@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ EXTRA_OEMESON += "-Diniparserdir=${STAGING_INCDIR}/iniparser"
PACKAGECONFIG ??= "tests ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','systemd','',d)}"
PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "-Dsystemd=enabled,-Dsystemd=disabled,systemd"
PACKAGECONFIG[tests] = "-Dtest=enabled -Ddestructive=enabled, -Dtest=disabled,"
-PACKAGECONFIG[docs] = "-Ddocs=enabled -Dasciidoctor=enabled,-Ddocs=disabled -Dasciidoctor=disabled, asciidoc-native"
+PACKAGECONFIG[docs] = "-Ddocs=enabled -Dasciidoctor=disabled,-Ddocs=disabled, asciidoc-native xmlto-native"
SYSTEMD_PACKAGES = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','${PN}','',d)}"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN} = "ndctl-monitor.service daxdev-reconfigure@.service"
In case "asciidoctor" meson option is enabled for building the documentation, meson looks for a binary called "asciidoctor", which is a ruby application, different from "asciidoc", and fails with the following error: ../git/meson.build:153:15: ERROR: Program 'asciidoctor' not found or not executable When "asciidoctor" option is disabled, meson looks for "asciidoc", which is readily provided by asciidoc-native. When docs PACKAGECONFIG is disabled, the "asciidoctor" option can be left on its default value. Also, add xmlto-native as a dependency for the "docs" PACKAGECONFIG, otherwise build fails with the following error after finding asciidoc: ../git/meson.build:156:12: ERROR: Program 'xmlto' not found or not executable Signed-off-by: Gyorgy Sarvari <skandigraun@gmail.com> --- meta-oe/recipes-core/ndctl/ndctl_v79.bb | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)