diff mbox series

[1/4] kernel-fitimage.bbclass: introduce FIT_UBOOT_ENV

Message ID 20250206225654.1660760-2-adrian.freihofer@siemens.com
State Accepted, archived
Commit 269605ed053fd8dc7bcbcc04a46c308188115f66
Headers show
Series decouple UBOOT_ENV from kernel-fitimage | expand

Commit Message

Adrian Freihofer Feb. 6, 2025, 10:56 p.m. UTC
Introduce a new variable FIT_UBOOT_ENV, which allows to add a u-boot
script as a text file to the fitImage. Such a script can be sourced
from the u-boot shell, as documented here:

The kernel-fitimage.bbclass also evaluates the existing UBOOT_ENV
variable and adds the corresponding script to the fitImage. However, the
UBOOT_ENV variable is also used to install the script as an old u-boot
image, usually named boot.scr into the /boot directory of the target
device. These are different use cases which should be handled

Appending the script to the u-boot recipe and then hand it over to the
kernel recipe via the staged /boot directory leads to complicated task
dependencies. Decoupling the two use cases will also allow to simplify
the implementation by dropping the evaluation of the UBOOT_ENV variable
in the kernel-fitimage.bbclass. But this commit is supposed to be
backward compatible.

Signed-off-by: Adrian Freihofer <adrian.freihofer@siemens.com>
 meta/classes-recipe/kernel-fitimage.bbclass | 5 +++++
 meta/conf/image-fitimage.conf               | 7 +++++++
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/classes-recipe/kernel-fitimage.bbclass b/meta/classes-recipe/kernel-fitimage.bbclass
index fe076badfa5..bd2e371b63a 100644
--- a/meta/classes-recipe/kernel-fitimage.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes-recipe/kernel-fitimage.bbclass
@@ -616,6 +616,11 @@  fitimage_assemble() {
 			bbwarn "${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/boot/${UBOOT_ENV_BINARY} not found."
+	if [ -n "${FIT_UBOOT_ENV}" ]; then
+		bootscr_id="${FIT_UBOOT_ENV}"
+		fitimage_emit_section_boot_script $1 "$bootscr_id" ${FIT_UBOOT_ENV}
+	fi
 	# Step 4: Prepare a setup section. (For x86)
diff --git a/meta/conf/image-fitimage.conf b/meta/conf/image-fitimage.conf
index be9ae301346..9be7e452384 100644
--- a/meta/conf/image-fitimage.conf
+++ b/meta/conf/image-fitimage.conf
@@ -51,3 +51,10 @@  FIT_ADDRESS_CELLS ?= "1"
 # Then the images signature checking will not be mandatory and no error will be
 # raised in case of failure.
 # UBOOT_SIGN_IMG_KEYNAME = "dev2" # keys name in keydir (eg. "dev2.crt", "dev2.key")
+# Additional environment variables or a script which can be sourced by u-boot
+# can be packaged into the fitImage. An example is documented here:
+# https://docs.u-boot.org/en/latest/usage/cmd/source.html#fit-image
+# Machine configurations needing such a script file should include it in the
+# SRC_URI of the kernel recipe and set the FIT_UBOOT_ENV parameter.