diff mbox series

[1/2] classes: create-spdx-2.2: Fix dependency handling

Message ID 20250321151345.484603-2-JPEWhacker@gmail.com
State Accepted, archived
Commit 79a03abd37839973996efc957d44614edcbd6b87
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Series Fix SPDX 2.2 for common SPDX changes | expand

Commit Message

Joshua Watt March 21, 2025, 3:12 p.m. UTC
The common SPDX code was changed to return a dataclass for dependency
information instead of a namedtuple, but the SPDX 2.2 was missed to
account for this. Correct the SPDX 2.2 code to correctly handle the new

Signed-off-by: Joshua Watt <JPEWhacker@gmail.com>
 meta/classes/create-spdx-2.2.bbclass | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/classes/create-spdx-2.2.bbclass b/meta/classes/create-spdx-2.2.bbclass
index 8f988de8681..de62379c503 100644
--- a/meta/classes/create-spdx-2.2.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/create-spdx-2.2.bbclass
@@ -279,21 +279,21 @@  def collect_dep_recipes(d, doc, spdx_recipe):
     deps = oe.spdx_common.get_spdx_deps(d)
-    for dep_pn, dep_hashfn, in_taskhash in deps:
+    for dep in deps:
         # If this dependency is not calculated in the taskhash skip it.
         # Otherwise, it can result in broken links since this task won't
         # rebuild and see the new SPDX ID if the dependency changes
-        if not in_taskhash:
+        if not dep.in_taskhash:
-        dep_recipe_path = oe.sbom.doc_find_by_hashfn(deploy_dir_spdx, package_archs, "recipe-" + dep_pn, dep_hashfn)
+        dep_recipe_path = oe.sbom.doc_find_by_hashfn(deploy_dir_spdx, package_archs, "recipe-" + dep.pn, dep.hashfn)
         if not dep_recipe_path:
-            bb.fatal("Cannot find any SPDX file for recipe %s, %s" % (dep_pn, dep_hashfn))
+            bb.fatal("Cannot find any SPDX file for recipe %s, %s" % (dep.pn, dep.hashfn))
         spdx_dep_doc, spdx_dep_sha1 = oe.sbom.read_doc(dep_recipe_path)
         for pkg in spdx_dep_doc.packages:
-            if pkg.name == dep_pn:
+            if pkg.name == dep.pn:
                 spdx_dep_recipe = pkg