new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+From 41ba5cf31da5e43477811b28009d64d3f643fd29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "Thomas E. Dickey" <>
+Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2023 01:06:03 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] snapshot of project "xterm", label xterm-379c
+Upstream-Status: Backport from
+CVE: CVE-2023-40359
+Signed-off-by: Rohini Sangam <>
+ graphics_regis.c | 235 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
+ 1 file changed, 133 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/graphics_regis.c b/graphics_regis.c
+index 479bb79..cf14437 100644
+--- a/graphics_regis.c
++++ b/graphics_regis.c
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+-/* $XTermId: graphics_regis.c,v 1.129 2022/02/21 13:33:08 tom Exp $ */
++/* $XTermId: graphics_regis.c,v 1.139 2023/03/08 01:06:03 tom Exp $ */
+ /*
+- * Copyright 2014-2021,2022 by Ross Combs
+- * Copyright 2014-2021,2022 by Thomas E. Dickey
++ * Copyright 2014-2022,2023 by Ross Combs
++ * Copyright 2014-2022,2023 by Thomas E. Dickeiy
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved
+ *
+@@ -119,6 +119,14 @@ typedef struct RegisTextControls {
+ int slant; /* for italic/oblique */
+ } RegisTextControls;
++#define S_QUOTE '\''
++#define D_QUOTE '"'
++#define isQuote(ch) ((ch) == S_QUOTE || (ch) == D_QUOTE)
++#define PickQuote(ch) ((ch) == S_QUOTE ? D_QUOTE : S_QUOTE)
++#define isName(c) ((c) == '_' || isalnum(CharOf(c)))
+ #define FixedCopy(dst, src, len) strncpy(dst, src, len - 1)[len - 1] = '\0'
+ #define CopyFontname(dst, src) FixedCopy(dst, src, (size_t) REGIS_FONTNAME_LEN)
+@@ -538,8 +546,8 @@ draw_or_save_patterned_pixel(RegisGraphicsContext *context, int x, int y)
+ static int
+ sort_points(void const *l, void const *r)
+ {
+- RegisPoint const *const lp = l;
+- RegisPoint const *const rp = r;
++ RegisPoint const *const lp = (RegisPoint const *) l;
++ RegisPoint const *const rp = (RegisPoint const *) r;
+ if (lp->y < rp->y)
+ return -1;
+@@ -3151,6 +3159,37 @@ extract_regis_command(RegisDataFragment *input, char *command)
+ return 1;
+ }
++ * * Check a ReGIS alphabet name before reporting it, to pick an appropriate
++ * * delimiter. If the string is empty, or contains nonreportable characters,
++ * * just return NUL.
++ * */
++static int
++pick_quote(const char *value)
++ Bool s_quote = False;
++ Bool d_quote = False;
++ if (*value != '\0') {
++ while (*value != '\0') {
++ int ch = CharOf(*value++);
++ if (ch == D_QUOTE)
++ d_quote = True;
++ else if (ch == S_QUOTE)
++ s_quote = True;
++ else if (!isName(ch))
++ s_quote = d_quote = True;
++ }
++ } else {
++ s_quote = d_quote = True;
++ }
++ return ((s_quote && d_quote)
++ ? 0
++ : (s_quote
++ ? D_QUOTE
++ : S_QUOTE));
+ static int
+ extract_regis_string(RegisDataFragment *input, char *out, unsigned maxlen)
+ {
+@@ -3166,7 +3205,7 @@ extract_regis_string(RegisDataFragment *input, char *out, unsigned maxlen)
+ return 0;
+ ch = peek_fragment(input);
+- if (ch != '\'' && ch != '"')
++ if (!isQuote(ch))
+ return 0;
+ open_quote_ch = ch;
+ outlen = 0U;
+@@ -3246,7 +3285,7 @@ extract_regis_parenthesized_data(RegisDataFragment *input,
+ for (; input->pos < input->len; input->pos++, output->len++) {
+ char prev_ch = ch;
+ ch = input->start[input->pos];
+- if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"') {
++ if (isQuote(ch)) {
+ if (open_quote_ch == '\0') {
+ open_quote_ch = ch;
+ } else {
+@@ -3314,7 +3353,7 @@ extract_regis_option(RegisDataFragment *input,
+ if (ch == ';' || ch == ',' ||
+ ch == '(' || ch == ')' ||
+ ch == '[' || ch == ']' ||
+- ch == '"' || ch == '\'' ||
++ isQuote(ch) ||
+ isdigit(CharOf(ch))) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -3330,7 +3369,7 @@ extract_regis_option(RegisDataFragment *input,
+ TRACE(("looking at char '%c' in option '%c'\n", ch, *option));
+ /* FIXME: any special rules for commas? */
+ /* FIXME: handle escaped quotes */
+- if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"') {
++ if (isQuote(ch)) {
+ if (open_quote_ch == ch) {
+ open_quote_ch = '\0';
+ } else {
+@@ -5008,6 +5047,7 @@ parse_regis_command(RegisParseState *state)
+ static int
+ parse_regis_option(RegisParseState *state, RegisGraphicsContext *context)
+ {
++ XtermWidget xw = context->display_graphic->xw;
+ RegisDataFragment optionarg;
+ if (!extract_regis_option(&state->input, &state->option, &optionarg))
+@@ -5586,13 +5626,18 @@ parse_regis_option(RegisParseState *state, RegisGraphicsContext *context)
+ state->option, fragment_to_tempstr(&optionarg)));
+ break;
+ } {
+- char reply[64];
++ unsigned err_code = 0U;
++ unsigned err_char = 0U;
+ TRACE(("got report last error condition\n"));
+ /* FIXME: implement after adding error tracking */
+- sprintf(reply, "\"%u,%u\"\r", 0U, 0U);
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, reply);
+- unparse_end(context->display_graphic->xw);
++ unparseputc(xw, D_QUOTE);
++ unparseputn(xw, err_code);
++ unparseputc(xw, ',');
++ unparseputn(xw, err_char);
++ unparseputc(xw, D_QUOTE);
++ unparseputc(xw, '\r');
++ unparse_end(xw);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+@@ -5639,8 +5684,8 @@ parse_regis_option(RegisParseState *state, RegisGraphicsContext *context)
+ /* FIXME: implement arrow key movement */
+ /* FIXME: implement button/key collection */
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, "\r");
+- unparse_end(context->display_graphic->xw);
++ unparseputc(xw, '\r');
++ unparse_end(xw);
+ skip_regis_whitespace(&optionarg);
+ if (!fragment_consumed(&optionarg)) {
+@@ -5657,25 +5702,22 @@ parse_regis_option(RegisParseState *state, RegisGraphicsContext *context)
+ if (!fragment_consumed(&optionarg)) {
+ TRACE(("DATA_ERROR: unexpected arguments to ReGIS report command option '%c' arg \"%s\"\n",
+ state->option, fragment_to_tempstr(&optionarg)));
+- break;
+- } {
+- char buffer[32];
+- if (state->load_index == MAX_REGIS_ALPHABETS) {
+- /* If this happens something went wrong elsewhere. */
+- TRACE(("DATA_ERROR: unable to report current load alphabet\n"));
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, "A0\"\"\r");
+- unparse_end(context->display_graphic->xw);
+- break;
++ } else if (state->load_index == MAX_REGIS_ALPHABETS) {
++ /* If this happens something went wrong elsewhere. */
++ TRACE(("DATA_ERROR: unable to report current load alphabet\n"));
++ unparseputs(xw, "A0\"\"\r");
++ unparse_end(xw);
++ } else {
++ int delim = pick_quote(state->load_name);
++ if (delim != '\0') {
++ unparseputs(xw, "A");
++ unparseputn(xw, state->load_alphabet);
++ unparseputc(xw, delim);
++ unparseputs(xw, state->load_name);
++ unparseputc(xw, delim);
+ }
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, "A");
+- sprintf(buffer, "%u", state->load_alphabet);
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, buffer);
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, "\"");
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, state->load_name);
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, "\"\r");
+- unparse_end(context->display_graphic->xw);
++ unparseputc(xw, '\r');
++ unparse_end(xw);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+@@ -5717,13 +5759,18 @@ parse_regis_option(RegisParseState *state, RegisGraphicsContext *context)
+ }
+ if (name == '=') {
+- char reply[64];
++ unsigned max_available = 1000U;
++ unsigned cur_available = max_available;
+ TRACE(("got report macrograph storage request\n"));
+ /* FIXME: Implement when macrographs are supported. */
+- sprintf(reply, "\"%u,%u\"\r", 1000U, 1000U);
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, reply);
+- unparse_end(context->display_graphic->xw);
++ unparseputc(xw, D_QUOTE);
++ unparseputn(xw, cur_available);
++ unparseputc(xw, ',');
++ unparseputn(xw, max_available);
++ unparseputc(xw, D_QUOTE);
++ unparseputc(xw, '\r');
++ unparse_end(xw);
+ } else if (name < 'A' || name > 'Z') {
+ TRACE(("DATA_ERROR: invalid macrograph name: \"%c\"\n", name));
+ /* FIXME: what should happen? */
+@@ -5732,12 +5779,13 @@ parse_regis_option(RegisParseState *state, RegisGraphicsContext *context)
+ char temp[8];
+ TRACE(("got report macrograph request for name '%c'\n", name));
+- sprintf(temp, "@=%c", name);
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, temp);
++ unparseputs(xw, "@=");
++ unparseputc(xw, name);
+ /* FIXME: Allow this to be disabled for security reasons. */
+ /* FIXME: implement when macrographs are supported. */
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, "@;\r");
+- unparse_end(context->display_graphic->xw);
++ unparseputs(xw, "@;");
++ unparseputc(xw, '\r');
++ unparse_end(xw);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -5785,78 +5833,61 @@ parse_regis_option(RegisParseState *state, RegisGraphicsContext *context)
+ TRACE(("got report cursor position (output=%d)\n", output));
+ /* FIXME: look into supporting ANSI locator reports (DECLRP) */
++ unparseputc(xw, L_BLOK);
+ if (output == 1) {
+- char reply[64];
++ /* FIXME: verify in absolute, not user, coordinates */
++ unparseputn(xw, (unsigned) context->graphics_output_cursor_x);
++ unparseputc(xw, ',');
++ unparseputn(xw, (unsigned) context->graphics_output_cursor_y);
++ } else if (context->multi_input_mode) {
++ /* FIXME: track input coordinates */
++ unsigned x = 0, y = 0; /* placeholders */
++ /* send CSI240~[x,y]\r with current input cursor location */
++ /* FIXME: verify no leading char or button sequence */
++ /* FIXME: should we ever send an eight-bit CSI? */
+ /* FIXME: verify in absolute, not user, coordinates */
+- sprintf(reply, "[%d,%d]\r",
+- context->graphics_output_cursor_x,
+- context->graphics_output_cursor_y);
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, reply);
+- unparse_end(context->display_graphic->xw);
++ TRACE(("sending multi-mode input report at %u,%u\n", x, y));
++ unparseputn(xw, x);
++ unparseputc(xw, ',');
++ unparseputn(xw, y);
+ } else {
+- char reply[64];
+- int x, y;
+- if (context->multi_input_mode) {
+- /* FIXME: track input coordinates */
+- x = y = 0; /* placeholders */
+- /* send CSI240~[x,y]\r with current input cursor location */
+- /* FIXME: verify no leading char or button sequence */
+- /* FIXME: should we ever send an eight-bit CSI? */
+- /* FIXME: verify in absolute, not user, coordinates */
+- TRACE(("sending multi-mode input report at %d,%d\n",
+- x, y));
+- sprintf(reply, "[%d,%d]\r", x, y);
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, reply);
+- unparse_end(context->display_graphic->xw);
+- break;
+- } else {
+- char ch;
+- /* FIXME: wait for first non-arrow keypress or mouse click, and don't update graphics while waiting */
+- ch = ' '; /* placeholder */
+- x = y = 0; /* placeholders */
+- /* send <key or button>[x,y]\r to report input cursor location */
+- /* null button: CSI240~ */
+- /* left button: CSI241~ */
+- /* middle button: CSI243~ */
+- /* right button: CSI245~ */
+- /* extra button: CSI247~ */
+- /* FIXME: support DECLBD to change button assignments */
+- /* FIXME: verify no leading char or button sequence */
+- TRACE(("sending one-shot input report with %c at %d,%d\n",
+- ch, x, y));
+-#if 0 /* FIXME - dead code */
+- if (ch == '\r') {
+- /* Return only reports the location. */
+- sprintf(reply, "[%d,%d]\r", x, y);
+- } else if (ch == '\177') {
+- /* DEL exits locator mode reporting nothing. */
+- sprintf(reply, "\r");
+- } else
+- {
+- sprintf(reply, "%c[%d,%d]\r", ch, x, y);
+- }
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, reply);
+- unparse_end(context->display_graphic->xw);
+- /* FIXME: exit one-shot mode and disable input cursor */
+- break;
++ char ch = ' '; /* placeholder */
++ unsigned x = 0, y = 0; /* placeholders */
++ /* FIXME: wait for first non-arrow keypress or mouse click, and don't update graphics while waiting */
++ /* send <key or button>[x,y]\r to report input cursor location */
++ /* null button: CSI240~ */
++ /* left button: CSI241~ */
++ /* middle button: CSI243~ */
++ /* right button: CSI245~ */
++ /* extra button: CSI247~ */
++ /* FIXME: support DECLBD to change button assignments */
++ /* FIXME: verify no leading char or button sequence */
++ TRACE(("sending one-shot input report with %c at %u,%u\n",
++ ch, x, y));
++ if (ch != '\177') {
++ unparseputn(xw, x);
++ unparseputc(xw, ',');
++ unparseputn(xw, y);
+ }
++ /* FIXME: exit one-shot mode and disable input cursor */
+ }
++ unparseputc(xw, R_BLOK);
++ unparseputc(xw, '\r');
++ unparse_end(xw);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ TRACE(("DATA_ERROR: sending empty report for unknown ReGIS report command option '%c' arg \"%s\"\n",
+ state->option, fragment_to_tempstr(&optionarg)));
+ /* Unknown report request types must receive empty reports. */
+- unparseputs(context->display_graphic->xw, "\r");
+- unparse_end(context->display_graphic->xw);
++ unparseputs(xw, "\r");
++ unparse_end(xw);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -6154,7 +6185,7 @@ parse_regis_option(RegisParseState *state, RegisGraphicsContext *context)
+ TRACE(("using display page number: %d\n", page));
+ context->display_page = (unsigned) page;
+- map_regis_graphics_pages(context->display_graphic->xw, context);
++ map_regis_graphics_pages(xw, context);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'T':
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://xterm.h;beginline=3;endline=31;md5=5ec6748ed90e588caa
SRC_URI = "${BPN}/${BP}.tgz \
file://0001-Add-configure-time-check-for-setsid.patch \
file://CVE-2022-45063.patch \
+ file://CVE-2023-40359.patch \
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "c6d08127cb2409c3a04bcae559b7025196ed770bb7bf26630abcb45d95f60ab1"