegroup-arago-base: Add lldpd package [meta-arago,master/scarthgap] packagegroup-arago-base: Add lldpd package - - - --- 2024-09-27 Siddharth Vadapalli reatmon Accepted
[oe-layersetup,master] configs: Add missing scarthgap configs [oe-layersetup,master] configs: Add missing scarthgap configs - - - --- 2024-09-24 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master,v2] yavta: Patch for 32bit compiles [meta-arago,master,v2] yavta: Patch for 32bit compiles - - - --- 2024-09-13 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master] yavta: Patch for 32bit compiles [meta-arago,master] yavta: Patch for 32bit compiles - - - --- 2024-09-13 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[scarthgap] ti-test: Add rng-tools [scarthgap] ti-test: Add rng-tools - - - --- 2024-09-11 Judith Mendez reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.master.202409100100 [meta-arago,master] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.master.202409100100 - - - --- 2024-09-10 LCPD Automation Script reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,scarthgap] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.scarthgap.202409090400 [meta-arago,scarthgap] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.scarthgap.202409090400 - - - --- 2024-09-09 LCPD Automation Script reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,oe-layersetup,v2] configs: processor-sdk-linux: Add 10.0 release config for J7200 [meta-arago,oe-layersetup,v2] configs: processor-sdk-linux: Add 10.0 release config for J7200 - - - --- 2024-09-04 Sonu Alam reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap] libnl: Move bbappend to match all version [meta-arago,master/scarthgap] libnl: Move bbappend to match all version - - - --- 2024-09-03 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,kirkstone,v2] conf/images: Add ARAGO_IMAGE_SUFFIX to image names [meta-arago,kirkstone,v2] conf/images: Add ARAGO_IMAGE_SUFFIX to image names - - - --- 2024-09-03 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,oe-layersetup] configs: processor-sdk-linux: Adding 10.0 release config for J7200 [meta-arago,oe-layersetup] configs: processor-sdk-linux: Adding 10.0 release config for J7200 - - - --- 2024-09-03 Sonu Alam reatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,master] iproute2: Update patch for 6.10.0 [meta-arago,master] iproute2: Update patch for 6.10.0 - - - --- 2024-08-29 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,kirkstone] conf/images: Add ARAGO_IMAGE_SUFFIX to image names [meta-arago,kirkstone] conf/images: Add ARAGO_IMAGE_SUFFIX to image names 1 - - --- 2024-08-27 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[scarthgap,16/16] remove [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,15/16] llvm: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,14/16] opencl: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove 1 - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,13/16] openmpacc: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,12/16] gstreamer1.0-plugins-dsp66: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,11/16] libarch: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,10/16] linalg: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,09/16] fftlib: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,08/16] tiovx: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,07/16] tidl-api, tidl-utils: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove 1 - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,06/16] tensorflow-lite: remove [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,05/16] arm-compute-library: remove [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,04/16] barcode-roi: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,03/16] qt-opencv-opencl-opengl-multithreaded: deprecate [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,02/16] packagegroup: remove opencl/openmp packagegroups [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove [scarthgap,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,16/16] remove [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,15/16] llvm: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,14/16] opencl: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove 1 - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,13/16] openmpacc: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,12/16] gstreamer1.0-plugins-dsp66: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,11/16] libarch: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,10/16] linalg: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,09/16] fftlib: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,08/16] tiovx: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,07/16] tidl-api, tidl-utils: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove 1 - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,06/16] tensorflow-lite: remove [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,05/16] arm-compute-library: remove [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,04/16] barcode-roi: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,03/16] qt-opencv-opencl-opengl-multithreaded: deprecate [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,02/16] packagegroup: remove opencl/openmp packagegroups [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove [master,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-26 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,scarthgap] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.scarthgap.202408220400 [meta-arago,scarthgap] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.scarthgap.202408220400 - - - --- 2024-08-22 LCPD Automation Script reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,oe-layersetup] configs: processor-sdk-linux: AM67/AM68/AM69: Add configs for 10.00 Rele… [meta-arago,oe-layersetup] configs: processor-sdk-linux: AM67/AM68/AM69: Add configs for 10.00 Rele… - - - --- 2024-08-19 Aniket Limaye reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,oe-layersetup] configs: processor-sdk-analytics: Add 10.0 release config [meta-arago,oe-layersetup] configs: processor-sdk-analytics: Add 10.0 release config - - - --- 2024-08-19 Rahul T R reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap] ti-test: Add devmem2 tool [meta-arago,master/scarthgap] ti-test: Add devmem2 tool - - - --- 2024-08-15 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master] meta-toolchain-arago: Inherit nopackage [meta-arago,master] meta-toolchain-arago: Inherit nopackage - - - --- 2024-08-12 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[oe-layersetup,master] configs: processor-sdk: Add new configs for Sitara SDK 10.0 Release [oe-layersetup,master] configs: processor-sdk: Add new configs for Sitara SDK 10.0 Release - - - --- 2024-08-07 Chirag Shilwant reatmon Accepted
[kirkstone/scarthgap/master,v2,2/2] meta-arago-extras: gstreamer1.0-plugins-vpe: Fix submodule fetch [kirkstone/scarthgap/master,v2,1/2] meta-arago-extras: gstreamer1.0-plugins-hevc: Fix submodule fet… - - - --- 2024-08-07 Daniel Schultz reatmon Accepted
[kirkstone/scarthgap/master,v2,1/2] meta-arago-extras: gstreamer1.0-plugins-hevc: Fix submodule fet… [kirkstone/scarthgap/master,v2,1/2] meta-arago-extras: gstreamer1.0-plugins-hevc: Fix submodule fet… - - - --- 2024-08-07 Daniel Schultz reatmon Accepted
[kirkstone/scarthgap/master,2/2] meta-arago-extras: gstreamer1.0-plugins-vpe: Fix submodule fetch [kirkstone/scarthgap/master,1/2] meta-arago-extras: gstreamer1.0-plugins-hevc: Fix submodule fetch - - - --- 2024-08-07 Daniel Schultz reatmon Superseded
[kirkstone/scarthgap/master,1/2] meta-arago-extras: gstreamer1.0-plugins-hevc: Fix submodule fetch [kirkstone/scarthgap/master,1/2] meta-arago-extras: gstreamer1.0-plugins-hevc: Fix submodule fetch - - - --- 2024-08-07 Daniel Schultz reatmon Superseded
[master/scarthgap] gcc-cross-canadian: remove disabling of buildpaths check [master/scarthgap] gcc-cross-canadian: remove disabling of buildpaths check - - - --- 2024-08-06 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap,v5] packagegroup-arago-tisdk-multimedia: Add mpv package [meta-arago,master/scarthgap,v5] packagegroup-arago-tisdk-multimedia: Add mpv package - - - --- 2024-08-05 Thorsten Lannynd reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.master.202408050100 [meta-arago,master] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.master.202408050100 - - - --- 2024-08-05 LCPD Automation Script reatmon Accepted
[master,RFC,16/16] remove [master,RFC,01/16] ti-analytics: remove - - - --- 2024-08-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
« 1 2 3 412 13 »