Show patches with: Series = Enabling the gc320 driver for am57xx-evm       |   3 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[meta-ti,scarthgap/master,3/3] conf: machine: am57xx-evm : Enable gc320 machine feature for am57xx Enabling the gc320 driver for am57xx-evm - - - --- 2025-02-12 Antonios Christidis reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,scarthgap/master,2/3] recipes-graphics : port gc320 libs to work on kernel 6.12 Enabling the gc320 driver for am57xx-evm - - - --- 2025-02-12 Antonios Christidis reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,scarthgap/master,1/3] recipes-graphics : port gc320 driver to work on kernel 6.12 Enabling the gc320 driver for am57xx-evm - - - --- 2025-02-12 Antonios Christidis reatmon Superseded