
[styhead,00/12] Patch review

Message ID cover.1738965898.git.steve@sakoman.com
State Not Applicable, archived
Delegated to: Steve Sakoman
Headers show


https://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core-contrib stable/styhead-nut


Steve Sakoman Feb. 7, 2025, 10:06 p.m. UTC
Please review this set of changes for styhead and have comments back by
end of day Tuesday, February 11

Passed a-full on autobuilder:


The following changes since commit a5e7ff4424a68335fc768e49a232a58011a5b160:

  devtool: ide-sdk remove the plugin from eSDK installer (2025-01-29 06:42:16 -0800)

are available in the Git repository at:

  https://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core-contrib stable/styhead-nut

Alexander Kanavin (2):
  enchant2: correct SRC_URI and other uris
  libxml-parser-perl: correct SRC_URI

Bruce Ashfield (3):
  linux-yocto/6.6: update to v6.6.71
  linux-yocto/6.6: update to v6.6.72
  linux-yocto/6.6: update to v6.6.74

Mikko Rapeli (1):
  systemd: set CVE_PRODUCT

Peter Marko (2):
  cve-check: restore CVE_CHECK_SHOW_WARNINGS functionality
  cve-check: fix cvesInRecord

Richard Purdie (2):
  resulttool/store: Fix permissions of logarchive
  oeqa/gitarchive: Fix syntax warning

Ross Burton (2):
  libnsl2: set CVE_PRODUCT
  lrzsz: update SRC_URI to avoid redirect

 meta/classes/cve-check.bbclass                | 16 +++++++----
 meta/lib/oeqa/utils/gitarchive.py             |  2 +-
 meta/recipes-bsp/lrzsz/lrzsz_0.12.20.bb       |  6 ++--
 meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd.inc         |  2 ++
 .../perl/libxml-parser-perl_2.47.bb           |  2 +-
 meta/recipes-extended/libnsl/libnsl2_git.bb   |  2 ++
 .../linux/linux-yocto-rt_6.6.bb               |  6 ++--
 .../linux/linux-yocto-tiny_6.6.bb             |  6 ++--
 meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_6.6.bb  | 28 +++++++++----------
 .../recipes-support/enchant/enchant2_2.8.2.bb |  6 ++--
 scripts/lib/resulttool/store.py               |  1 +
 11 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)