Show patches with: Archived = No       |   12188 patches
« 1 2 ... 101 102 103121 122 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[langdale,11/28] make-mod-scripts: Ensure kernel build output is deterministic [langdale,01/28] git: ignore CVE-2022-41953 - - - --- 2023-02-11 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,10/28] gdk-pixbuf: do not use tools from gdk-pixbuf-native when building tests [langdale,01/28] git: ignore CVE-2022-41953 - - - --- 2023-02-11 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,08/28] buildtools-tarball: set pkg-config search path [langdale,01/28] git: ignore CVE-2022-41953 - - - --- 2023-02-11 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,07/28] vulkan-samples: branch rename master -> main [langdale,01/28] git: ignore CVE-2022-41953 - - - --- 2023-02-11 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,06/28] python3-pytest: depend on python3-tomli instead of python3-toml [langdale,01/28] git: ignore CVE-2022-41953 - - - --- 2023-02-11 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,05/28] kernel/linux-kernel-base: Fix kernel build artefact determinism issues [langdale,01/28] git: ignore CVE-2022-41953 - - - --- 2023-02-11 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,04/28] linux-yocto/5.15: update to v5.15.91 [langdale,01/28] git: ignore CVE-2022-41953 - - - --- 2023-02-11 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,03/28] linux-yocto/5.15: update to v5.15.89 [langdale,01/28] git: ignore CVE-2022-41953 - - - --- 2023-02-11 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,02/28] git: upgrade to 2.37.5 [langdale,01/28] git: ignore CVE-2022-41953 - - - --- 2023-02-11 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,01/28] git: ignore CVE-2022-41953 [langdale,01/28] git: ignore CVE-2022-41953 - - - --- 2023-02-11 Steve Sakoman New
[2/2] image_types.bbclass: add support for sparse images [1/2] rust-android-sparse: add lightweight simg2img/img2simg implementation - - - --- 2023-02-11 Dmitry Baryshkov New
[1/2] rust-android-sparse: add lightweight simg2img/img2simg implementation [1/2] rust-android-sparse: add lightweight simg2img/img2simg implementation - - - --- 2023-02-11 Dmitry Baryshkov New
graphene: disable neon support on arm 32bits graphene: disable neon support on arm 32bits - - - --- 2023-02-11 Markus Volk New
[v2,2/2] add dt-schema to devshell [v2,1/2] python3-dtschema: add dependency on pylibfdt - - - --- 2023-02-10 Trevor Woerner New
[v2,1/2] python3-dtschema: add dependency on pylibfdt [v2,1/2] python3-dtschema: add dependency on pylibfdt - - - --- 2023-02-10 Trevor Woerner New
meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/wic: Add tests for configuring kernel image install into boot partitio… meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/wic: Add tests for configuring kernel image install into boot partitio… - - - --- 2023-02-10 Kareem Zarka New
wic/plugins/source/bootimg-efi: Configure installation of kernel image into boot partition. wic/plugins/source/bootimg-efi: Configure installation of kernel image into boot partition. - - - --- 2023-02-10 Kareem Zarka New
meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/wic: Add tests for configuring kernel image install into boot partitio… meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/wic: Add tests for configuring kernel image install into boot partitio… - - - --- 2023-02-10 Kareem Zarka New
wic/plugins/source/bootimg-efi: Configure installation of wic/plugins/source/bootimg-efi: Configure installation of - - - --- 2023-02-10 Kareem Zarka New
[meta-oe,V2] tar: add ptest support [meta-oe,V2] tar: add ptest support - - - --- 2023-02-10 New
[meta-oe,V2] tar: add ptest support [meta-oe,V2] tar: add ptest support - - - --- 2023-02-10 New
nghttp2: Fix do_rootfs error as following: nghttp2: Fix do_rootfs error as following: - - - --- 2023-02-10 Lei Maohui New
[langdale] git: upgrade to 2.37.5 [langdale] git: upgrade to 2.37.5 - - - --- 2023-02-10 Lee, Chee Yang New
[2/2] add dt-schema to devshell [1/2] python3-dtschema: add dependency on pylibfdt - - - --- 2023-02-09 Trevor Woerner New
[1/2] python3-dtschema: add dependency on pylibfdt [1/2] python3-dtschema: add dependency on pylibfdt - - - --- 2023-02-09 Trevor Woerner New
[meta-oe,V2] tar: add ptest support [meta-oe,V2] tar: add ptest support - - - --- 2023-02-09 New
[langdale,PATCH-v2] Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 [langdale,PATCH-v2] Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 - - - --- 2023-02-09 Siddharth Doshi New
[master,PATCH-v2] Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 [master,PATCH-v2] Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 - - - --- 2023-02-09 Siddharth Doshi New
[master,langdale] libgit2: upgrade to 1.5.1 [master,langdale] libgit2: upgrade to 1.5.1 - - - --- 2023-02-09 Lee, Chee Yang New
[[master] ] Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 [[master] ] Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 - - - --- 2023-02-09 Siddharth Doshi New
[[langdale] ] Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 [[langdale] ] Upgrade OpenSSL 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8 - - - --- 2023-02-09 Siddharth Doshi New
[v2,7/8] oeqa kill qemu if it hangs fix oeqa runtime test framework when qemu hangs - - - --- 2023-02-09 Mikko Rapeli New
devshell.bbclass: Do not add scripts/git-intercept to PATH devshell.bbclass: Do not add scripts/git-intercept to PATH - - - --- 2023-02-08 Peter Kjellerstedt New
[oe,meta-networking,1/1] net-snmp: CVE-2022-44792 & CVE-2022-44793 Fix NULL Pointer Exception [oe,meta-networking,1/1] net-snmp: CVE-2022-44792 & CVE-2022-44793 Fix NULL Pointer Exception - - - --- 2023-02-08 nmali New
[36/52] ell: upgrade 0.55 -> 0.56 [01/52] ifupdown: update 0.8.43 -> 0.8.41 - - - --- 2023-02-08 Alexander Kanavin New
[3/3] systemd: split networkd to its own package systemd: split timesync and networkd to packages - - - --- 2023-02-08 Peter Marko New
[2/3] systemd.bbclass: add non-recursive service packaging systemd: split timesync and networkd to packages - - - --- 2023-02-08 Peter Marko New
[1/3] systemd: split timesyncd to its own package systemd: split timesync and networkd to packages - - - --- 2023-02-08 Peter Marko New
meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/wic: Add tests for kernel meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/wic: Add tests for kernel - - - --- 2023-02-07 Kareem Zarka New
wic/plugins/source/bootimg-efi: Configure installation of wic/plugins/source/bootimg-efi: Configure installation of - - - --- 2023-02-07 Kareem Zarka New
[meta-oe] plocate: add recipe [meta-oe] plocate: add recipe - - - --- 2023-02-07 Dragos-Marian Panait New
[PATCHv3] use fstab update also for root device [PATCHv3] use fstab update also for root device - - - --- 2023-02-07 Markus Volk New
[meta-oe] nlohmann-json: Allow empty main package for SDK [meta-oe] nlohmann-json: Allow empty main package for SDK - - - --- 2023-02-06 Tom Hochstein New
meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/wic: Add tests for kernel installation and skip-kernel-install in wic … meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/wic: Add tests for kernel installation and skip-kernel-install in wic … - - - --- 2023-02-06 Kareem Zarka New
wic/plugins/source/bootimg-efi: Skip installing kernel-image into boot. wic/plugins/source/bootimg-efi: Skip installing kernel-image into boot. - - - --- 2023-02-06 Kareem Zarka New
libgit: add ptest for libgit2 libgit: add ptest for libgit2 - - - --- 2023-02-06 Liu, Haitao New
ell: update 0.55 -> 0.56 ell: update 0.55 -> 0.56 - - - --- 2023-02-04 Markus Volk New
[14/14,v2] python3-sphinx: upgrade 6.0.0 -> 6.1.3 Untitled series #10113 - - - --- 2023-02-04 Tim Orling New
[langdale,00/17] Pull request (cover letter only) - - - --- 2023-02-04 Steve Sakoman New
[2/3] libc-locale: Fix on target locale generation [1/3,v2] perf: Enable debug/source packaging - - - --- 2023-02-04 Richard Purdie New
[1/3,v2] perf: Enable debug/source packaging [1/3,v2] perf: Enable debug/source packaging - - - --- 2023-02-04 Richard Purdie New
[14/14] python3-sphinx: upgrade 6.0.0 -> 6.1.3 [01/14] libtest-needs-perl: upgrade 0.002009 -> 0.002010 - - - --- 2023-02-03 Tim Orling New
[13/14] python3-urllib3: upgrade 1.26.13 -> 1.26.14 [01/14] libtest-needs-perl: upgrade 0.002009 -> 0.002010 - - - --- 2023-02-03 Tim Orling New
[05/14] python3-iniconfig: upgrade 1.1.1 -> 2.0.0 [01/14] libtest-needs-perl: upgrade 0.002009 -> 0.002010 - - - --- 2023-02-03 Tim Orling New
[00/14] Recipe upgrades from 02/01/2023 AUH - - - --- 2023-02-03 Tim Orling New
perf: Enable debug/source packaging perf: Enable debug/source packaging - - - --- 2023-02-03 Richard Purdie New
[2/2] barebox-tools: add initial barebox tools support [1/2] barebox: add initial support - - - --- 2023-02-03 Marco Felsch New
[1/2] barebox: add initial support [1/2] barebox: add initial support - - - --- 2023-02-03 Marco Felsch New
bootchart2: Fix usrmerge support bootchart2: Fix usrmerge support - - - --- 2023-02-03 Harald Seiler New
[v2,5/5] uboot: add a loongarch64 entry Add support for LoongArch - - - --- 2023-02-03 Xiaotian Wu New
[v2,4/5] loongarch: disable seccomp from default feature Add support for LoongArch - - - --- 2023-02-03 Xiaotian Wu New
[v2,3/5] binutils: disable gold on loongarch64 Add support for LoongArch - - - --- 2023-02-03 Xiaotian Wu New
python3-pytest: Remove dependency on python3-toml python3-pytest: Remove dependency on python3-toml - - - --- 2023-02-02 Arnout Vandecappelle New
scons.bbclass: Make MAXLINELENGTH overridable scons.bbclass: Make MAXLINELENGTH overridable - - - --- 2023-02-02 Khem Raj New
[v1,5/5] uboot: loongarch64 Add support for LoongArch - - - --- 2023-02-02 Xiaotian Wu New
[v1,4/5] loongarch: disable seccomp from default feature Add support for LoongArch - - - --- 2023-02-02 Xiaotian Wu New
[v1,3/5] binutils: disable gold on loongarch64 Add support for LoongArch - - - --- 2023-02-02 Xiaotian Wu New
[v1,2/5] linux: add loongarch64 support Add support for LoongArch - - - --- 2023-02-02 Xiaotian Wu New
[v1,1/5] base: add support for loongarch64 Add support for LoongArch - - - --- 2023-02-02 Xiaotian Wu New
[3/3,kirstone] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.166 [1/3,kirstone] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.162 - - - --- 2023-02-01 Bruce Ashfield New
[2/3,kirstone] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.164 [1/3,kirstone] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.162 - - - --- 2023-02-01 Bruce Ashfield New
[1/3,kirstone] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.162 [1/3,kirstone] linux-yocto/5.10: update to v5.10.162 - - - --- 2023-02-01 Bruce Ashfield New
[v3] oeqa/selftest/locales: Create selftest for locales generation [v3] oeqa/selftest/locales: Create selftest for locales generation - - - --- 2023-02-01 Louis Rannou New
[langdale,17/17] Fix missing leading whitespace with ':append' [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,16/17] libusb1: Strip trailing whitespaces [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,15/17] libusb1: Link with latomic only if compiler has no atomic builtins [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,14/17] librsvg: Only enable the Vala bindings if GObject Introspection is enabled [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,13/17] native: Drop special variable handling [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,12/17] quilt: use upstreamed faildiff.test fix [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,11/17] libtirpc: Check if file exists before operating on it [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,10/17] numactl: skip test case when target platform doesn't have 2 CPU node [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,09/17] devtool: fix devtool finish when gitmodules file is empty [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,08/17] spirv-headers/spirv-tools: set correct branch name [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,07/17] createrepo-c: Include missing rpm/rpmstring.h [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,06/17] quilt: fix intermittent failure in faildiff.test [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,05/17] lttng-modules: Fix for 5.10.163 kernel version [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,04/17] lttng-modules: update 2.13.7 -> 2.13.8 [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,03/17] linux-yocto/5.15: update to v5.15.87 [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,02/17] ppp: backport fix for CVE-2022-4603 [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
[langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service [langdale,01/17] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-02-01 Steve Sakoman New
oe-git-proxy: Enable oe-git-proxy for git >= 2.32 oe-git-proxy: Enable oe-git-proxy for git >= 2.32 - - - --- 2023-02-01 Florian Bezdeka New Skip installing kernel-image into boot partition for rootfs-reliant systems. Skip installing kernel-image into boot partition for rootfs-reliant systems. - - - --- 2023-01-31 Kareem Zarka New
nghttp2: Always enable python bindings nghttp2: Always enable python bindings - - - --- 2023-01-28 Khem Raj New
[v2] oeqa/selftest/locales: Create selftest for locales generation [v2] oeqa/selftest/locales: Create selftest for locales generation - - - --- 2023-01-27 Louis Rannou New
[1/2] gdk-pixbuf: remove ptest support [1/2] gdk-pixbuf: remove ptest support - - - --- 2023-01-26 Alexander Kanavin New
python3-bqplot build issues python3-bqplot build issues - - - --- 2023-01-25 Gundlupet Raju, Sandeep New
oeqa/selftest/locales: Create selftest for locales generation oeqa/selftest/locales: Create selftest for locales generation - - - --- 2023-01-25 Louis Rannou New
[2/3] texinfo: Add missing rdep on needed perl-modules [1/3] systemd: Add another fix for using XSI strerror_r - - - --- 2023-01-25 Khem Raj New
[langdale] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service [langdale] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-01-23 Vivek Kumbhar New
[langdale] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service [langdale] openssl: fix CVE-2022-3996 double locking leads to denial of service - - - --- 2023-01-23 Vivek Kumbhar New
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