@@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ FIT_DESC = "A model description"
dumpimage_result = self._run_dumpimage(fitimage_path, uboot_tools_bindir)
def test_sign_fit_image(self):
Summary: Check if FIT image and Image Tree Source (its) are created
@@ -314,6 +313,135 @@ UBOOT_MKIMAGE_SIGN_ARGS = "-c '%s'"
self._verify_fit_image_signature(uboot_tools_bindir, fitimage_path,
os.path.join(bb_vars['DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE'], dtb), 'conf-' + dtb)
+ def test_initramfs_bundle(self):
+ """
+ Summary: Verifies the content of the initramfs bundle node in the FIT Image Tree Source (its)
+ The FIT settings are set by the test case.
+ The machine used is beaglebone-yocto.
+ Expected: 1. The ITS is generated with initramfs bundle support
+ 2. All the fields in the kernel node are as expected (matching the
+ conf settings)
+ 3. The kernel is included in all the available configurations and
+ its hash is included in the configuration signature
+ Product: oe-core
+ Author: Abdellatif El Khlifi <abdellatif.elkhlifi@arm.com>
+ """
+ config = """
+MACHINE = "beaglebone-yocto"
+INITRAMFS_IMAGE = "core-image-minimal-initramfs"
+UBOOT_MACHINE = "am335x_evm_defconfig"
+KERNEL_CLASSES = " kernel-fitimage "
+UBOOT_SIGN_KEYNAME = "beaglebonekey"
+UBOOT_DTB_BINARY = "u-boot.dtb"
+UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT = "0x80000000"
+UBOOT_LOADADDRESS = "0x80000000"
+UBOOT_ARCH = "arm"
+UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS = "-I dts -O dtb -p 2000"
+FIT_HASH_ALG = "sha256"
+ config = self._config_add_uboot_env(config)
+ self.write_config(config)
+ # fitImage is created as part of linux recipe
+ bitbake("virtual/kernel")
+ bb_vars = get_bb_vars([
+ ],
+ 'virtual/kernel')
+ fitimage_its_path = os.path.join(bb_vars['DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE'],
+ "fitImage-its-%s-%s-%s" % (bb_vars['INITRAMFS_IMAGE'], bb_vars['MACHINE'], bb_vars['MACHINE']))
+ fitimage_path = os.path.join(bb_vars['DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE'],"fitImage")
+ self.assertExists(fitimage_its_path, "%s image tree source doesn't exist" % (fitimage_its_path))
+ self.assertExists(fitimage_path, "%s FIT image doesn't exist" % (fitimage_path))
+ its_file = open(fitimage_its_path)
+ its_lines = [line.strip() for line in its_file.readlines()]
+ exp_node_lines = [
+ 'kernel-1 {',
+ 'description = "Linux kernel";',
+ 'data = /incbin/("linux.bin");',
+ 'type = "' + str(bb_vars['UBOOT_MKIMAGE_KERNEL_TYPE']) + '";',
+ 'arch = "' + str(bb_vars['UBOOT_ARCH']) + '";',
+ 'os = "linux";',
+ 'compression = "' + str(bb_vars['FIT_KERNEL_COMP_ALG']) + '";',
+ 'load = <' + str(bb_vars['UBOOT_LOADADDRESS']) + '>;',
+ 'entry = <' + str(bb_vars['UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT']) + '>;',
+ 'hash-1 {',
+ 'algo = "' + str(bb_vars['FIT_HASH_ALG']) +'";',
+ '};',
+ '};'
+ ]
+ node_str = exp_node_lines[0]
+ print ("checking kernel node\n")
+ self.assertIn(node_str, its_lines)
+ node_start_idx = its_lines.index(node_str)
+ node = its_lines[node_start_idx:(node_start_idx + len(exp_node_lines))]
+ # Remove the absolute path. This refers to WORKDIR which is not always predictable.
+ re_data = re.compile(r'^data = /incbin/\(.*/linux\.bin"\);$')
+ node = [re.sub(re_data, 'data = /incbin/("linux.bin");', cfg_str) for cfg_str in node]
+ self.assertEqual(node, exp_node_lines, "kernel node does not match expectation")
+ rx_configs = re.compile("^conf-.*")
+ its_configs = list(filter(rx_configs.match, its_lines))
+ for cfg_str in its_configs:
+ cfg_start_idx = its_lines.index(cfg_str)
+ line_idx = cfg_start_idx + 2
+ node_end = False
+ while node_end == False:
+ if its_lines[line_idx] == "};" and its_lines[line_idx-1] == "};" :
+ node_end = True
+ line_idx = line_idx + 1
+ node = its_lines[cfg_start_idx:line_idx]
+ print("checking configuration " + cfg_str.rstrip(" {"))
+ rx_desc_line = re.compile(r'^description = ".*Linux kernel.*')
+ self.assertEqual(len(list(filter(rx_desc_line.match, node))), 1, "kernel keyword not found in the description line")
+ self.assertIn('kernel = "kernel-1";', node)
+ rx_sign_line = re.compile(r'^sign-images = .*kernel.*')
+ self.assertEqual(len(list(filter(rx_sign_line.match, node))), 1, "kernel hash not signed")
+ # Verify the signature
+ uboot_tools_bindir = self._setup_uboot_tools_native()
+ self._verify_fit_image_signature(uboot_tools_bindir, fitimage_path, os.path.join(bb_vars['DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE'], 'am335x-bone.dtb'))
+ # Check if the u-boot boot.scr script is in the fitImage
+ dumpimage_result = self._run_dumpimage(fitimage_path, uboot_tools_bindir)
+ self._verify_fitimage_uboot_env(dumpimage_result)
def test_uboot_fit_image(self):
Summary: Check if Uboot FIT image and Image Tree Source
@@ -522,7 +650,6 @@ UBOOT_FIT_HASH_ALG = "sha256"
self._verify_fit_image_signature(uboot_tools_bindir, fitimage_path,
os.path.join(deploy_dir_image, 'u-boot-spl.dtb'))
def test_sign_cascaded_uboot_fit_image(self):
Summary: Check if U-Boot FIT image and Image Tree Source (its) are
@@ -667,137 +794,6 @@ FIT_SIGN_INDIVIDUAL = "1"
self._verify_fit_image_signature(uboot_tools_bindir, fitimage_path,
os.path.join(deploy_dir_image, 'u-boot-spl.dtb'))
- def test_initramfs_bundle(self):
- """
- Summary: Verifies the content of the initramfs bundle node in the FIT Image Tree Source (its)
- The FIT settings are set by the test case.
- The machine used is beaglebone-yocto.
- Expected: 1. The ITS is generated with initramfs bundle support
- 2. All the fields in the kernel node are as expected (matching the
- conf settings)
- 3. The kernel is included in all the available configurations and
- its hash is included in the configuration signature
- Product: oe-core
- Author: Abdellatif El Khlifi <abdellatif.elkhlifi@arm.com>
- """
- config = """
-MACHINE = "beaglebone-yocto"
-INITRAMFS_IMAGE = "core-image-minimal-initramfs"
-UBOOT_MACHINE = "am335x_evm_defconfig"
-KERNEL_CLASSES = " kernel-fitimage "
-UBOOT_SIGN_KEYNAME = "beaglebonekey"
-UBOOT_DTB_BINARY = "u-boot.dtb"
-UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT = "0x80000000"
-UBOOT_LOADADDRESS = "0x80000000"
-UBOOT_ARCH = "arm"
-UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS = "-I dts -O dtb -p 2000"
-FIT_HASH_ALG = "sha256"
- config = self._config_add_uboot_env(config)
- self.write_config(config)
- # fitImage is created as part of linux recipe
- bitbake("virtual/kernel")
- bb_vars = get_bb_vars([
- ],
- 'virtual/kernel')
- fitimage_its_path = os.path.join(bb_vars['DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE'],
- "fitImage-its-%s-%s-%s" % (bb_vars['INITRAMFS_IMAGE'], bb_vars['MACHINE'], bb_vars['MACHINE']))
- fitimage_path = os.path.join(bb_vars['DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE'],"fitImage")
- self.assertExists(fitimage_its_path, "%s image tree source doesn't exist" % (fitimage_its_path))
- self.assertExists(fitimage_path, "%s FIT image doesn't exist" % (fitimage_path))
- its_file = open(fitimage_its_path)
- its_lines = [line.strip() for line in its_file.readlines()]
- exp_node_lines = [
- 'kernel-1 {',
- 'description = "Linux kernel";',
- 'data = /incbin/("linux.bin");',
- 'type = "' + str(bb_vars['UBOOT_MKIMAGE_KERNEL_TYPE']) + '";',
- 'arch = "' + str(bb_vars['UBOOT_ARCH']) + '";',
- 'os = "linux";',
- 'compression = "' + str(bb_vars['FIT_KERNEL_COMP_ALG']) + '";',
- 'load = <' + str(bb_vars['UBOOT_LOADADDRESS']) + '>;',
- 'entry = <' + str(bb_vars['UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT']) + '>;',
- 'hash-1 {',
- 'algo = "' + str(bb_vars['FIT_HASH_ALG']) +'";',
- '};',
- '};'
- ]
- node_str = exp_node_lines[0]
- print ("checking kernel node\n")
- self.assertIn(node_str, its_lines)
- node_start_idx = its_lines.index(node_str)
- node = its_lines[node_start_idx:(node_start_idx + len(exp_node_lines))]
- # Remove the absolute path. This refers to WORKDIR which is not always predictable.
- re_data = re.compile(r'^data = /incbin/\(.*/linux\.bin"\);$')
- node = [re.sub(re_data, 'data = /incbin/("linux.bin");', cfg_str) for cfg_str in node]
- self.assertEqual(node, exp_node_lines, "kernel node does not match expectation")
- rx_configs = re.compile("^conf-.*")
- its_configs = list(filter(rx_configs.match, its_lines))
- for cfg_str in its_configs:
- cfg_start_idx = its_lines.index(cfg_str)
- line_idx = cfg_start_idx + 2
- node_end = False
- while node_end == False:
- if its_lines[line_idx] == "};" and its_lines[line_idx-1] == "};" :
- node_end = True
- line_idx = line_idx + 1
- node = its_lines[cfg_start_idx:line_idx]
- print("checking configuration " + cfg_str.rstrip(" {"))
- rx_desc_line = re.compile(r'^description = ".*Linux kernel.*')
- self.assertEqual(len(list(filter(rx_desc_line.match, node))), 1, "kernel keyword not found in the description line")
- self.assertIn('kernel = "kernel-1";', node)
- rx_sign_line = re.compile(r'^sign-images = .*kernel.*')
- self.assertEqual(len(list(filter(rx_sign_line.match, node))), 1, "kernel hash not signed")
- # Verify the signature
- uboot_tools_bindir = self._setup_uboot_tools_native()
- self._verify_fit_image_signature(uboot_tools_bindir, fitimage_path, os.path.join(bb_vars['DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE'], 'am335x-bone.dtb'))
- # Check if the u-boot boot.scr script is in the fitImage
- dumpimage_result = self._run_dumpimage(fitimage_path, uboot_tools_bindir)
- self._verify_fitimage_uboot_env(dumpimage_result)
def test_uboot_atf_tee_fit_image(self):
Summary: Check if U-boot FIT image and Image Tree Source
This is a trivial refactoring. The goal is to have all tests for kernel-fitimage.bbclass and all tests for uboot-sign.bbclass together. This refactoring greatly simplifies the diff of the next commit. Signed-off-by: Adrian Freihofer <adrian.freihofer@siemens.com> --- meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/fitimage.py | 262 +++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 129 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)