diff mbox series

[2/4] kernel-fitimage.bbclass: do not use the UBOOT_ENV variable

Message ID 20250206225654.1660760-3-adrian.freihofer@siemens.com
State Accepted, archived
Commit ab7f0b5e3d3612c43f9aab9ea2b7bd554d02859d
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Series decouple UBOOT_ENV from kernel-fitimage | expand

Commit Message

Adrian Freihofer Feb. 6, 2025, 10:56 p.m. UTC
The kernel-fitimage.bbclass evaluates the UBOOT_ENV variable from the
u-boot recipe. Based on this variable an u-boot script might be added to
the fitImage. However, the UBOOT_ENV variable is also used to install
the script as an old u-boot image, usually named boot.scr into the /boot
directory of the target device. This dual usage of one variable leads to
several strange side effects. Some examples:
- If UBOOT_ENV_SUFFIX is set to the default value scr, the boot.cmd
  script gets added as a legacy uImage to the fitImage. That does not
  look useful.
- If the UBOOT_ENV_SUFFIX is set to e.g. txt the script is not converted
  into a legacy uImage and a usable plain text script gets added to the
  fitImage. But the same script ends up redundant in /boot.
  Another strange detail is that the UBOOT_ENV_BINARY gets set to e.g.
  boot.txt for this configuration.
- Appending the script to the u-boot recipe and then hand it over to the
  kernel recipe via the staged /boot directory looks like over
  complicated. Such kind of over complications and u-boot kernel
  inter-dependencies lead to an almost unmaintainable
- A single variable does not allow you to add a text file to the fitImage
  and at the same time place boot.scr file in the /boot directory of the
  target device.
- It is not documented or obvious how the UBOOT_ENV variable should be
  used together with the kernel-fitimage.bbclass.

The commit which introduced this feature (among other features...) is:
This commit is going to remove the u-boot script part of it.

The removal of this function requires a note in the migration guide.
The migration should be straightforward: If UBOOT_ENV and the
kernel-fitimage.bbclass are used, the u-boot script must now be appended
to the kernel recipe and the new FIT_UBOOT_ENV variable must be used.

Signed-off-by: Adrian Freihofer <adrian.freihofer@siemens.com>
 meta/classes-recipe/kernel-fitimage.bbclass | 13 -------------
 1 file changed, 13 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/classes-recipe/kernel-fitimage.bbclass b/meta/classes-recipe/kernel-fitimage.bbclass
index bd2e371b63a..22356fe5678 100644
--- a/meta/classes-recipe/kernel-fitimage.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes-recipe/kernel-fitimage.bbclass
@@ -41,10 +41,6 @@  python __anonymous () {
     if image:
         d.appendVarFlag('do_assemble_fitimage_initramfs', 'depends', ' ${INITRAMFS_IMAGE}:do_image_complete')
-    ubootenv = d.getVar('UBOOT_ENV')
-    if ubootenv:
-        d.appendVarFlag('do_assemble_fitimage', 'depends', ' virtual/bootloader:do_populate_sysroot')
     #check if there are any dtb providers
     providerdtb = d.getVar("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/dtb")
     if providerdtb:
@@ -607,15 +603,6 @@  fitimage_assemble() {
 	# Step 3: Prepare a u-boot script section
-	if [ -n "${UBOOT_ENV}" ] && [ -d "${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/boot" ]; then
-		if [ -e "${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/boot/${UBOOT_ENV_BINARY}" ]; then
-			bootscr_id="${UBOOT_ENV_BINARY}"
-			fitimage_emit_section_boot_script $1 "$bootscr_id" ${UBOOT_ENV_BINARY}
-		else
-			bbwarn "${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/boot/${UBOOT_ENV_BINARY} not found."
-		fi
-	fi
 	if [ -n "${FIT_UBOOT_ENV}" ]; then