new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+inherit qemu
+ENABLE_VERSION_MISMATCH_CHECK ?= "${@'1' if bb.utils.contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'qemu-usermode', True, False, d) else '0'}"
+DEPENDS:append:class-target = "${@' qemu-native' if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('ENABLE_VERSION_MISMATCH_CHECK')) else ''}"
+QEMU_EXEC ?= "${@qemu_wrapper_cmdline(d, '${STAGING_DIR_HOST}', ['${STAGING_DIR_HOST}${libdir}','${STAGING_DIR_HOST}${base_libdir}', '${PKGD}${libdir}', '${PKGD}${base_libdir}'])}"
+python do_package_check_version_mismatch() {
+ import re
+ import subprocess
+ import shutil
+ import signal
+ classes_skip = ["nopackage", "image", "native", "cross", "crosssdk", "cross-canadian"]
+ for cs in classes_skip:
+ if, d):
+ bb.note(f"Skip do_package_check_version_mismatch as {cs} is inherited.")
+ return
+ if not bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar('ENABLE_VERSION_MISMATCH_CHECK')):
+ bb.note("Skip do_package_check_version_mismatch as ENABLE_VERSION_MISMATCH_CHECK is disabled.")
+ return
+ __regexp_version_broad_match__ = re.compile(r"(?:\s|^|-|_|/|=| go|\()" +
+ r"(?P<version>v?[0-9][0-9.][0-9+.\-_~\(\)]*?|UNKNOWN)" +
+ r"(?:-release|-stable|)" +
+ r"(?P<extra>[+\-]unknown|[+\-]dirty|[+\-]rc?\d{1,3}|\+cargo-[0-9.]+|" +
+ r"[a-z]|-?[pP][0-9]{1,3}|-beta[^\s]*|-alpha[^\s]*|)" +
+ r"(?P<extra2>[+\-]dev|)" +
+ r"(?:,|:|\.|\)|)" +
+ r"(?=\s|$)"
+ )
+ __regexp_exclude_year__ = re.compile(r"^(19|20)[0-9]{2}$")
+ __regexp_single_number_ending_with_dot__ = re.compile(r"^\d\.$")
+ def is_shared_library(filepath):
+ return re.match(r'.*\.so(\.\d+)*$', filepath) is not None
+ def get_possible_versions(output_contents, full_cmd=None, max_lines=None):
+ #
+ # Algorithm:
+ # 1. Check version line by line.
+ # 2. Skip some lines which we know that do not contain version information, e.g., License, Copyright.
+ # 3. Do broad match, finding all possible versions.
+ # 4. If there's a version found by any match, do exclude match (e.g., exclude years)
+ # 5. If there's a valid version, do stripping and converting and then add to possible_versions.
+ # 6. Return possible_versions
+ #
+ possible_versions = []
+ content_lines = output_contents.split("\n")
+ if max_lines:
+ content_lines = content_lines[0:max_lines]
+ if full_cmd:
+ base_cmd = os.path.basename(full_cmd)
+ __regex_help_format__ = re.compile(r"-[^\s].*")
+ for line in content_lines:
+ line = line.strip()
+ # skip help lines
+ if __regex_help_format__.match(line):
+ continue
+ # avoid command itself affecting output
+ if full_cmd:
+ if line.startswith(base_cmd):
+ line = line[len(base_cmd):]
+ elif line.startswith(full_cmd):
+ line = line[len(full_cmd):]
+ # skip specific lines
+ skip_keywords_start = ["Copyright", "License"]
+ skip_line = False
+ for sks in skip_keywords_start:
+ if line.startswith(sks):
+ skip_line = True
+ break
+ if skip_line:
+ continue
+ # try broad match
+ for match in __regexp_version_broad_match__.finditer(line):
+ version ="version")
+ #print(f"version = {version}")
+ # do exclude match
+ exclude_match = __regexp_exclude_year__.match(version)
+ if exclude_match:
+ continue
+ exclude_match = __regexp_single_number_ending_with_dot__.match(version)
+ if exclude_match:
+ continue
+ # do some stripping and converting
+ if version.startswith("("):
+ version = version[1:-1]
+ if version.startswith("v"):
+ version = version[1:]
+ if version.endswith(")") and "(" not in version:
+ version = version[:-1]
+ # handle extra version info
+ version = version +"extra") +"extra2")
+ possible_versions.append(version)
+ return possible_versions
+ def is_version_mismatch(rvs, pv):
+ got_match = False
+ if pv.startswith("git"):
+ return False
+ if "-pre" in pv:
+ pv = pv.split("-pre")[0]
+ if pv.startswith("v"):
+ pv = pv[1:]
+ for rv in rvs:
+ if rv == pv:
+ got_match = True
+ break
+ pv = pv.split("+git")[0]
+ # handle % character in pv which means matching any chars
+ if '%' in pv:
+ escaped_pv = re.escape(pv)
+ regex_pattern = escaped_pv.replace('%', '.*')
+ regex_pattern = f'^{regex_pattern}$'
+ if re.fullmatch(regex_pattern, rv):
+ got_match = True
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ # handle cases such as 2.36.0-r0 v.s. 2.36.0
+ if "-r" in rv:
+ rv = rv.split("-r")[0]
+ chars_to_replace = ["-", "+", "_", "~"]
+ # convert to use "." as the version seperator
+ for cr in chars_to_replace:
+ rv = rv.replace(cr, ".")
+ pv = pv.replace(cr, ".")
+ if rv == pv:
+ got_match = True
+ break
+ # handle case such as 5.2.37(1) v.s. 5.2.37
+ if "(" in rv:
+ rv = rv.split("(")[0]
+ if rv == pv:
+ got_match = True
+ break
+ # handle case such as 4.4.3p1
+ if "p" in pv and "p" in rv.lower():
+ pv = pv.lower().replace(".p", "p")
+ rv = rv.lower().replace(".p", "p")
+ if pv == rv:
+ got_match = True
+ break
+ # handle cases such as 6.00 v.s. 6.0
+ if rv.startswith(pv):
+ if rv == pv + "0" or rv == pv + ".0":
+ got_match = True
+ break
+ elif pv.startswith(rv):
+ if pv == rv + "0" or pv == rv + ".0":
+ got_match = True
+ break
+ # handle cases such as 21306 v.s. 2.13.6
+ if "." in pv and not "." in rv:
+ pv_components = pv.split(".")
+ if rv.startswith(pv_components[0]):
+ pv_num = 0
+ for i in range(0, len(pv_components)):
+ pv_num = pv_num * 100 + int(pv_components[i])
+ if pv_num == int(rv):
+ got_match = True
+ break
+ if got_match:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ # helper function to get PKGV, useful for recipes such as perf
+ def get_pkgv(pn):
+ pkgdestwork = d.getVar("PKGDESTWORK")
+ recipe_data_fn = pkgdestwork + "/" + pn
+ pn_data = oe.packagedata.read_pkgdatafile(recipe_data_fn)
+ if not "PACKAGES" in pn_data:
+ return d.getVar("PV")
+ packages = pn_data["PACKAGES"].split()
+ for pkg in packages:
+ pkg_fn = pkgdestwork + "/runtime/" + pkg
+ pkg_data = oe.packagedata.read_pkgdatafile(pkg_fn)
+ if "PKGV" in pkg_data:
+ return pkg_data["PKGV"]
+ #
+ # traverse PKGD, find executables and run them to get runtime version information and compare it with recipe version information
+ #
+ enable_debug = bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar("DEBUG_VERSION_MISMATCH_CHECK"))
+ pkgd = d.getVar("PKGD")
+ pn = d.getVar("PN")
+ pv = d.getVar("CHECK_VERSION_PV")
+ if not pv:
+ pv = get_pkgv(pn)
+ qemu_exec = d.getVar("QEMU_EXEC").strip()
+ executables = []
+ possible_versions_all = []
+ data_lines = []
+ if enable_debug:
+ debug_directory = d.getVar("TMPDIR") + "/check-version-mismatch"
+ debug_data_file = debug_directory + "/" + pn
+ os.makedirs(debug_directory, exist_ok=True)
+ data_lines.append("pv: %s\n" % pv)
+ got_quick_match_result = False
+ # handle python3-xxx recipes quickly
+ __regex_python_module_version__ = re.compile(r"(?:^|.*:)Version: (?P<version>.*)$")
+ if "python3-" in pn:
+ version_check_cmd = "find %s -name 'METADATA' | xargs grep '^Version: '" % pkgd
+ try:
+ output = subprocess.check_output(version_check_cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8")
+ data_lines.append("version_check_cmd: %s\n" % version_check_cmd)
+ data_lines.append("output:\n'''\n%s'''\n" % output)
+ possible_versions = []
+ for line in output.split("\n"):
+ match = __regex_python_module_version__.match(line)
+ if match:
+ possible_versions.append("version"))
+ possible_versions = sorted(set(possible_versions))
+ data_lines.append("possible versions: %s\n" % possible_versions)
+ if is_version_mismatch(possible_versions, pv):
+ data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: MISMATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+ bb.warn("Possible runtime versions %s do not match recipe version %s" % (possible_versions, pv))
+ else:
+ data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: MATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+ got_quick_match_result = True
+ except:
+ data_lines.append("version_check_cmd: %s\n" % version_check_cmd)
+ data_lines.append("result: RUN_FAILED\n\n")
+ if got_quick_match_result:
+ if enable_debug:
+ with open(debug_data_file, "w") as f:
+ f.writelines(data_lines)
+ return
+ # handle .pc files
+ version_check_cmd = "find %s -name '*.pc' | xargs grep -i version" % pkgd
+ try:
+ output = subprocess.check_output(version_check_cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8")
+ data_lines.append("version_check_cmd: %s\n" % version_check_cmd)
+ data_lines.append("output:\n'''\n%s'''\n" % output)
+ possible_versions = get_possible_versions(output)
+ possible_versions = sorted(set(possible_versions))
+ data_lines.append("possible versions: %s\n" % possible_versions)
+ if is_version_mismatch(possible_versions, pv):
+ if pn.startswith("lib"):
+ data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: MISMATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+ bb.warn("Possible runtime versions %s do not match recipe version %s" % (possible_versions, pv))
+ got_quick_match_result = True
+ else:
+ data_lines.append("result: MISMATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+ else:
+ data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: MATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+ got_quick_match_result = True
+ except:
+ data_lines.append("version_check_cmd: %s\n" % version_check_cmd)
+ data_lines.append("result: RUN_FAILED\n\n")
+ if got_quick_match_result:
+ if enable_debug:
+ with open(debug_data_file, "w") as f:
+ f.writelines(data_lines)
+ return
+ skipped_directories = [".debug", "ptest", "installed-tests", "tests", "test", "__pycache__", "testcases"]
+ pkgd_libdir = pkgd + d.getVar("libdir")
+ pkgd_base_libdir = pkgd + d.getVar("base_libdir")
+ extra_exec_libdirs = []
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pkgd):
+ for dname in dirs:
+ fdir = os.path.join(root, dname)
+ if os.path.isdir(fdir) and fdir != pkgd_libdir and fdir != pkgd_base_libdir:
+ if fdir.startswith(pkgd_libdir) or fdir.startswith(pkgd_base_libdir):
+ for sd in skipped_directories:
+ if fdir.endswith("/" + sd) or ("/" + sd + "/") in fdir:
+ break
+ else:
+ extra_exec_libdirs.append(fdir)
+ for fname in files:
+ fpath = os.path.join(root, fname)
+ if os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK):
+ for sd in skipped_directories:
+ if ("/" + sd + "/") in fpath:
+ break
+ else:
+ if is_shared_library(fpath):
+ # we don't check shared libraries
+ continue
+ else:
+ executables.append(fpath)
+ if enable_debug:
+ data_lines.append("executables: %s\n" % executables)
+ found_match = False
+ some_cmd_succeed = False
+ if not executables:
+ bb.debug(1, "No executable found for %s" % pn)
+ data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: NO_EXECUTABLE_FOUND\n\n")
+ else:
+ # first we extend qemu_exec to include library path if needed
+ if extra_exec_libdirs:
+ qemu_exec += ":" + ":".join(extra_exec_libdirs)
+ for fexec in executables:
+ for version_option in ["--version", "-V", "-v", "--help"]:
+ version_check_cmd_full = "%s %s %s" % (qemu_exec, fexec, version_option)
+ version_check_cmd = version_check_cmd_full
+ #version_check_cmd = "%s %s" % (os.path.relpath(fexec, pkgd), version_option)
+ try:
+ cwd_temp = d.getVar("TMPDIR") + "/check-version-mismatch/cwd-temp/" + pn
+ os.makedirs(cwd_temp, exist_ok=True)
+ # avoid pseudo to manage any file we create
+ sp_env = os.environ.copy()
+ sp_env["PSEUDO_UNLOAD"] = "1"
+ output = subprocess.check_output(version_check_cmd_full,
+ shell=True,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+ cwd=cwd_temp,
+ timeout=10,
+ env=sp_env).decode("utf-8")
+ some_cmd_succeed = True
+ data_lines.append("version_check_cmd: %s\n" % version_check_cmd)
+ data_lines.append("output:\n'''\n%s'''\n" % output)
+ if version_option == "--help":
+ max_lines = 5
+ else:
+ max_lines = None
+ possible_versions = get_possible_versions(output, full_cmd=fexec, max_lines=max_lines)
+ if "." in pv:
+ possible_versions = [item for item in possible_versions if "." in item or item == "UNKNOWN"]
+ data_lines.append("possible versions: %s\n" % possible_versions)
+ if not possible_versions:
+ data_lines.append("result: NO_RUNTIME_VERSION_FOUND\n\n")
+ continue
+ possible_versions_all.extend(possible_versions)
+ possible_versions_all = sorted(set(possible_versions_all))
+ if is_version_mismatch(possible_versions, pv):
+ data_lines.append("result: MISMATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+ else:
+ found_match = True
+ data_lines.append("result: MATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n\n" % (possible_versions, pv))
+ break
+ except:
+ data_lines.append("version_check_cmd: %s\n" % version_check_cmd)
+ data_lines.append("result: RUN_FAILED\n\n")
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(cwd_temp)
+ if found_match:
+ break
+ if executables:
+ if found_match:
+ data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: MATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n" % (possible_versions_all, pv))
+ elif len(possible_versions_all) == 0:
+ if some_cmd_succeed:
+ bb.debug(1, "No valid runtime version found")
+ else:
+ bb.debug(1, "All version check command failed")
+ data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: RUN_FAILED\n")
+ else:
+ bb.warn("Possible runtime versions %s do not match recipe version %s" % (possible_versions_all, pv))
+ data_lines.append("FINAL RESULT: MISMATCH (%s v.s. %s)\n" % (possible_versions_all, pv))
+ if enable_debug:
+ with open(debug_data_file, "w") as f:
+ f.writelines(data_lines)
+ # clean up stale processes
+ process_name_common_prefix = "%s %s" % (' '.join(qemu_exec.split()[1:]), pkgd)
+ find_stale_process_cmd = "ps -e -o pid,args | grep -v grep | grep -F '%s'" % process_name_common_prefix
+ try:
+ stale_process_output = subprocess.check_output(find_stale_process_cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8")
+ stale_process_pids = []
+ for line in stale_process_output.split("\n"):
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ pid = line.split()[0]
+ stale_process_pids.append(pid)
+ for pid in stale_process_pids:
+ os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
+ except Exception as e:
+ bb.debug(1, "No stale process")
+addtask do_package_check_version_mismatch after do_package before do_build
+do_build[rdeptask] += "do_package_check_version_mismatch"
+do_rootfs[recrdeptask] += "do_package_check_version_mismatch"
+SSTATETASKS += "do_package_check_version_mismatch"
+do_package_check_version_mismatch[sstate-inputdirs] = ""
+do_package_check_version_mismatch[sstate-outputdirs] = ""
+python do_package_check_version_mismatch_setscene () {
+ sstate_setscene(d)
+addtask do_package_check_version_mismatch_setscene
similarity index 100%
rename from meta/classes-recipe/qemu.bbclass
rename to meta/classes/qemu.bbclass
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+INHERIT += "check-version-mismatch"
+# we need ps command to clean stale processes
+HOSTTOOLS += "ps"
+# Special cases that need to be handled.
+# % has the same meaning as in bbappend files, that is, match any chars.
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-rust-llvm = "${LLVM_RELEASE}"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-igt-gpu-tools = "${PV}-${PV}"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-vim = "${@'.'.join(d.getVar('PV').split('.')[:-1])}"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-vim-tiny = "${@'.'.join(d.getVar('PV').split('.')[:-1])}"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-ncurses = "${PV}.%"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-alsa-tools = "%"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-gst-examples = "%"
+CHECK_VERSION_PV:pn-libedit = "${@d.getVar('PV').split('-')[1]}"