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[master] Pull request

Message ID D81OOJQC1854.3DW82W3S1S3AY@bootlin.com
State Accepted
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Series [master] Pull request | expand


git@push.yoctoproject.org:yocto-docs master-next


Antonin Godard Feb. 25, 2025, 4:56 p.m. UTC
The following changes since commit 9f1f9f1a3a2a541ed70df72d4fe391b5b7fd3733:

  migration-guides: add release notes for 5.0.7 (2025-02-14 08:59:32 +0100)

are available in the Git repository at:

  git@push.yoctoproject.org:yocto-docs master-next

for you to fetch changes up to 36fb1e9e5099aa0d858d5478530143e9bac39588:

  dev-manual/multiconfig: add suggested best practices and baremetal sections (2025-02-25 15:20:18 +0100)

Antonin Godard (6):
      dev-manual: move multiconfig documentation to its own document
      variables.rst: add a reference to BB_CURRENT_MC from bbdocs
      migration-5.2: fix references to BB_CURRENT_MC
      dev-manual/multiconfig: rename to use Multiconfig term
      dev-manual/multiconfig: improve the current doc
      dev-manual/multiconfig: add suggested best practices and baremetal sections

Marta Rybczynska (1):
      vulnerabilities/classes: remove references to cve-check text format

Weisser, Pascal (1):
      ref-manual: Add missing variable IMAGE_ROOTFS_MAXSIZE

Yoann Congal (4):
      ref-manual/variables: document OEQA_REPRODUCIBLE_TEST_LEAF_TARGETS
      reproducible-builds: change/add titles in the "How" section
      reproducible-builds: add a "How to" section with OEQA* variables
      release-notes-5.2: Add new variable OEQA_REPRODUCIBLE_TEST_LEAF_TARGETS

 documentation/dev-manual/building.rst              | 156 +----------
 documentation/dev-manual/index.rst                 |   1 +
 documentation/dev-manual/multiconfig.rst           | 312 +++++++++++++++++++++
 documentation/dev-manual/vulnerabilities.rst       |  96 +++++--
 documentation/migration-guides/migration-5.2.rst   |   4 +-
 .../migration-guides/release-notes-5.2.rst         |   4 +
 documentation/ref-manual/classes.rst               |   2 +-
 documentation/ref-manual/variables.rst             |  16 ++
 documentation/test-manual/reproducible-builds.rst  |  32 ++-
 9 files changed, 435 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 documentation/dev-manual/multiconfig.rst