@@ -187,10 +187,10 @@ python do_cve_check () {
patched_cves = get_patched_cves(d)
except FileNotFoundError:
bb.fatal("Failure in searching patches")
- ignored, patched, unpatched, status = check_cves(d, patched_cves)
- if patched or unpatched or (d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_COVERAGE") == "1" and status):
- cve_data = get_cve_info(d, patched + unpatched + ignored)
- cve_write_data(d, patched, unpatched, ignored, cve_data, status)
+ cve_data, status = check_cves(d, patched_cves)
+ if len(cve_data) or (d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_COVERAGE") == "1" and status):
+ get_cve_info(d, cve_data)
+ cve_write_data(d, cve_data, status)
bb.note("No CVE database found, skipping CVE check")
@@ -292,7 +292,51 @@ ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND:prepend = "${@'cve_check_write_rootfs_manifest ' if d
do_rootfs[recrdeptask] += "${@'do_cve_check' if d.getVar('CVE_CHECK_CREATE_MANIFEST') == '1' else ''}"
do_populate_sdk[recrdeptask] += "${@'do_cve_check' if d.getVar('CVE_CHECK_CREATE_MANIFEST') == '1' else ''}"
-def check_cves(d, patched_cves):
+def cve_is_ignored(d, cve_data, cve):
+ if cve not in cve_data:
+ return False
+ if cve_data[cve]['abbrev-status'] == "Ignored":
+ return True
+ return False
+def cve_is_patched(d, cve_data, cve):
+ if cve not in cve_data:
+ return False
+ if cve_data[cve]['abbrev-status'] == "Patched":
+ return True
+ return False
+def cve_update(d, cve_data, cve, entry):
+ # If no entry, just add it
+ if cve not in cve_data:
+ cve_data[cve] = entry
+ return
+ # If we are updating, there might be change in the status
+ bb.debug("Trying CVE entry update for %s from %s to %s" % (cve, cve_data[cve]['abbrev-status'], entry['abbrev-status']))
+ if cve_data[cve]['abbrev-status'] == "Unknown":
+ cve_data[cve] = entry
+ return
+ if cve_data[cve]['abbrev-status'] == entry['abbrev-status']:
+ return
+ # Update like in {'abbrev-status': 'Patched', 'status': 'version-not-in-range'} to {'abbrev-status': 'Unpatched', 'status': 'version-in-range'}
+ if entry['abbrev-status'] == "Unpatched" and cve_data[cve]['abbrev-status'] == "Patched":
+ if entry['status'] == "version-in-range" and cve_data[cve]['status'] == "version-not-in-range":
+ # New result from the scan, vulnerable
+ cve_data[cve] = entry
+ bb.debug("CVE entry %s update from Patched to Unpatched from the scan result" % cve)
+ return
+ if entry['abbrev-status'] == "Patched" and cve_data[cve]['abbrev-status'] == "Unpatched":
+ if entry['status'] == "version-not-in-range" and cve_data[cve]['status'] == "version-in-range":
+ # Range does not match the scan, but we already have a vulnerable match, ignore
+ bb.debug("CVE entry %s update from Patched to Unpatched from the scan result - not applying" % cve)
+ return
+ # If we have an "Ignored", it has a priority
+ if cve_data[cve]['abbrev-status'] == "Ignored":
+ bb.debug("CVE %s not updating because Ignored" % cve)
+ return
+ bb.warn("Unhandled CVE entry update for %s from %s to %s" % (cve, cve_data[cve], entry))
+def check_cves(d, cve_data):
Connect to the NVD database and find unpatched cves.
@@ -302,28 +346,19 @@ def check_cves(d, patched_cves):
real_pv = d.getVar("PV")
suffix = d.getVar("CVE_VERSION_SUFFIX")
- cves_unpatched = []
- cves_ignored = []
cves_status = []
cves_in_recipe = False
# CVE_PRODUCT can contain more than one product (eg. curl/libcurl)
products = d.getVar("CVE_PRODUCT").split()
# If this has been unset then we're not scanning for CVEs here (for example, image recipes)
if not products:
- return ([], [], [], [])
+ return ([], [])
pv = d.getVar("CVE_VERSION").split("+git")[0]
# If the recipe has been skipped/ignored we return empty lists
if pn in d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_SKIP_RECIPE").split():
bb.note("Recipe has been skipped by cve-check")
- return ([], [], [], [])
- # Convert CVE_STATUS into ignored CVEs and check validity
- cve_ignore = []
- for cve in (d.getVarFlags("CVE_STATUS") or {}):
- decoded_status, _, _ = decode_cve_status(d, cve)
- if decoded_status == "Ignored":
- cve_ignore.append(cve)
+ return ([], [])
import sqlite3
db_file = d.expand("file:${CVE_CHECK_DB_FILE}?mode=ro")
@@ -342,11 +377,10 @@ def check_cves(d, patched_cves):
for cverow in cve_cursor:
cve = cverow[0]
- if cve in cve_ignore:
+ if cve_is_ignored(d, cve_data, cve):
bb.note("%s-%s ignores %s" % (product, pv, cve))
- cves_ignored.append(cve)
- elif cve in patched_cves:
+ elif cve_is_patched(d, cve_data, cve):
bb.note("%s has been patched" % (cve))
# Write status once only for each product
@@ -362,7 +396,7 @@ def check_cves(d, patched_cves):
for row in product_cursor:
(_, _, _, version_start, operator_start, version_end, operator_end) = row
#bb.debug(2, "Evaluating row " + str(row))
- if cve in cve_ignore:
+ if cve_is_ignored(d, cve_data, cve):
ignored = True
version_start = convert_cve_version(version_start)
@@ -401,16 +435,16 @@ def check_cves(d, patched_cves):
if vulnerable:
if ignored:
bb.note("%s is ignored in %s-%s" % (cve, pn, real_pv))
- cves_ignored.append(cve)
+ cve_update(d, cve_data, cve, {"abbrev-status": "Ignored"})
bb.note("%s-%s is vulnerable to %s" % (pn, real_pv, cve))
- cves_unpatched.append(cve)
+ cve_update(d, cve_data, cve, {"abbrev-status": "Unpatched", "status": "version-in-range"})
if not vulnerable:
bb.note("%s-%s is not vulnerable to %s" % (pn, real_pv, cve))
- patched_cves.add(cve)
+ cve_update(d, cve_data, cve, {"abbrev-status": "Patched", "status": "version-not-in-range"})
if not cves_in_product:
@@ -418,48 +452,45 @@ def check_cves(d, patched_cves):
cves_status.append([product, False])
- diff_ignore = list(set(cve_ignore) - set(cves_ignored))
- if diff_ignore:
- oe.qa.handle_error("cve_status_not_in_db", "Found CVE (%s) with CVE_STATUS set that are not found in database for this component" % " ".join(diff_ignore), d)
if not cves_in_recipe:
bb.note("No CVE records for products in recipe %s" % (pn))
- return (list(cves_ignored), list(patched_cves), cves_unpatched, cves_status)
+ return (cve_data, cves_status)
-def get_cve_info(d, cves):
+def get_cve_info(d, cve_data):
Get CVE information from the database.
import sqlite3
- cve_data = {}
db_file = d.expand("file:${CVE_CHECK_DB_FILE}?mode=ro")
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file, uri=True)
- for cve in cves:
+ for cve in cve_data:
cursor = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM NVD WHERE ID IS ?", (cve,))
for row in cursor:
- cve_data[row[0]] = {}
- cve_data[row[0]]["summary"] = row[1]
- cve_data[row[0]]["scorev2"] = row[2]
- cve_data[row[0]]["scorev3"] = row[3]
- cve_data[row[0]]["modified"] = row[4]
- cve_data[row[0]]["vector"] = row[5]
- cve_data[row[0]]["vectorString"] = row[6]
+ # The CVE itdelf has been added already
+ if row[0] not in cve_data:
+ bb.note("CVE record %s not present" % row[0])
+ continue
+ #cve_data[row[0]] = {}
+ cve_data[row[0]]["NVD-summary"] = row[1]
+ cve_data[row[0]]["NVD-scorev2"] = row[2]
+ cve_data[row[0]]["NVD-scorev3"] = row[3]
+ cve_data[row[0]]["NVD-modified"] = row[4]
+ cve_data[row[0]]["NVD-vector"] = row[5]
+ cve_data[row[0]]["NVD-vectorString"] = row[6]
- return cve_data
-def cve_write_data_text(d, patched, unpatched, ignored, cve_data):
+def cve_write_data_text(d, cve_data):
Write CVE information in WORKDIR; and to CVE_CHECK_DIR, and
CVE manifest if enabled.
- from oe.cve_check import decode_cve_status
cve_file = d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_LOG")
fdir_name = d.getVar("FILE_DIRNAME")
layer = fdir_name.split("/")[-3]
@@ -476,7 +507,7 @@ def cve_write_data_text(d, patched, unpatched, ignored, cve_data):
# Early exit, the text format does not report packages without CVEs
- if not patched+unpatched+ignored:
+ if not len(cve_data):
nvd_link = "https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/"
@@ -485,36 +516,27 @@ def cve_write_data_text(d, patched, unpatched, ignored, cve_data):
for cve in sorted(cve_data):
- is_patched = cve in patched
- is_ignored = cve in ignored
- status = "Unpatched"
- if (is_patched or is_ignored) and not report_all:
- continue
- if is_ignored:
- status = "Ignored"
- elif is_patched:
- status = "Patched"
- else:
- # default value of status is Unpatched
- unpatched_cves.append(cve)
write_string += "LAYER: %s\n" % layer
write_string += "PACKAGE NAME: %s\n" % d.getVar("PN")
write_string += "PACKAGE VERSION: %s%s\n" % (d.getVar("EXTENDPE"), d.getVar("PV"))
write_string += "CVE: %s\n" % cve
- write_string += "CVE STATUS: %s\n" % status
- _, detail, description = decode_cve_status(d, cve)
- if detail:
- write_string += "CVE DETAIL: %s\n" % detail
- if description:
- write_string += "CVE DESCRIPTION: %s\n" % description
- write_string += "CVE SUMMARY: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["summary"]
- write_string += "CVSS v2 BASE SCORE: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["scorev2"]
- write_string += "CVSS v3 BASE SCORE: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["scorev3"]
- write_string += "VECTOR: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["vector"]
- write_string += "VECTORSTRING: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["vectorString"]
+ write_string += "CVE STATUS: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["abbrev-status"]
+ if 'status' in cve_data[cve]:
+ write_string += "CVE DETAIL: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["status"]
+ if 'justification' in cve_data[cve]:
+ write_string += "CVE DESCRIPTION: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["justification"]
+ if "NVD-summary" in cve_data[cve]:
+ write_string += "CVE SUMMARY: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["NVD-summary"]
+ write_string += "CVSS v2 BASE SCORE: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["NVD-scorev2"]
+ write_string += "CVSS v3 BASE SCORE: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["NVD-scorev3"]
+ write_string += "VECTOR: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["NVD-vector"]
+ write_string += "VECTORSTRING: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["NVD-vectorString"]
write_string += "MORE INFORMATION: %s%s\n\n" % (nvd_link, cve)
+ if cve_data[cve]["abbrev-status"] == "Unpatched":
+ unpatched_cves.append(cve)
if unpatched_cves and d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_SHOW_WARNINGS") == "1":
bb.warn("Found unpatched CVE (%s), for more information check %s" % (" ".join(unpatched_cves),cve_file))
@@ -566,13 +588,11 @@ def cve_check_write_json_output(d, output, direct_file, deploy_file, manifest_fi
with open(index_path, "a+") as f:
f.write("%s\n" % fragment_path)
-def cve_write_data_json(d, patched, unpatched, ignored, cve_data, cve_status):
+def cve_write_data_json(d, cve_data, cve_status):
Prepare CVE data for the JSON format, then write it.
- from oe.cve_check import decode_cve_status
output = {"version":"1", "package": []}
nvd_link = "https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/"
@@ -590,8 +610,6 @@ def cve_write_data_json(d, patched, unpatched, ignored, cve_data, cve_status):
if include_layers and layer not in include_layers:
- unpatched_cves = []
product_data = []
for s in cve_status:
p = {"product": s[0], "cvesInRecord": "Yes"}
@@ -606,39 +624,29 @@ def cve_write_data_json(d, patched, unpatched, ignored, cve_data, cve_status):
"version" : package_version,
"products": product_data
cve_list = []
for cve in sorted(cve_data):
- is_patched = cve in patched
- is_ignored = cve in ignored
- status = "Unpatched"
- if (is_patched or is_ignored) and not report_all:
- continue
- if is_ignored:
- status = "Ignored"
- elif is_patched:
- status = "Patched"
- else:
- # default value of status is Unpatched
- unpatched_cves.append(cve)
issue_link = "%s%s" % (nvd_link, cve)
cve_item = {
"id" : cve,
- "summary" : cve_data[cve]["summary"],
- "scorev2" : cve_data[cve]["scorev2"],
- "scorev3" : cve_data[cve]["scorev3"],
- "vector" : cve_data[cve]["vector"],
- "vectorString" : cve_data[cve]["vectorString"],
- "status" : status,
- "link": issue_link
+ "status" : cve_data[cve]["abbrev-status"],
+ "link": issue_link,
- _, detail, description = decode_cve_status(d, cve)
- if detail:
- cve_item["detail"] = detail
- if description:
- cve_item["description"] = description
+ if 'NVD-summary' in cve_data[cve]:
+ cve_item["summary"] = cve_data[cve]["NVD-summary"]
+ cve_item["scorev2"] = cve_data[cve]["NVD-scorev2"]
+ cve_item["scorev3"] = cve_data[cve]["NVD-scorev3"]
+ cve_item["vector"] = cve_data[cve]["NVD-vector"]
+ cve_item["vectorString"] = cve_data[cve]["NVD-vectorString"]
+ if 'status' in cve_data[cve]:
+ cve_item["detail"] = cve_data[cve]["status"]
+ if 'justification' in cve_data[cve]:
+ cve_item["description"] = cve_data[cve]["justification"]
+ if 'resource' in cve_data[cve]:
+ cve_item["patch-file"] = cve_data[cve]["resource"]
package_data["issue"] = cve_list
@@ -650,12 +658,12 @@ def cve_write_data_json(d, patched, unpatched, ignored, cve_data, cve_status):
cve_check_write_json_output(d, output, direct_file, deploy_file, manifest_file)
-def cve_write_data(d, patched, unpatched, ignored, cve_data, status):
+def cve_write_data(d, cve_data, status):
Write CVE data in each enabled format.
if d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_FORMAT_TEXT") == "1":
- cve_write_data_text(d, patched, unpatched, ignored, cve_data)
+ cve_write_data_text(d, cve_data)
if d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_FORMAT_JSON") == "1":
- cve_write_data_json(d, patched, unpatched, ignored, cve_data, status)
+ cve_write_data_json(d, cve_data, status)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ def get_patched_cves(d):
# (cve_match regular expression)
cve_file_name_match = re.compile(r".*(CVE-\d{4}-\d+)", re.IGNORECASE)
- patched_cves = set()
+ patched_cves = {}
patches = oe.patch.src_patches(d)
bb.debug(2, "Scanning %d patches for CVEs" % len(patches))
for url in patches:
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def get_patched_cves(d):
fname_match = cve_file_name_match.search(patch_file)
if fname_match:
cve = fname_match.group(1).upper()
- patched_cves.add(cve)
+ patched_cves[cve] = {"abbrev-status": "Patched", "status": "fix-file-included", "resource": patch_file}
bb.debug(2, "Found %s from patch file name %s" % (cve, patch_file))
# Remote patches won't be present and compressed patches won't be
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def get_patched_cves(d):
cves = patch_text[match.start()+5:match.end()]
for cve in cves.split():
bb.debug(2, "Patch %s solves %s" % (patch_file, cve))
- patched_cves.add(cve)
+ patched_cves[cve] = {"abbrev-status": "Patched", "status": "fix-file-included", "resource": patch_file}
text_match = True
if not fname_match and not text_match:
@@ -132,10 +132,8 @@ def get_patched_cves(d):
# Search for additional patched CVEs
for cve in (d.getVarFlags("CVE_STATUS") or {}):
- decoded_status, _, _ = decode_cve_status(d, cve)
- if decoded_status == "Patched":
- bb.debug(2, "CVE %s is additionally patched" % cve)
- patched_cves.add(cve)
+ decoded_status, detail, description = decode_cve_status(d, cve)
+ patched_cves[cve] = {"abbrev-status": decoded_status, "status": detail, "justification": description}
return patched_cves