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[scarthgap] Pull request

Message ID D5MLHLHN83SD.S5379VL1P484@bootlin.com
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Series [scarthgap] Pull request | expand


git@push.yoctoproject.org:yocto-docs scarthgap-next


Antonin Godard Nov. 15, 2024, 8:04 a.m. UTC
Hi Richard,

The following changes since commit e882cb3e5816d081eb05cb83488f286cca70e0c6:

  dev-manual: add bblock documentation (2024-11-06 16:39:13 +0100)

are available in the Git repository at:

  git@push.yoctoproject.org:yocto-docs scarthgap-next

for you to fetch changes up to cafa551d0927f56854f823e51f3de690f17423cd:

  dev-manual: bblock: use warning block instead of attention (2024-11-15 08:14:44 +0100)

Antonin Godard (7):
      doc: Makefile: remove inkscape, replace by rsvg-convert
      doc: Makefile: add support for xelatex
      doc: add a download page for epub and pdf
      sphinx-static/switchers.js.in: do not refer to URL_ROOT anymore
      conf.py: add a bitbake_git extlink
      dev-manual: document how to provide confs from layer.conf
      dev-manual: bblock: use warning block instead of attention

Michael Opdenacker (1):
      doc: Makefile: publish pdf and epub versions too

      contributor-guide: Remove duplicated words

 documentation/Makefile                             | 17 ++--
 documentation/conf.py                              |  8 +-
 documentation/contributor-guide/submit-changes.rst |  2 +-
 documentation/dev-manual/bblock.rst                |  2 +-
 documentation/dev-manual/layers.rst                | 90 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 documentation/downloads.rst                        | 11 +++
 documentation/index.rst                            |  7 ++
 documentation/sphinx-static/switchers.js.in        |  6 ++
 8 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 documentation/downloads.rst