diff mbox series

[kirkstone,1/2] valgrind: disable avx_estimate_insn.vgtest

Message ID 9269edb63d3c68de62326f5960ffff0c1068e709.1728585736.git.steve@sakoman.com
State Accepted, archived
Commit 9269edb63d3c68de62326f5960ffff0c1068e709
Delegated to: Steve Sakoman
Headers show
Series [kirkstone,1/2] valgrind: disable avx_estimate_insn.vgtest | expand

Commit Message

Steve Sakoman Oct. 10, 2024, 6:44 p.m. UTC
This test fails consistently on the new valkyrie autobuilder cluster

The estimate instructions (rcpss, rcpps, rsqrtps, rsqrtss) are, as the
name suggests, not expected to give a fully accurate result. They may
produce slighly different results on different CPU families because
their results are not defined by the IEEE standard.

Signed-off-by: Steve Sakoman <steve@sakoman.com>
 meta/recipes-devtools/valgrind/valgrind_3.18.1.bb | 8 ++++++++
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/valgrind/valgrind_3.18.1.bb b/meta/recipes-devtools/valgrind/valgrind_3.18.1.bb
index 0c297ad6b9..2a1bf19da5 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/valgrind/valgrind_3.18.1.bb
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/valgrind/valgrind_3.18.1.bb
@@ -237,6 +237,14 @@  do_install_ptest() {
     # This is known failure see https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=435732
     rm ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/memcheck/tests/leak_cpp_interior.vgtest
+    # This test fails consistently on the new valkyrie autobuilder cluster
+    # It tests the avx estimate instructions
+    # The estimate instructions (rcpss, rcpps, rsqrtps, rsqrtss) are, as the
+    # name suggests, not expected to give a fully accurate result. They may
+    # produce slighly different results on different CPU families because
+    # their results are not defined by the IEEE standard
+    rm ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/none/tests/amd64/avx_estimate_insn.vgtest
     # As the binary isn't stripped or debug-splitted, the source file isn't fetched
     # via dwarfsrcfiles either, so it needs to be installed manually.
     mkdir -p ${D}/usr/src/debug/${PN}/${EXTENDPE}${PV}-${PR}/${BP}/none/tests/