new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+SUMMARY = "nanobind: tiny and efficient C++/Python bindings"
+DESCRIPTION = "nanobind: tiny and efficient C++/Python bindings"
+LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=7646f9ee25e49eaf53f89a10665c568c"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "a0392dee5f58881085b2ac8bfe8e53f74285aa4868b1472bfaf76cfb414e1c96"
+inherit pypi python_setuptools_build_meta cmake lib_package
+DEPENDS += "\
+ python3-scikit-build-native \
+ python3-scikit-build-core-native \
+ ninja-native \
+do_install:append() {
+ install -d ${D}${base_libdir}/cmake/${PN}
+ install -m 0644 ${S}/cmake/* ${D}${base_libdir}/cmake/${PN}/
+FILES:${PN} += "${prefix_native}/* ${prefix_native}/${PN}/* ${base_libdir}/cmake/*"
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
Add recipe for nanobind, tiny and efficient C++/Python bindings. Changelog for version 2.4.0: - Added a function annotation :cpp:class:`nb::call_policy\<Policy\>() <call_policy>` which supports custom function wrapping logic, calling Policy::precall() before the bound function and Policy::postcall() after. This is a low-level interface intended for advanced users. The precall and postcall hooks are able to observe the Python objects forming the function arguments and return value, and the precall hook can change the arguments. - :cpp:func:`nb::make_iterator <make_iterator>` now accepts its iterator arguments by value, rather than by forwarding reference, in order to eliminate the hazard of storing a dangling C++ iterator reference in the returned Python iterator object. - The std::variant type_caster now does two passes when converting from Python. The first pass is done without implicit conversions. This fixes an issue where std::variant<U, T> might cast a Python object wrapping a T to a U if there is an implicit conversion available from T to U. - Restored support for constructing types with an overloaded __new__ that takes no arguments, which regressed with the constructor vector call acceleration that was added in nanobind 2.2.0. - Bindings for augmented assignment operators (as generated, for example, by .def(nb::self += nb::self)) now return the same object in Python in the typical case where the C++ operator returns a reference to *this. Previously, after a += b, a would be replaced with a copy. - Added an overload to :cpp:func:`nb::isinstance <isinstance>` which tests if a Python object is an instance of a Python class. This is in addition to the existing overload, which tests if a Python object is an instance of a bound C++ class. - Added support for overriding static properties, such as those defined using def_prop_ro_static, in subclasses. Previously this would fail with an error. - Other minor fixes and improvements. This work was sponsored by GOVCERT.LU. Signed-off-by: Leon Anavi <> --- .../python/ | 26 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta-python/recipes-devtools/python/