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[meta-ti,scarthgap/master,0/3] Enabling the gc320 driver for am57xx-evm

Message ID 20250212201830.2090247-1-a-christidis@ti.com
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Series Enabling the gc320 driver for am57xx-evm | expand


Antonios Christidis Feb. 12, 2025, 8:18 p.m. UTC
From: Antonios Christidis <a0507488@uda0867391-2.dhcp.ti.com>

The gc320 driver has been ported from kernel 6.1 to work on kernel 6.12.
This patch series updates and sets up everything required to start building gc320 again for kernel 6.12.

Antonios Christidis

Antonios Christidis (3):
  recipes-graphics : port gc320 driver to work on kernel 6.12
  recipes-graphics : port gc320 libs to work on kernel 6.12
  conf: machine: am57xx-evm : Enable gc320 machine feature for am57xx

 meta-ti-bsp/conf/machine/include/ti-bsp.inc            |  3 ---
 .../gc320-drivers/ti-gc320-driver_5.0.11.p7.bb         |  4 ++--
 .../recipes-graphics/libgal/ti-gc320-libs_5.0.11.p7.bb | 10 +++++++---
 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)