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[RFC,1/3] version-check.conf: add mechanism for checking version mismatch

Message ID 2ade23315e080afec9b58e7dbb615b5e6d3262aa.1743052694.git.Qi.Chen@windriver.com
State New
Headers show
Series [RFC,1/3] version-check.conf: add mechanism for checking version mismatch | expand

Commit Message

ChenQi March 27, 2025, 6:21 a.m. UTC
From: Chen Qi <Qi.Chen@windriver.com>

Add a mechanism to check mismatch between runtime version and build time version.

To use, add the following line to local.conf:

  include conf/version-check.conf

The basic idea is to use qemu to run executables at build time, extract
possible versions, and check if there's a mismatch found.

Python meta data and .pc files are also checked for quick match. This
is because such info are also easy to be checked by users.

check-version-mismatch.bbclass is the class that does the actual work.
A new variable, CHECK_VERSION_PV, is introduced. It defaults to ${PKGV},
but also allows override. This allows us to handle special cases in each

version-check.conf is the configuration file that makes this functionality
easier to use and draws some baseline. It contains some override settings
for some recipes. With these overrides, all recipes in oe-core are handled
well. All warnings are valid warnings.

Note that 'ps' is added to HOSTTOOLS in version-check.conf. This is because
we need 'ps' to find stale processes and then clean them.

The warnings are like below:

  WARNING: time-1.9-r0 do_package_check_version_mismatch: Possible runtime versions ['UNKNOWN'] do not match recipe version 1.9
  WARNING: python3-unittest-automake-output-0.2-r0 do_package_check_version_mismatch: Possible runtime versions ['0.1'] do not match recipe version 0.2
  WARNING: pinentry-1.3.1-r0 do_package_check_version_mismatch: Possible runtime versions ['1.3.1-unknown'] do not match recipe version 1.3.1

There will be a data directory containing all details: tmp/check-version-mismatch.
This directory contains detailed data for each recipe that is built.
If users don't want it, they can set DEBUG_VERSION_MISMATCH_CHECK to 0.

Signed-off-by: Chen Qi <Qi.Chen@windriver.com>
 meta/classes/check-version-mismatch.bbclass   | 399 ++++++++++++++++++
 meta/{classes-recipe => classes}/qemu.bbclass |   0
 meta/conf/version-check.conf                  |  14 +
 3 files changed, 413 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 meta/classes/check-version-mismatch.bbclass
 rename meta/{classes-recipe => classes}/qemu.bbclass (100%)
 create mode 100644 meta/conf/version-check.conf


Alexander Kanavin March 27, 2025, 11:22 a.m. UTC | #1
On Thu, 27 Mar 2025 at 07:22, Chen Qi via lists.openembedded.org
<Qi.Chen=windriver.com@lists.openembedded.org> wrote:
> The basic idea is to use qemu to run executables at build time, extract
> possible versions, and check if there's a mismatch found.

Should this check be in its own layer for now? If it's in core, there
should be evidence that it's broadly useful and used (and no one's
asked for it before as far as I'm aware), and it should be tested for
correct behaviour and against regressions. I don't feel it meets these
criteria at the moment.

Git fetcher has recently gained the ability to match up source
revisions with tags specified in recipes, and will error out if SRCREV
is set wrongly. We just need to update recipes to specify tags (with
${PV} in them somewhere, so they remain valid on version updates). So
sending in those updates would be most welcome.

Richard Purdie March 27, 2025, 11:25 a.m. UTC | #2
On Thu, 2025-03-27 at 12:22 +0100, Alexander Kanavin via
lists.openembedded.org wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2025 at 07:22, Chen Qi via lists.openembedded.org
> <Qi.Chen=windriver.com@lists.openembedded.org> wrote:
> > The basic idea is to use qemu to run executables at build time,
> > extract
> > possible versions, and check if there's a mismatch found.
> Should this check be in its own layer for now? If it's in core, there
> should be evidence that it's broadly useful and used (and no one's
> asked for it before as far as I'm aware), and it should be tested for
> correct behaviour and against regressions. I don't feel it meets
> these
> criteria at the moment.
> Git fetcher has recently gained the ability to match up source
> revisions with tags specified in recipes, and will error out if
> is set wrongly. We just need to update recipes to specify tags (with
> ${PV} in them somewhere, so they remain valid on version updates). So
> sending in those updates would be most welcome.

The new SRCREV vs tag code was my first thought when seeing this patch

It is a nice idea to check the version information and having something
somewhere to do it is nice but I'm not sure maintaining this in OE-Core
is the right thing to do for it...


ChenQi March 28, 2025, 2:42 a.m. UTC | #3
On 3/27/25 19:25, Richard Purdie wrote:
> On Thu, 2025-03-27 at 12:22 +0100, Alexander Kanavin via
> lists.openembedded.org wrote:
>> On Thu, 27 Mar 2025 at 07:22, Chen Qi via lists.openembedded.org
>> <Qi.Chen=windriver.com@lists.openembedded.org> wrote:
>>> The basic idea is to use qemu to run executables at build time,
>>> extract
>>> possible versions, and check if there's a mismatch found.
>> Should this check be in its own layer for now? If it's in core, there
>> should be evidence that it's broadly useful and used (and no one's
>> asked for it before as far as I'm aware), and it should be tested for
>> correct behaviour and against regressions. I don't feel it meets
>> these
>> criteria at the moment.
>> Git fetcher has recently gained the ability to match up source
>> revisions with tags specified in recipes, and will error out if
>> is set wrongly. We just need to update recipes to specify tags (with
>> ${PV} in them somewhere, so they remain valid on version updates). So
>> sending in those updates would be most welcome.
> The new SRCREV vs tag code was my first thought when seeing this patch
> too.
> It is a nice idea to check the version information and having something
> somewhere to do it is nice but I'm not sure maintaining this in OE-Core
> is the right thing to do for it...
> Cheers,
> Richard

Got it. I'll maintain it in its own layer.

Patch 2/3 and patch 3/3 are fixes. Please consider merging them. I'll 
send out V2 according to Ross's advice.

I personally think this version check feature is useful for layer 
maintainers because it will detect a few problems I mentioned in the 
cover letter. So if people want this feature in the future and the 
decision is changed at that time, I can send out a new RFC with oeqa 
test cases added.

Quentin Schulz March 28, 2025, 3:21 p.m. UTC | #4
Hi Chen,

On 3/28/25 3:42 AM, Chen Qi via lists.openembedded.org wrote:
> On 3/27/25 19:25, Richard Purdie wrote:
>> On Thu, 2025-03-27 at 12:22 +0100, Alexander Kanavin via
>> lists.openembedded.org wrote:
>>> On Thu, 27 Mar 2025 at 07:22, Chen Qi via lists.openembedded.org
>>> <Qi.Chen=windriver.com@lists.openembedded.org> wrote:
>>>> The basic idea is to use qemu to run executables at build time,
>>>> extract
>>>> possible versions, and check if there's a mismatch found.
>>> Should this check be in its own layer for now? If it's in core, there
>>> should be evidence that it's broadly useful and used (and no one's
>>> asked for it before as far as I'm aware), and it should be tested for
>>> correct behaviour and against regressions. I don't feel it meets
>>> these
>>> criteria at the moment.
>>> Git fetcher has recently gained the ability to match up source
>>> revisions with tags specified in recipes, and will error out if
>>> is set wrongly. We just need to update recipes to specify tags (with
>>> ${PV} in them somewhere, so they remain valid on version updates). So
>>> sending in those updates would be most welcome.
>> The new SRCREV vs tag code was my first thought when seeing this patch
>> too.
>> It is a nice idea to check the version information and having something
>> somewhere to do it is nice but I'm not sure maintaining this in OE-Core
>> is the right thing to do for it...
>> Cheers,
>> Richard
> Got it. I'll maintain it in its own layer.
> Patch 2/3 and patch 3/3 are fixes. Please consider merging them. I'll 
> send out V2 according to Ross's advice.
> I personally think this version check feature is useful for layer 
> maintainers because it will detect a few problems I mentioned in the 
> cover letter. So if people want this feature in the future and the 
> decision is changed at that time, I can send out a new RFC with oeqa 
> test cases added.

If the CVE reporting tool is using PV, having a PV different from the 
actual version we're building is an issue. So running this tool 
regularly would be nice to make sure we're building what we say we are 

Maybe we would want to run this on the autobuilder every now and then to 
catch issues before releases for examples? If that was the case, in 
which layer would we want to store this?

diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/classes/check-version-mismatch.bbclass b/meta/classes/check-version-mismatch.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fac24ad45b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/check-version-mismatch.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@ 
+inherit qemu
+ENABLE_VERSION_MISMATCH_CHECK ?= "${@'1' if bb.utils.contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'qemu-usermode', True, False, d) else '0'}"
+DEPENDS:append:class-target = "${@' qemu-native' if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('ENABLE_VERSION_MISMATCH_CHECK')) else ''}"
+QEMU_EXEC ?= "${@qemu_wrapper_cmdline(d, '${STAGING_DIR_HOST}', ['${STAGING_DIR_HOST}${libdir}','${STAGING_DIR_HOST}${base_libdir}', '${PKGD}${libdir}', '${PKGD}${base_libdir}'])}"
+python do_package_check_version_mismatch() {
+    import re
+    import subprocess
+    import shutil
+    import signal
+    classes_skip = ["nopackage", "image", "native", "cross", "crosssdk", "cross-canadian"]
+    for cs in classes_skip:
+        if bb.data.inherits_class(cs, d):
+            bb.note(f"Skip do_package_check_version_mismatch as {cs} is inherited.")
+            return
+    if not bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('ENABLE_VERSION_MISMATCH_CHECK')):
+        bb.note("Skip do_package_check_version_mismatch as ENABLE_VERSION_MISMATCH_CHECK is disabled.")
+        return
+    __regexp_version_broad_match__ = re.compile(r"(?:\s|^|-|_|/|=| go|\()" +
+                                                r"(?P<version>v?[0-9][0-9.][0-9+.\-_~\(\)]*?|UNKNOWN)" +
+                                                r"(?:-release|-stable|)" +
+                                                r"(?P<extra>[+\-]unknown|[+\-]dirty|[+\-]rc?\d{1,3}|\+cargo-[0-9.]+|" +
+                                                r"[a-z]|-?[pP][0-9]{1,3}|-beta[^\s]*|-alpha[^\s]*|)" +
+                                                r"(?P<extra2>[+\-]dev|)" +
+                                                r"(?:,|:|\.|\)|)" +
+                                                r"(?=\s|$)"
+                                                )
+    __regexp_exclude_year__ = re.compile(r"^(19|20)[0-9]{2}$")
+    __regexp_single_number_ending_with_dot__ = re.compile(r"^\d\.$")
+    def is_shared_library(filepath):
+        return re.match(r'.*\.so(\.\d+)*$', filepath) is not None
+    def get_possible_versions(output_contents, full_cmd=None, max_lines=None):
+        #
+        # Algorithm:
+        #   1. Check version line by line.
+        #   2. Skip some lines which we know that do not contain version information, e.g., License, Copyright.
+        #   3. Do broad match, finding all possible versions.
+        #   4. If there's a version found by any match, do exclude match (e.g., exclude years)
+        #   5. If there's a valid version, do stripping and converting and then add to possible_versions.
+        #   6. Return possible_versions
+        #
+        possible_versions = []
+        content_lines = output_contents.split("\n")
+        if max_lines:
+            content_lines = content_lines[0:max_lines]
+        if full_cmd:
+            base_cmd = os.path.basename(full_cmd)
+        __regex_help_format__ = re.compile(r"-[^\s].*")
+        for line in content_lines:
+            line = line.strip()
+            # skip help lines
+            if __regex_help_format__.match(line):
+                continue
+            # avoid command itself affecting output
+            if full_cmd:
+                if line.startswith(base_cmd):
+                    line = line[len(base_cmd):]
+                elif line.startswith(full_cmd):
+                    line = line[len(full_cmd):]
+            # skip specific lines
+            skip_keywords_start = ["Copyright", "License"]
+            skip_line = False
+            for sks in skip_keywords_start:
+                if line.startswith(sks):
+                    skip_line = True
+                    break
+            if skip_line:
+                continue
+            # try broad match
+            for match in __regexp_version_broad_match__.finditer(line):
+                version = match.group("version")
+                #print(f"version = {version}")
+                # do exclude match
+                exclude_match = __regexp_exclude_year__.match(version)
+                if exclude_match:
+                    continue
+                exclude_match = __regexp_single_number_ending_with_dot__.match(version)
+                if exclude_match:
+                    continue
+                # do some stripping and converting
+                if version.startswith("("):
+                    version = version[1:-1]
+                if version.startswith("v"):
+                    version = version[1:]
+                if version.endswith(")") and "(" not in version:
+                    version = version[:-1]
+                # handle extra version info
+                version = version + match.group("extra") + match.group("extra2")
+                possible_versions.append(version)
+        return possible_versions
+    def is_version_mismatch(rvs, pv):
+        got_match = False
+        if pv.startswith("git"):
+            return False
+        if "-pre" in pv:
+            pv = pv.split("-pre")[0]
+        if pv.startswith("v"):
+            pv = pv[1:]
+        for rv in rvs:
+            if rv == pv:
+                got_match = True
+                break
+            pv = pv.split("+git")[0]
+            # handle % character in pv which means matching any chars
+            if '%' in pv:
+                escaped_pv = re.escape(pv)
+                regex_pattern = escaped_pv.replace('%', '.*')
+                regex_pattern = f'^{regex_pattern}$'
+                if re.fullmatch(regex_pattern, rv):
+                    got_match = True
+                    break
+                else:
+                    continue
+            # handle cases such as 2.36.0-r0 v.s. 2.36.0
+            if "-r" in rv:
+                rv = rv.split("-r")[0]
+            chars_to_replace = ["-", "+", "_", "~"]
+            # convert to use "." as the version seperator
+            for cr in chars_to_replace:
+                rv = rv.replace(cr, ".")
+                pv = pv.replace(cr, ".")
+            if rv == pv:
+                got_match = True
+                break
+            # handle case such as 5.2.37(1) v.s. 5.2.37
+            if "(" in rv:
+                rv = rv.split("(")[0]
+                if rv == pv:
+                    got_match = True
+                    break
+            # handle case such as 4.4.3p1
+            if "p" in pv and "p" in rv.lower():
+                pv = pv.lower().replace(".p", "p")
+                rv = rv.lower().replace(".p", "p")
+                if pv == rv:
+                    got_match = True
+                    break
+            # handle cases such as 6.00 v.s. 6.0
+            if rv.startswith(pv):
+                if rv == pv + "0" or rv == pv + ".0":
+                    got_match = True
+                    break
+            elif pv.startswith(rv):
+                if pv == rv + "0" or pv == rv + ".0":
+                    got_match = True
+                    break
+            # handle cases such as 21306 v.s. 2.13.6
+            if "." in pv and not "." in rv:
+                pv_components = pv.split(".")
+                if rv.startswith(pv_components[0]):
+                    pv_num = 0
+                    for i in range(0, len(pv_components)):
+                        pv_num = pv_num * 100 + int(pv_components[i])
+                    if pv_num == int(rv):
+                        got_match = True
+                        break
+        if got_match:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    # helper function to get PKGV, useful for recipes such as perf
+    def get_pkgv(pn):
+        pkgdestwork = d.getVar("PKGDESTWORK")
+        recipe_data_fn = pkgdestwork + "/" + pn
+        pn_data = oe.packagedata.read_pkgdatafile(recipe_data_fn)
+        if not "PACKAGES" in pn_data:
+            return d.getVar("PV")
+        packages = pn_data["PACKAGES"].split()
+        for pkg in packages:
+            pkg_fn = pkgdestwork + "/runtime/" + pkg
+            pkg_data = oe.packagedata.read_pkgdatafile(pkg_fn)
+            if "PKGV" in pkg_data:
+                return pkg_data["PKGV"]
+    #
+    # traverse PKGD, find executables and run them to get runtime version information and compare it with recipe version information
+    #
+    enable_debug = bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar("DEBUG_VERSION_MISMATCH_CHECK"))
+    pkgd = d.getVar("PKGD")
+    pn = d.getVar("PN")
+    pv = d.getVar("CHECK_VERSION_PV")
+    if not pv:
+        pv = get_pkgv(pn)
+    qemu_exec = d.getVar("QEMU_EXEC").strip()
+    executables = []
+    possible_versions_all = []
+    data_lines = []
+    if enable_debug:
+        debug_directory = d.getVar("TMPDIR") + "/check-version-mismatch"
+        debug_data_file = debug_directory + "/" + pn
+        os.makedirs(debug_directory, exist_ok=True)
+        data_lines.append("pv: %s\n" % pv)
+    got_quick_match_result = False
+    # handle python3-xxx recipes quickly
+    __regex_python_module_version__ = re.compile(r"(?:^|.*:)Version: (?P<version>.*)$")
+    if "python3-" in pn:
+        version_check_cmd = "find %s -name 'METADATA' | xargs grep '^Version: '" % pkgd
+        try:
+            output = subprocess.check_output(version_check_cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8")
+            data_lines.append("version_check_cmd: %s\n" % version_check_cmd)
+            data_lines.append("output:\n'''\n%s'''\n" % output)
+            possible_versions = []
+            for line in output.split("\n"):
+                match = __regex_python_module_version__.match(line)
+                if match:
+                    possible_versions.append(match.group("version"))
+            possible_versions = sorted(set(possible_versions))
+            data_lines.append("possible versions: %s\n" % possible_versions)
+            if is_version_mismatch(possible_versions, pv):
+                data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: MISMATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+                bb.warn("Possible runtime versions %s do not match recipe version %s" % (possible_versions, pv))
+            else:
+                data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: MATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+            got_quick_match_result = True
+        except:
+            data_lines.append("version_check_cmd: %s\n" % version_check_cmd)
+            data_lines.append("result: RUN_FAILED\n\n")
+    if got_quick_match_result:
+        if enable_debug:
+            with open(debug_data_file, "w") as f:
+                f.writelines(data_lines)
+        return
+    # handle .pc files
+    version_check_cmd = "find %s -name '*.pc' | xargs grep -i version" % pkgd
+    try:
+        output = subprocess.check_output(version_check_cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8")
+        data_lines.append("version_check_cmd: %s\n" % version_check_cmd)
+        data_lines.append("output:\n'''\n%s'''\n" % output)
+        possible_versions = get_possible_versions(output)
+        possible_versions = sorted(set(possible_versions))
+        data_lines.append("possible versions: %s\n" % possible_versions)
+        if is_version_mismatch(possible_versions, pv):
+            if pn.startswith("lib"):
+                data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: MISMATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+                bb.warn("Possible runtime versions %s do not match recipe version %s" % (possible_versions, pv))
+                got_quick_match_result = True
+            else:
+                data_lines.append("result: MISMATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+        else:
+            data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: MATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+            got_quick_match_result = True
+    except:
+        data_lines.append("version_check_cmd: %s\n" % version_check_cmd)
+        data_lines.append("result: RUN_FAILED\n\n")
+    if got_quick_match_result:
+        if enable_debug:
+            with open(debug_data_file, "w") as f:
+                f.writelines(data_lines)
+        return
+    skipped_directories = [".debug", "ptest", "installed-tests", "tests", "test", "__pycache__", "testcases"]
+    pkgd_libdir = pkgd + d.getVar("libdir")
+    pkgd_base_libdir = pkgd + d.getVar("base_libdir")
+    extra_exec_libdirs = []
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pkgd):
+        for dname in dirs:
+            fdir = os.path.join(root, dname)
+            if os.path.isdir(fdir) and fdir != pkgd_libdir and fdir != pkgd_base_libdir:
+                if fdir.startswith(pkgd_libdir) or fdir.startswith(pkgd_base_libdir):
+                    for sd in skipped_directories:
+                        if fdir.endswith("/" + sd) or ("/" + sd + "/") in fdir:
+                            break
+                    else:
+                        extra_exec_libdirs.append(fdir)
+        for fname in files:
+            fpath = os.path.join(root, fname)
+            if os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK):
+                for sd in skipped_directories:
+                    if ("/" + sd + "/") in fpath:
+                        break
+                else:
+                    if is_shared_library(fpath):
+                        # we don't check shared libraries
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        executables.append(fpath)
+    if enable_debug:
+        data_lines.append("executables: %s\n" % executables)
+    found_match = False
+    some_cmd_succeed = False
+    if not executables:
+        bb.debug(1, "No executable found for %s" % pn)
+        data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: NO_EXECUTABLE_FOUND\n\n")
+    else:
+        # first we extend qemu_exec to include library path if needed
+        if extra_exec_libdirs:
+            qemu_exec += ":" + ":".join(extra_exec_libdirs)
+        for fexec in executables:
+            for version_option in ["--version", "-V", "-v", "--help"]:
+                version_check_cmd_full = "%s %s %s" % (qemu_exec, fexec, version_option)
+                version_check_cmd = version_check_cmd_full
+                #version_check_cmd = "%s %s" % (os.path.relpath(fexec, pkgd), version_option)
+                try:
+                    cwd_temp = d.getVar("TMPDIR") + "/check-version-mismatch/cwd-temp/" + pn
+                    os.makedirs(cwd_temp, exist_ok=True)
+                    # avoid pseudo to manage any file we create
+                    sp_env = os.environ.copy()
+                    sp_env["PSEUDO_UNLOAD"] = "1"
+                    output = subprocess.check_output(version_check_cmd_full,
+                                                     shell=True,
+                                                     stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+                                                     cwd=cwd_temp,
+                                                     timeout=10,
+                                                     env=sp_env).decode("utf-8")
+                    some_cmd_succeed = True
+                    data_lines.append("version_check_cmd: %s\n" % version_check_cmd)
+                    data_lines.append("output:\n'''\n%s'''\n" % output)
+                    if version_option == "--help":
+                        max_lines = 5
+                    else:
+                        max_lines = None
+                    possible_versions = get_possible_versions(output, full_cmd=fexec, max_lines=max_lines)
+                    if "." in pv:
+                        possible_versions = [item for item in possible_versions if "." in item or item == "UNKNOWN"]
+                    data_lines.append("possible versions: %s\n" % possible_versions)
+                    if not possible_versions:
+                        data_lines.append("result: NO_RUNTIME_VERSION_FOUND\n\n")
+                        continue
+                    possible_versions_all.extend(possible_versions)
+                    possible_versions_all = sorted(set(possible_versions_all))
+                    if is_version_mismatch(possible_versions, pv):
+                        data_lines.append("result: MISMATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+                    else:
+                        found_match = True
+                        data_lines.append("result: MATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+                        break
+                except:
+                    data_lines.append("version_check_cmd: %s\n" % version_check_cmd)
+                    data_lines.append("result: RUN_FAILED\n\n")
+                finally:
+                    shutil.rmtree(cwd_temp)
+            if found_match:
+                break
+    if executables:
+        if found_match:
+            data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: MATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n" % (possible_versions_all, pv))
+        elif len(possible_versions_all) == 0:
+            if some_cmd_succeed:
+                bb.debug(1, "No valid runtime version found")
+                data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: NO_VALID_RUNTIME_VERSION_FOUND\n")
+            else:
+                bb.debug(1, "All version check command failed")
+                data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: RUN_FAILED\n")
+        else:
+            bb.warn("Possible runtime versions %s do not match recipe version %s" % (possible_versions_all, pv))
+            data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: MISMATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n" % (possible_versions_all, pv))
+    if enable_debug:
+        with open(debug_data_file, "w") as f:
+            f.writelines(data_lines)
+    # clean up stale processes
+    process_name_common_prefix = "%s %s" % (' '.join(qemu_exec.split()[1:]), pkgd)
+    find_stale_process_cmd = "ps -e -o pid,args | grep -v grep | grep -F '%s'" % process_name_common_prefix
+    try:
+        stale_process_output = subprocess.check_output(find_stale_process_cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8")
+        stale_process_pids = []
+        for line in stale_process_output.split("\n"):
+            line = line.strip()
+            if not line:
+                continue
+            pid = line.split()[0]
+            stale_process_pids.append(pid)
+        for pid in stale_process_pids:
+            os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
+    except Exception as e:
+        bb.debug(1, "No stale process")
+addtask do_package_check_version_mismatch after do_package before do_build
+do_build[rdeptask] += "do_package_check_version_mismatch"
+do_rootfs[recrdeptask] += "do_package_check_version_mismatch"
+SSTATETASKS += "do_package_check_version_mismatch"
+do_package_check_version_mismatch[sstate-inputdirs] = ""
+do_package_check_version_mismatch[sstate-outputdirs] = ""
+python do_package_check_version_mismatch_setscene () {
+    sstate_setscene(d)
+addtask do_package_check_version_mismatch_setscene
diff --git a/meta/classes-recipe/qemu.bbclass b/meta/classes/qemu.bbclass
similarity index 100%
rename from meta/classes-recipe/qemu.bbclass
rename to meta/classes/qemu.bbclass
diff --git a/meta/conf/version-check.conf b/meta/conf/version-check.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..154bc4a637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/conf/version-check.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ 
+INHERIT += "check-version-mismatch"
+# we need ps command to clean stale processes
+HOSTTOOLS += "ps"
+# Special cases that need to be handled.
+# % has the same meaning as in bbappend files, that is, match any chars.
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-rust-llvm = "${LLVM_RELEASE}"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-igt-gpu-tools = "${PV}-${PV}"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-vim = "${@'.'.join(d.getVar('PV').split('.')[:-1])}"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-vim-tiny = "${@'.'.join(d.getVar('PV').split('.')[:-1])}"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-ncurses = "${PV}.%"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-alsa-tools = "%"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-gst-examples = "%"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-libedit = "${@d.getVar('PV').split('-')[1]}"