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[master] Pull request

Message ID 5b213440-7368-48e4-819b-b40dad61b708@bootlin.com
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Series [master] Pull request | expand


git://git.yoctoproject.org/yocto-docs master-next


Michael Opdenacker April 5, 2024, 4:21 p.m. UTC
Hi Richard

(note that the changes I'm submitting on my name were created on my 
spare time during the week-end... being mostly busy with the Binary 
Distro project during working days)

The following changes since commit cfaf2707b4a77888316d5eb24bf41ccc21e2c12b:

   dev-manual: improve descriptions of 'bitbake -S printdiff' 
(2024-03-19 14:45:21 +0100)

are available in the Git repository at:

   git://git.yoctoproject.org/yocto-docs master-next

for you to fetch changes up to 7e8d8d6d47da61457798e90b1d53f3082fe76668:

   migration-guides: add missing opening tag colon (2024-04-05 18:07:38 

Joao Marcos Costa (3):
       classes: document new go-vendor class
       migration updates for 5.0
       release-notes updates for 5.0

Lee Chee Yang (2):
       release-notes-4.0.17: reorder CVEs
       migration-guides: add release notes for 4.3.4

Michael Opdenacker (5):
       manuals: fix duplicate "stylecheck" target
       manuals: add initial sphinx-lint support
       manuals: fix trailing spaces
       manuals: fix incorrect double backticks
       migration-guides: add missing opening tag colon

Quentin Schulz (2):
       docs: conf.py: properly escape backslashes for latex_elements
       manuals: refer to new yocto-patches mailing list wherever appropriate

  documentation/Makefile                                  |   5 ++--
  documentation/README                                    |  14 ++++++++++
  documentation/conf.py                                   |   4 +--
  documentation/contributor-guide/submit-changes.rst      |   2 +-
  documentation/dev-manual/init-manager.rst               |   2 +-
  documentation/dev-manual/layers.rst                     |   2 +-
  documentation/dev-manual/start.rst                      |   2 +-
  documentation/dev-manual/wic.rst                        |   4 +--
  documentation/migration-guides/migration-4.0.rst        |  20 
  documentation/migration-guides/migration-4.2.rst        |   2 +-
  documentation/migration-guides/migration-5.0.rst        |  33 
  documentation/migration-guides/release-4.3.rst          |   1 +
  documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-4.0.17.rst |  12 ++++-----
  documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-4.0.4.rst  |   2 +-
  documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-4.0.5.rst  |   2 +-
  documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-4.0.rst    |  16 ++++++------
  documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-4.2.rst    |   4 +--
  documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-4.3.4.rst  | 206 
  documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-5.0.rst    |  33 
  documentation/overview-manual/intro.rst                 |   2 +-
  documentation/profile-manual/usage.rst                  |   2 +-
  documentation/ref-manual/classes.rst                    |  18 
  documentation/ref-manual/resources.rst                  |   3 +++
  documentation/ref-manual/tasks.rst                      |   2 +-
  documentation/ref-manual/variables.rst                  |  32 
  25 files changed, 362 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
  create mode 100644 documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-4.3.4.rst

Thank you in advance,