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[scarthgap] Pull request

Message ID D6CZBZ6A8F3U.2TC00S0KKZ47W@bootlin.com
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Series [scarthgap] Pull request | expand


git@push.yoctoproject.org:yocto-docs scarthgap-next


Antonin Godard Dec. 16, 2024, 8:24 a.m. UTC
The following changes since commit 12d0ba4f496b2b28a188d34fc36e36895f397079:

  migration-guides: add release notes for 4.0.23 (2024-11-29 09:03:30 +0100)

are available in the Git repository at:

  git@push.yoctoproject.org:yocto-docs scarthgap-next

for you to fetch changes up to 804240fa86fee63d0d2dd029d941cf14b23bd730:

  system-requirements.rst: add dependencies for pdf builds (2024-12-16 09:15:37 +0100)

Antonin Godard (6):
      Gather dependencies in poky.yaml.in
      poky.yaml.in: add missing locales dependency
      poky.yaml.in: replace inkscape dependency by librsvg2-bin
      system-requirements: add fedora 39 to supported distros
      system-requirements: update list of supported distros
      system-requirements.rst: add dependencies for pdf builds

Guénaël Muller (1):
      ref-manual: use standardized method accross both ubuntu and debian for locale install

 documentation/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index.rst     |   2 +-
 documentation/poky.yaml.in                       | 264 ++++++++++++++++++++---
 documentation/ref-manual/system-requirements.rst |  70 +++++-
 3 files changed, 300 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)