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[meta-networking] civetweb: fix pathes in cmake file

Message ID 20250124103244.3904639-1-skandigraun@gmail.com
State Accepted
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Series [meta-networking] civetweb: fix pathes in cmake file | expand

Commit Message

Gyorgy Sarvari Jan. 24, 2025, 10:32 a.m. UTC
1. The do_install:append() deleted the TMPDIR from the cmake file,
however that left two absolute pathes in the file: /usr/lib/libssl.so
and /usr/lib/libcrypto.so. In case another project is trying to link
to civetweb-server with cmake, it fails with the following error:

ninja: error: '/usr/lib/libssl.so', needed by 'examples/prometheus/prometheus_example', missing and no known rule to make it

Instead of only deleting the TMPDIR, change it to ${CMAKE_SYSROOT} -
a variable set by cmake.bbclass. This allows other projects to find
the required interfacing libraries successfully.

2. When linking to civetweb-server from another project using cmake,
the cmake file verifies if the /usr/bin/civetweb binary exists. When using
the class-target package, this file is not included in the sysroot during
build-time, so this check fails with the following error:

 CMake Error at ${RECIPE_SYSROOT}/usr/lib/cmake/civetweb/civetweb-targets.cmake:97 (message):
   The imported target "civetweb::server" references the file


   but this file does not exist.  Possible reasons include:

To avoid this error, this check is deleted for class-target.

Signed-off-by: Gyorgy Sarvari <skandigraun@gmail.com>
 .../recipes-connectivity/civetweb/civetweb_1.16.bb       | 9 +++++++--
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/civetweb/civetweb_1.16.bb b/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/civetweb/civetweb_1.16.bb
index f5a699d5b..d061e1a81 100644
--- a/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/civetweb/civetweb_1.16.bb
+++ b/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/civetweb/civetweb_1.16.bb
 do_install:append() {
-    sed -i -e 's|${RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE}||g' \
-        -e 's|${RECIPE_SYSROOT}||g' ${D}${libdir}/cmake/civetweb/civetweb-targets.cmake
+    sed -i -e 's|${RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE}|\$\{CMAKE_SYSROOT\}|g' \
+        -e 's|${RECIPE_SYSROOT}|\$\{CMAKE_SYSROOT\}|g' ${D}${libdir}/cmake/civetweb/civetweb-targets.cmake
+do_install:append:class-target() {
+    sed -i '/list(APPEND _cmake_import_check_files_for_civetweb::server "\${_IMPORT_PREFIX}\/bin\/civetweb" )/d' \
+        ${D}${libdir}/cmake/civetweb/civetweb-targets-noconfig.cmake