@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ QB_DRIVE_TYPE ?= "/dev/sd"
inherit image-artifact-names
# Create qemuboot.conf
-addtask do_write_qemuboot_conf after do_rootfs before do_image
+addtask do_write_qemuboot_conf after do_rootfs before do_image_complete
def qemuboot_vars(d):
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ def qemuboot_vars(d):
return build_vars + [k for k in d.keys() if k.startswith('QB_')]
+do_write_qemuboot_conf[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_deploy"
do_write_qemuboot_conf[vardeps] += "${@' '.join(qemuboot_vars(d))}"
do_write_qemuboot_conf[vardepsexclude] += "TOPDIR"
python do_write_qemuboot_conf() {
This change is needed for several reasons: First, the do_write_qemuboot_conf task needs to access the deployed kernel symbolic link in DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE for determining its real path. If the kernel symbolic link isn't already deployed, its real path cannot be determined. Second, an initramfs might be embedded into the kernel. Making changes to the initramfs doesn't necessarily trigger the do_rootfs task of the file system that includes the kernel but it triggers the do_deploy task of the kernel. In order to trigger the do_write_qemuboot_conf task in this case, too, we need the dependency on the virtual/kernel:do_deploy task. When the do_write_qemuboot_conf task is triggered, we do not necessarily need to create a new image, thus, we only demand the task to be executed before the do_image_complete task. Fixes: [YOCTO #14520] Fixes: [YOCTO #15525] Signed-off-by: Weisser, Pascal <pascal.weisser.ext@karlstorz.com> --- meta/classes-recipe/qemuboot.bbclass | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)