@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "9b8d1ecedd5b5e81fbf1918e876752a7dd948e05c1a0dba10ab863842d
inherit autotools gettext update-alternatives manpages
+EXTRA_AUTORECONF += "--exclude=aclocal"
--bindir=${base_bindir} \
--enable-etcdir=${sysconfdir} \
@@ -39,16 +41,9 @@ ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[sh] = "${base_bindir}/sh"
ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[sh] = "${base_bindir}/${BPN}"
-export AUTOHEADER = "true"
# Needed for manpages.bbclass, but they're always installed
PACKAGECONFIG[manpages] = ""
-do_configure () {
- gnu-configize --force ${S}
- oe_runconf
do_install:append() {
sed -i -e '1!b; s:^#!.*[ /]zsh:#!${bindir}/zsh:; s#/usr/local/bin#${bindir}#;' \
`find ${D}/usr/share/zsh/${PV}/functions -type f`
No need to manually write do_configure, the config.h.in is generated with autoheader so don't disable that, but disable aclocal as that file is hand-maintained. Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton@arm.com> --- meta-oe/recipes-shells/zsh/zsh_5.9.bb | 9 ++------- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)