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[v2,6/6] overview-manual/concepts: add UNPACKDIR in the directory description

Message ID 20250311-overview-figures-v2-6-63f0c89fab98@bootlin.com
State Under Review
Headers show
Series Updates around the UNPACKDIR variable | expand

Commit Message

Antonin Godard March 11, 2025, 1:31 p.m. UTC
From: Antonin Godard <antonin.godard@bootlin.com>

Mention that UNPACKDIR is used as a location to unpack the source code,
and that S is the final location of the source code. This is
deliberately vague, because as there are multiple instances of how these
directories can be defined and used.

The proper explanation of how the UNPACKDIR and S directories interact
is left to the reference manual, under the UNPACKDIR variable

Signed-off-by: Antonin Godard <antonin.godard@bootlin.com>
 documentation/overview-manual/concepts.rst | 15 +++++++++------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
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diff --git a/documentation/overview-manual/concepts.rst b/documentation/overview-manual/concepts.rst
index ccbe2f47f..e4d806f98 100644
--- a/documentation/overview-manual/concepts.rst
+++ b/documentation/overview-manual/concepts.rst
@@ -704,10 +704,10 @@  a defined structure. For additional general information on the
 the Yocto Project Reference Manual.
 Each recipe has an area in the :term:`Build Directory` where the unpacked
-source code resides. The :term:`S` variable points to this area for a recipe's
-unpacked source code. The name of that directory for any given recipe is
-defined from several different variables. The preceding figure and the
-following list describe the :term:`Build Directory`'s hierarchy:
+source code resides. The :term:`UNPACKDIR` variable points to this area for a
+recipe's unpacked source code, and has the default ``sources-unpack`` name. The
+preceding figure and the following list describe the :term:`Build Directory`'s
 -  :term:`TMPDIR`: The base directory
    where the OpenEmbedded build system performs all its work during the
@@ -736,8 +736,11 @@  following list describe the :term:`Build Directory`'s hierarchy:
    -  :term:`PV`: The version of the
       recipe used to build the package.
--  :term:`S`: Contains the unpacked source
-   files for a given recipe.
+-  :term:`UNPACKDIR`: Contains the unpacked source files for a given recipe.
+-  :term:`S`: Contains the final location of the source code.
+   The default value for :term:`BP` is ``${BPN}-${PV}`` where:
    -  :term:`BPN`: The name of the recipe
       used to build the package. The :term:`BPN` variable is a version of