diff mbox series

[1/2] scripts/install-buildtools: add an option to preserve downloads

Message ID 20250311104152.393470-1-alex.kanavin@gmail.com
State New
Headers show
Series [1/2] scripts/install-buildtools: add an option to preserve downloads | expand

Commit Message

Alexander Kanavin March 11, 2025, 10:41 a.m. UTC
From: Alexander Kanavin <alex@linutronix.de>

By default the script puts everything it downloads into a temporary
directory and erases it after unpacking and installing the buildtools.

This isn't great for traceability and reproducibility of builds
(being able to see what was downloaded exactly, and being able
to reproduce setting up a build, especially if the buildtools
download location isn't available for whatever reason).

This commit adds an option to download items into a specified directory
and keep them there. I would particularly like to use it
with bitbake-setup, where an optional script to install the buildtools
would ensure the tarball remains available on local disk.

Signed-off-by: Alexander Kanavin <alex@linutronix.de>
 scripts/install-buildtools | 12 ++++++++----
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)


patchtest@automation.yoctoproject.org March 11, 2025, 10:46 a.m. UTC | #1
Thank you for your submission. Patchtest identified one
or more issues with the patch. Please see the log below for
more information:

Testing patch /home/patchtest/share/mboxes/1-2-scripts-install-buildtools-add-an-option-to-preserve-downloads.patch

FAIL: test max line length: Patch line too long (current length 201, maximum is 200) (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_max_line_length)

PASS: test Signed-off-by presence (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_signed_off_by_presence)
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SKIP: pretest pylint: No python related patches, skipping test (test_python_pylint.PyLint.pretest_pylint)
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SKIP: test CVE check ignore: No modified recipes or older target branch, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_cve_check_ignore)
SKIP: test CVE tag format: No new CVE patches introduced (test_patch.TestPatch.test_cve_tag_format)
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SKIP: test lic files chksum modified not mentioned: No modified recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_lic_files_chksum_modified_not_mentioned)
SKIP: test lic files chksum presence: No added recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_lic_files_chksum_presence)
SKIP: test license presence: No added recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_license_presence)
SKIP: test pylint: No python related patches, skipping test (test_python_pylint.PyLint.test_pylint)
SKIP: test series merge on head: Merge test is disabled for now (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_series_merge_on_head)
SKIP: test src uri left files: No modified recipes, skipping pretest (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_src_uri_left_files)
SKIP: test summary presence: No added recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_summary_presence)


Please address the issues identified and
submit a new revision of the patch, or alternatively, reply to this
email with an explanation of why the patch should be accepted. If you
believe these results are due to an error in patchtest, please submit a
bug at https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/ (use the 'Patchtest' category
under 'Yocto Project Subprojects'). For more information on specific
failures, see: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Patchtest. Thank
diff mbox series


diff --git a/scripts/install-buildtools b/scripts/install-buildtools
index 639ebb12d78..1a68aad53e7 100755
--- a/scripts/install-buildtools
+++ b/scripts/install-buildtools
@@ -142,6 +142,9 @@  def main():
                         help='directory where buildtools SDK will be installed (optional)',
+    parser.add_argument('--keep-downloads-directory',
+                        help='use this directory for tarball/checksum downloads and do not erase them (default is a temporary directory which is deleted after unpacking and installing the buildtools)',
+                        action='store')
     parser.add_argument('-r', '--release',
                         help='Yocto Project release string for SDK which will be '
@@ -235,11 +238,11 @@  def main():
                 safe_filename = quote(filename)
                 buildtools_url = "%s/%s/buildtools/%s" % (base_url, args.release, safe_filename)
-    tmpsdk_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    sdk_dir = args.keep_downloads_directory or tempfile.mkdtemp()
         # Fetch installer
         logger.info("Fetching buildtools installer")
-        tmpbuildtools = os.path.join(tmpsdk_dir, filename)
+        tmpbuildtools = os.path.join(sdk_dir, filename)
         ret = subprocess.call("wget -q -O %s %s" %
                               (tmpbuildtools, buildtools_url), shell=True)
         if ret != 0:
@@ -252,7 +255,7 @@  def main():
             checksum_type = "sha256sum"
             check_url = "{}.{}".format(buildtools_url, checksum_type)
             checksum_filename = "{}.{}".format(filename, checksum_type)
-            tmpbuildtools_checksum = os.path.join(tmpsdk_dir, checksum_filename)
+            tmpbuildtools_checksum = os.path.join(sdk_dir, checksum_filename)
             ret = subprocess.call("wget -q -O %s %s" %
                                     (tmpbuildtools_checksum, check_url), shell=True)
             if ret != 0:
@@ -347,7 +350,8 @@  def main():
         # cleanup tmp directory
-        shutil.rmtree(tmpsdk_dir)
+        if not args.keep_downloads_directory:
+            shutil.rmtree(sdk_dir)
 if __name__ == '__main__':