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« 1 2 3 4293 294 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
] Update to 7.84.0 ] Update to 7.84.0 - - - --- 2022-07-01 Jose Quaresma New
] depmodwrapper-cross: add config directory option ] depmodwrapper-cross: add config directory option - - - --- 2022-02-24 Ming Liu New
[”master] ”] meta: rust: Bug fix for target definitions returning 'NoneType' for arm [”master] ”] meta: rust: Bug fix for target definitions returning 'NoneType' for arm - - - --- 2022-04-06 Sundeep KOKKONDA New
[[PATCH] binutils: stable 2.41 branch updates [[PATCH] binutils: stable 2.41 branch updates - - - --- 2023-09-27 Hemraj, Deepthi New
[[PATCHv2] WORKDIR -> UNPACKDIR transition [[PATCHv2] WORKDIR -> UNPACKDIR transition - - - --- 2024-06-27 Leon Anavi Accepted
[[PATCH,v2] ] Add check for missing command 'file' [[PATCH,v2] ] Add check for missing command 'file' - - - --- 2024-03-21 Tom Hochstein New
[[PATCH,v2] kernel-fitimage.bbclass: only package unique DTBs [[PATCH,v2] kernel-fitimage.bbclass: only package unique DTBs - - - --- 2022-08-16 Awais Belal Accepted
[[PATCH,RESEND] ] create-spdx: fix config build by adding dependency to enable reruns [[PATCH,RESEND] ] create-spdx: fix config build by adding dependency to enable reruns - - - --- 2023-03-03 Accepted
[[PATCH,kirkstone] 7/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.175 [[PATCH,kirkstone] 7/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.175 - - - --- 2023-03-24 Bruce Ashfield New
[[PATCH,kirkstone] 6/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.172 [[PATCH,kirkstone] 6/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.172 - - - --- 2023-03-24 Bruce Ashfield New
[[PATCH,kirkstone] 5/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.170 [[PATCH,kirkstone] 5/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.170 - - - --- 2023-03-24 Bruce Ashfield New
[[PATCH,kirkstone] 4/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.168 [[PATCH,kirkstone] 4/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.168 - - - --- 2023-03-24 Bruce Ashfield New
[[PATCH,kirkstone] 3/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.166 [[PATCH,kirkstone] 3/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.166 - - - --- 2023-03-24 Bruce Ashfield New
[[PATCH,kirkstone] 2/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.164 [[PATCH,kirkstone] 2/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.164 - - - --- 2023-03-24 Bruce Ashfield New
[[PATCH,kirkstone] 1/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.162 [[PATCH,kirkstone] 1/7] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.162 - - - --- 2023-03-24 Bruce Ashfield New
[[OE-core,scarthgap] ] go: upgrade 1.22.5 -> 1.22.6 [[OE-core,scarthgap] ] go: upgrade 1.22.5 -> 1.22.6 - - - --- 2024-08-20 Jose Quaresma sakoman Accepted
[[OE-core,kirkstone] Add GCP fetcher to list of supported protocols [[OE-core,kirkstone] Add GCP fetcher to list of supported protocols - - - --- 2023-08-17 Emil Ekmečić New
[[OE-core,dunfell] libpcre2 : Follow up fix CVE-2022-1586 [[OE-core,dunfell] libpcre2 : Follow up fix CVE-2022-1586 - - - --- 2023-10-06 Shinu Chandran sakoman Accepted
[[oe,meta-oe] tbb: upgrade 2021.8.0 -> 2021.9.0 [[oe,meta-oe] tbb: upgrade 2021.8.0 -> 2021.9.0 - - - --- 2023-04-17 Mingyu Wang (Fujitsu) New
[[meta-oe,kirkstone] c-ares: CVE-ID correction for CVE-2022-4904 [[meta-oe,kirkstone] c-ares: CVE-ID correction for CVE-2022-4904 - - - --- 2023-09-20 Shinu Chandran New
[[meta-oe,dunfell] ] rapidjson: Avoid usage of nobranch=1 [[meta-oe,dunfell] ] rapidjson: Avoid usage of nobranch=1 - - - --- 2023-08-21 Sourav Pramanik Accepted
[[master] ] Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 [[master] ] Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 - - - --- 2023-02-09 Siddharth Doshi New
[[langdale] ] Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 [[langdale] ] Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 - - - --- 2023-02-09 Siddharth Doshi New
[[kirkstone] xterm : Fix CVE-2022-45063 code execution via OSC 50 input sequences] CVE-2022-45063 [[kirkstone] xterm : Fix CVE-2022-45063 code execution via OSC 50 input sequences] CVE-2022-45063 - - - --- 2022-12-22 Siddharth Doshi New
[[kirkstone] openssl : Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8] openssl: Upgrade 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 [[kirkstone] openssl : Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8] openssl: Upgrade 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 - - - --- 2023-02-09 Siddharth Doshi New
[[kirkstone,v3] xterm : Fix CVE-2022-45063 code execution via OSC 50 input sequences] CVE-2022-45063 [[kirkstone,v3] xterm : Fix CVE-2022-45063 code execution via OSC 50 input sequences] CVE-2022-45063 - - - --- 2022-12-22 Siddharth Doshi New
[[kirkstone,v2] xterm : Fix CVE-2022-45063 code execution via OSC 50 input sequences] CVE-2022-45063 [[kirkstone,v2] xterm : Fix CVE-2022-45063 code execution via OSC 50 input sequences] CVE-2022-45063 - - - --- 2022-12-22 Siddharth Doshi New
[[dunfell] grub: fix CVE-2023-4692 & CVE-2023-4693 [[dunfell] grub: fix CVE-2023-4692 & CVE-2023-4693 - - - --- 2023-11-28 Hitendra Prajapati Accepted
[YOCTO,#13270] Refactor the docbook-xml recipe to use packages rather than hacked up de… [YOCTO,#13270] Refactor the docbook-xml recipe to use packages rather than hacked up de… - - - --- 2023-02-19 Richard Elberger New
[WIP] descriptive_rename: Script for Inclusive Language variable renames [WIP] descriptive_rename: Script for Inclusive Language variable renames - - - --- 2022-02-16 Saul Wold New
[WIP/RFC] create-spdx: Get SPDX-License-Identifier from source [WIP/RFC] create-spdx: Get SPDX-License-Identifier from source - - - --- 2022-01-28 Saul Wold New
[WIC] Configurable addressing of GTP main table [WIC] Configurable addressing of GTP main table - 1 2 --- 2024-01-19 Davide Cardillo New
[WIC] Configurable addressing of GTP main table [WIC] Configurable addressing of GTP main table - 1 2 --- 2024-01-19 Davide Cardillo New
[warrior] neard: Switch SRC_URI to git repo [warrior] neard: Switch SRC_URI to git repo - - - --- 2022-04-29 Rahul Kumar New
[v9] Rust Oe-Selftest implementation [v9] Rust Oe-Selftest implementation - - - --- 2022-08-06 Pgowda New
[v9,master-next,5/5] opkg: set locale from system environment variables [v9,master-next,1/5] package_ipk.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr - - - --- 2023-07-24 Piotr Łobacz New
[v9,master-next,4/5] opkg: add options to enable support for acl and xattr [v9,master-next,1/5] package_ipk.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr - - - --- 2023-07-24 Piotr Łobacz New
[v9,master-next,3/5] opkg-utils: add acl and xattr support [v9,master-next,1/5] package_ipk.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr - - - --- 2023-07-24 Piotr Łobacz New
[v9,master-next,2/5] package.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr [v9,master-next,1/5] package_ipk.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr - - - --- 2023-07-24 Piotr Łobacz New
[v9,master-next,1/5] package_ipk.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr [v9,master-next,1/5] package_ipk.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr - - - --- 2023-07-24 Piotr Łobacz New
[v9,9/9] WIP: sdk-manual: extensible.rst: cover devtool ide-sdk devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2024-01-14 Adrian Freihofer New
[v9,8/9] devtool: ide-sdk make deploy-target quicker devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2024-01-14 Adrian Freihofer New
[v9,7/9] devtool: refactor deploy-target devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2024-01-14 Adrian Freihofer New
[v9,7/7] oeqa/selftest/cases: add basic barebox tests Add barebox bootloader support (and testing) - - - --- 2024-10-11 Enrico Jörns Accepted
[v9,6/9] devtool: refactor deploy to use exec_fakeroot_no_d devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2024-01-14 Adrian Freihofer New
[v9,6/7] oeqa/selftest/cases: add basic u-boot test Add barebox bootloader support (and testing) - - - --- 2024-10-11 Enrico Jörns Accepted
[v9,5/9] devtool: refactor exec_fakeroot devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2024-01-14 Adrian Freihofer New
[v9,5/7] oeqa: support passing custom boot patterns to runqemu Add barebox bootloader support (and testing) - - - --- 2024-10-11 Enrico Jörns Accepted
[v9,5/5] oeqa/selftest/cases/ Re-enable self-test [v9,1/5] rpm-sequoia-crypto-policy: New recipe - - - --- 2025-02-06 Zoltán Böszörményi New
[v9,4/9] oe-selftest devtool: ide-sdk tests devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2024-01-14 Adrian Freihofer New
[v9,4/7] oeqa/utils/qemurunner: support ignoring vt100 escape sequences Add barebox bootloader support (and testing) - - - --- 2024-10-11 Enrico Jörns Accepted
[v9,4/5] dnf: Set SEQUOIA_CRYPTO_POLICY in wrapped tools [v9,1/5] rpm-sequoia-crypto-policy: New recipe - - - --- 2025-02-06 Zoltán Böszörményi New
[v9,3/9] devtool: new ide-sdk plugin devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2024-01-14 Adrian Freihofer New
[v9,3/7] barebox: set default BAREBOX_CONFIG for qemu machines Add barebox bootloader support (and testing) - - - --- 2024-10-11 Enrico Jörns Accepted
[v9,3/5] rpm: Set SEQUOIA_CRYPTO_POLICY in wrapped tools [v9,1/5] rpm-sequoia-crypto-policy: New recipe - - - --- 2025-02-06 Zoltán Böszörményi New
[v9,3/3] image.bbclass: Add glib-2.0/schemas to MULTILIBRE_ALLOW_REP [v9,1/3] vte: upgrade 2.72.2 -> 2.74.0 - - - --- 2023-11-22 Khem Raj New
[v9,3/3] cve_check: convert CVE_CHECK_IGNORE to CVE_STATUS Untitled series #14028 - 1 - --- 2023-06-23 Andrej Valek New
[v9,3/3] classes: add a systemd-sysext image class pkg-database and systemd-sysext image - - - --- 2024-05-15 SCHNEIDER Johannes New
[v9,2/9] devtool: support plugins with plugins devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2024-01-14 Adrian Freihofer New
[v9,2/7] barebox-tools: add initial barebox tools support Add barebox bootloader support (and testing) - - - --- 2024-10-11 Enrico Jörns Accepted
[v9,2/5] rpm-sequoia: New recipe for version 1.7.0 [v9,1/5] rpm-sequoia-crypto-policy: New recipe - - - --- 2025-02-06 Zoltán Böszörményi New
[v9,2/3] vte: Upgrade to 0.74.1 [v9,1/3] vte: upgrade 2.72.2 -> 2.74.0 - - - --- 2023-11-22 Khem Raj New
[v9,2/3] oeqa/selftest/cve_check: rework test to new cve status handling Untitled series #14025 - - - --- 2023-06-23 Andrej Valek New
[v9,2/3] image.bbclass/rootfs: set and unpack package-database pkg-database and systemd-sysext image - - - --- 2024-05-15 SCHNEIDER Johannes New
[v9,11/11] oeqa selftest fix missing ext4 image systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli Accepted
[v9,10/11] oeqa selftest mark efi tests to run on x86_64 build host only systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli New
[v9,1/9] cmake.bbclass: use --install devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2024-01-14 Adrian Freihofer New
[v9,1/7] barebox: add initial support Add barebox bootloader support (and testing) - - - --- 2024-10-11 Enrico Jörns Accepted
[v9,1/5] rpm-sequoia-crypto-policy: New recipe [v9,1/5] rpm-sequoia-crypto-policy: New recipe - - - --- 2025-02-06 Zoltán Böszörményi New
[v9,1/3] vte: upgrade 2.72.2 -> 2.74.0 [v9,1/3] vte: upgrade 2.72.2 -> 2.74.0 - - - --- 2023-11-22 Khem Raj New
[v9,1/3] image.bbclass/rootfs: archive and deploy package database pkg-database and systemd-sysext image - - - --- 2024-05-15 SCHNEIDER Johannes New
[v9,1/3] cve-check: add option to add additional patched CVEs [v9,1/3] cve-check: add option to add additional patched CVEs - - - --- 2023-06-23 Andrej Valek Accepted
[v9,09/11] oeqa add skipIfNotBuildArch decorator systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli New
[v9,08/11] oeqa selftest support UKIs via uki.bbclass systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli Accepted
[v9,07/11] oeqa selftest add TEST_RUNQEMUPARAMS to runqemu systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli Accepted
[v9,06/11] oeqa selftest remove systemd-boot from grub-efi test systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli Accepted
[v9,05/11] oeqa selftest add TEST_RUNQEMUPARAMS to runqemu systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli Accepted
[v9,04/11] oeqa selftest add tests for uki.bbclass systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli Accepted
[v9,03/11] wic change UKI support from wic plugin to uki.bbclass systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli Accepted
[v9,02/11] wic keep timestamps and add debug prints systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli Accepted
[v9,01/11] uki.bbclass: add class for building Unified Kernel Images (UKI) systemd uki support 1 - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli Accepted
[v8] systemd: update to v254 [v8] systemd: update to v254 - - - --- 2023-08-02 Luca Boccassi Accepted
[v8] Rust Oe-Selftest implementation [v8] Rust Oe-Selftest implementation - - - --- 2022-08-03 Pgowda New
[v8] python3-calver: Add recipe [v8] python3-calver: Add recipe - - - --- 2023-05-09 Trevor Gamblin Accepted
[v8,master-next,5/5] opkg: set locale from system environment variables [v8,master-next,1/5] package_ipk.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr - - - --- 2023-07-22 Piotr Łobacz New
[v8,master-next,4/5] opkg: add options to enable support for acl and xattr [v8,master-next,1/5] package_ipk.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr - - - --- 2023-07-22 Piotr Łobacz New
[v8,master-next,3/5] opkg-utils: add acl and xattr support [v8,master-next,1/5] package_ipk.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr - - - --- 2023-07-22 Piotr Łobacz New
[v8,master-next,2/5] package.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr [v8,master-next,1/5] package_ipk.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr - - - --- 2023-07-22 Piotr Łobacz New
[v8,master-next,1/5] package_ipk.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr [v8,master-next,1/5] package_ipk.bbclass: add support for ACLs and xattr - - - --- 2023-07-22 Piotr Łobacz New
[v8,8/8] oeqa selftest support UKIs via uki.bbclass systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-11 Mikko Rapeli New
[v8,8/8] docs: cover devtool ide devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2023-11-01 Adrian Freihofer New
[v8,7/8] oeqa selftest add TEST_RUNQEMUPARAMS to runqemu systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-11 Mikko Rapeli New
[v8,7/8] oe-selftest devtool: ide tests devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2023-11-01 Adrian Freihofer New
[v8,7/7] oeqa/selftest/cases: add basic barebox tests Add barebox bootloader support (and testing) - - - --- 2024-10-10 Enrico Jörns Accepted
[v8,6/8] oeqa selftest remove systemd-boot from grub-efi test systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-11 Mikko Rapeli New
[v8,6/8] devtool: new ide plugin devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2023-11-01 Adrian Freihofer New
[v8,6/7] oeqa/selftest/cases: add basic u-boot test Add barebox bootloader support (and testing) - - - --- 2024-10-10 Enrico Jörns Accepted
[v8,5/8] oeqa selftest add TEST_RUNQEMUPARAMS to runqemu systemd uki support - - - --- 2024-10-11 Mikko Rapeli New
[v8,5/8] devtool: refactor deploy-target devtool ide plugin - - - --- 2023-11-01 Adrian Freihofer New
[v8,5/7] oeqa: support passing custom boot patterns to runqemu Add barebox bootloader support (and testing) - - - --- 2024-10-10 Enrico Jörns Accepted
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