diff mbox series

[meta-ti,scarthgap/master,v2,2/3] recipes-graphics : port gc320 libs to work on kernel 6.12

Message ID 20250305161535.351340-3-a-christidis@ti.com
State Superseded
Delegated to: Ryan Eatmon
Headers show
Series Enabling the gc320 driver for am57xx-evm | expand

Commit Message

Antonios Christidis March 5, 2025, 4:15 p.m. UTC
From: Antonios Christidis <a-christidis@ti.com>

The user mode libraries needed recompiling with the scarthgap revision of gcc to
remove all the warning about 32bit API usage during the linking stage, New SRCREV
and branch includes this changes. Versions of the libraries remain the same.

Signed-Off-By: Antonios Christidis <a-christidis@ti.com>

v2: ti-gc320-libs
- No longer include within the ${PN} package /usr/include files and symb link
  to library file. This is done by not changing the FILES/PACKAGES variables, thus creating a -dev
  package including the above.

 .../recipes-graphics/libgal/ti-gc320-libs_5.0.11.p7.bb | 10 +++++++---
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


Ryan Eatmon March 5, 2025, 4:35 p.m. UTC | #1
On 3/5/2025 10:15 AM, Antonios Christidis via lists.yoctoproject.org wrote:
> From: Antonios Christidis <a-christidis@ti.com>
> The user mode libraries needed recompiling with the scarthgap revision of gcc to
> remove all the warning about 32bit API usage during the linking stage, New SRCREV
> and branch includes this changes. Versions of the libraries remain the same.
> Signed-Off-By: Antonios Christidis <a-christidis@ti.com>
> ---
> v2: ti-gc320-libs
> - No longer include within the ${PN} package /usr/include files and symb link
>    to library file. This is done by not changing the FILES/PACKAGES variables, thus creating a -dev
>    package including the above.
>   .../recipes-graphics/libgal/ti-gc320-libs_5.0.11.p7.bb | 10 +++++++---
>   1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/meta-ti-bsp/recipes-graphics/libgal/ti-gc320-libs_5.0.11.p7.bb b/meta-ti-bsp/recipes-graphics/libgal/ti-gc320-libs_5.0.11.p7.bb
> index 807f421c..97c82a6e 100644
> --- a/meta-ti-bsp/recipes-graphics/libgal/ti-gc320-libs_5.0.11.p7.bb
> +++ b/meta-ti-bsp/recipes-graphics/libgal/ti-gc320-libs_5.0.11.p7.bb
> @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "omap-a15"
> -BRANCH = "ti-${PV}"
> +BRANCH = "ti-${PV}-scarthgap"
>   SRC_URI = "git://git.ti.com/git/graphics/ti-gc320-libs.git;protocol=https;branch=${BRANCH}"
> -SRCREV = "c0afab259de59909cfe74c01f3f7fbaa147f94b5"
> +SRCREV = "85c175e8425c33dda6e272aeb45afe0f69a79096"
>   RRECOMMENDS:${PN} = "ti-gc320-driver"
>   do_install() {
>       oe_runmake install
>       chown -R root:root ${D}
> +    mkdir lib

Do we need this mkdir?  You aren't copying anything into it after 
creating it...

>   }
> -INSANE_SKIP:${PN} += "ldflags"
> +# FILES:${PN} = "${libdir}"
> +# FILES:${PN}-dev = "/usr/include"

Why are these line commented out?  Should they be removed?

> +
> +INSANE_SKIP:${PN} += "ldflags already-stripped dev-so"
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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> View/Reply Online (#18346): https://lists.yoctoproject.org/g/meta-ti/message/18346
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> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta-ti-bsp/recipes-graphics/libgal/ti-gc320-libs_5.0.11.p7.bb b/meta-ti-bsp/recipes-graphics/libgal/ti-gc320-libs_5.0.11.p7.bb
index 807f421c..97c82a6e 100644
--- a/meta-ti-bsp/recipes-graphics/libgal/ti-gc320-libs_5.0.11.p7.bb
+++ b/meta-ti-bsp/recipes-graphics/libgal/ti-gc320-libs_5.0.11.p7.bb
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@  COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "omap-a15"
-BRANCH = "ti-${PV}"
+BRANCH = "ti-${PV}-scarthgap"
 SRC_URI = "git://git.ti.com/git/graphics/ti-gc320-libs.git;protocol=https;branch=${BRANCH}"
-SRCREV = "c0afab259de59909cfe74c01f3f7fbaa147f94b5"
+SRCREV = "85c175e8425c33dda6e272aeb45afe0f69a79096"
 RRECOMMENDS:${PN} = "ti-gc320-driver"
 do_install() {
     oe_runmake install
     chown -R root:root ${D}
+    mkdir lib
-INSANE_SKIP:${PN} += "ldflags"
+# FILES:${PN} = "${libdir}"
+# FILES:${PN}-dev = "/usr/include"
+INSANE_SKIP:${PN} += "ldflags already-stripped dev-so"