diff mbox series

[v3] lib/spdx30_tasks: support directories deployed by image recipes

Message ID 20250115130702.355456-1-igor.opaniuk@foundries.io
State Accepted, archived
Commit a0d63082a4db375a55586c7864e280cd8f45ff7b
Headers show
Series [v3] lib/spdx30_tasks: support directories deployed by image recipes | expand

Commit Message

Igor Opaniuk Jan. 15, 2025, 1:07 p.m. UTC
From: Igor Opaniuk <igor.opaniuk@foundries.io>

create_image_spdx() implementation assumes that image is indeed a file.
If image recipe deploys a directory (for example, which contains an
hierarchy of flash artifacts, that is used by SoC vendor-specific
flashing tool) which follows ${IMAGE_NAME}.${IMAGE_TYPE} naming scheme,
create_image_spdx() function will fail after trying to hash a directory:

*** 0002:do_create_image_spdx(d)
File: '.../meta/classes-recipe/create-spdx-image-3.0.bbclass', lineno: 48, function: do_create_image_spdx
     0044:addtask do_create_rootfs_spdx_setscene
     0046:python do_create_image_spdx() {
     0047:    import oe.spdx30_tasks
 *** 0048:    oe.spdx30_tasks.create_image_spdx(d)
     0050:addtask do_create_image_spdx after do_image_complete do_create_rootfs_spdx before do_build
     0051:SSTATETASKS += "do_create_image_spdx"
File: '.../bitbake/lib/bb/utils.py', lineno: 536, function: _hasher
     0533:def _hasher(method, filename):
     0534:    import mmap
 *** 0536:    with open(filename, "rb") as f:
     0537:        try:
     0538:            with mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as mm:
     0539:                for chunk in iter(lambda: mm.read(8192), b''):
     0540:                    method.update(chunk)
Exception: IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '...'

Signed-off-by: Igor Opaniuk <igor.opaniuk@foundries.io>

Changes in v3:
- Set a purpose and a timestamp for all artifact files in the same way
- Don't provide license_data to add_package_files(), so it skips license scanning
- Add additional check for license_data is not None in add_package_files()

Changes in v2:
- Rework using add_package_files()

 meta/lib/oe/spdx30_tasks.py | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/spdx30_tasks.py b/meta/lib/oe/spdx30_tasks.py
index c60c97896c..658e533d75 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oe/spdx30_tasks.py
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/spdx30_tasks.py
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@  def add_package_files(
-    license_data,
+    license_data=None,
@@ -169,7 +169,10 @@  def add_package_files(
-            if oe.spdx30.software_SoftwarePurpose.source in file_purposes:
+            if (
+                oe.spdx30.software_SoftwarePurpose.source in file_purposes
+                and license_data is not None
+            ):
                 objset.scan_declared_licenses(spdx_file, filepath, license_data)
             if archive is not None:
@@ -1072,25 +1075,45 @@  def create_image_spdx(d):
         for image in task["images"]:
             image_filename = image["filename"]
             image_path = image_deploy_dir / image_filename
-            a = objset.add_root(
-                oe.spdx30.software_File(
-                    _id=objset.new_spdxid("image", image_filename),
-                    creationInfo=objset.doc.creationInfo,
-                    name=image_filename,
-                    verifiedUsing=[
-                        oe.spdx30.Hash(
-                            algorithm=oe.spdx30.HashAlgorithm.sha256,
-                            hashValue=bb.utils.sha256_file(image_path),
-                        )
-                    ],
+            if os.path.isdir(image_path):
+                a = add_package_files(
+                        d,
+                        objset,
+                        image_path,
+                        lambda file_counter: objset.new_spdxid(
+                            "imagefile", str(file_counter)
+                        ),
+                        lambda filepath: [],
+                        license_data=None,
+                        ignore_dirs=[],
+                        ignore_top_level_dirs=[],
+                        archive=None,
-            )
-            set_purposes(
-                d, a, "SPDX_IMAGE_PURPOSE:%s" % imagetype, "SPDX_IMAGE_PURPOSE"
-            )
-            set_timestamp_now(d, a, "builtTime")
+                artifacts.extend(a)
+            else:
+                a = objset.add_root(
+                    oe.spdx30.software_File(
+                        _id=objset.new_spdxid("image", image_filename),
+                        creationInfo=objset.doc.creationInfo,
+                        name=image_filename,
+                        verifiedUsing=[
+                            oe.spdx30.Hash(
+                                algorithm=oe.spdx30.HashAlgorithm.sha256,
+                                hashValue=bb.utils.sha256_file(image_path),
+                            )
+                        ],
+                    )
+                )
+                artifacts.append(a)
+            for a in artifacts:
+                set_purposes(
+                    d, a, "SPDX_IMAGE_PURPOSE:%s" % imagetype, "SPDX_IMAGE_PURPOSE"
+                )
+                set_timestamp_now(d, a, "builtTime")
-            artifacts.append(a)
         if artifacts: