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[v1,1/2] release-notes: add updates for 5.0

Message ID 20240410091124.2976089-2-joaomarcos.costa@bootlin.com
State New, archived
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Series Add updates to release-notes-5.0 | expand

Commit Message

Joao Marcos Costa April 10, 2024, 9:11 a.m. UTC
From: Joao Marcos Costa <joaomarcos.costa@bootlin.com>

- add new core recipes section
- add new variables
- add arch-specific enhancements
- add kernel-related enhancements
- add qemu enhancements
- add rust enhancements
- add wic enhancements
- add sdk-related improvements
- add testing enhancements
- add utility script changes
- add packaging changes
- add bitbake improvements
- add miscellaneous changes
 .../migration-guides/release-notes-5.0.rst    | 123 +++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 122 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)


Daniel Ammann April 10, 2024, 9:34 a.m. UTC | #1
Hello Joao,

Comment inline.

Kind regards


On 4/10/24 11:11, Joao Marcos Costa via lists.yoctoproject.org wrote:
> From: Joao Marcos Costa <joaomarcos.costa@bootlin.com>
> - add new core recipes section
> - add new variables
> - add arch-specific enhancements
> - add kernel-related enhancements
> - add qemu enhancements
> - add rust enhancements
> - add wic enhancements
> - add sdk-related improvements
> - add testing enhancements
> - add utility script changes
> - add packaging changes
> - add bitbake improvements
> - add miscellaneous changes
> ---
>   .../migration-guides/release-notes-5.0.rst    | 123 +++++++++++++++++-
>   1 file changed, 122 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-5.0.rst b/documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-5.0.rst
> index 0a740688f..a34821398 100644
> --- a/documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-5.0.rst
> +++ b/documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-5.0.rst
> @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Release notes for 5.0 (scarthgap)
>   New Features / Enhancements in 5.0
>   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> --  Linux kernel 6.6, gcc 13.2, glibc 2.39, LLVM 18.1, and over XXX other recipe upgrades
> +-  Linux kernel 6.6, gcc 13.2, glibc 2.39, LLVM 18.1, and over 300 other recipe upgrades
>   -  New variables:
> @@ -14,20 +14,108 @@ New Features / Enhancements in 5.0
>         internal CVE database for incremental update (instead of a full
>         redownload).
> +   -  :term:`RPMBUILD_EXTRA_PARAMS`: support extra user-defined fields without
> +      crashing the RPM package creation.
> +
> +   -  :term:`OPKG_MAKE_INDEX_EXTRA_PARAMS`: support extra parameters for
> +      ``opkg-make-index``.
> +
> +   -  :term:`EFI_UKI_PATH`, :term:`EFI_UKI_DIR`: define the location of UKI
> +      image in the EFI System partition.
> +
>   -  Architecture-specific enhancements:
> +   -  ``genericarm64``: a new ``MACHINE`` to represent a 64-bit General Arm
> +      SystemReady platform.
> +
> +   -  Add Power8 tune to PowerPC architecture.
> +
> +   -  ``arch-armv9``: remove CRC and SVE tunes, since FEAT_CRC32 is now mandatory
> +      and SVE/SVE2 are enabled by default in GCC's ``-march=armv9-a``.
> +
>   -  Kernel-related enhancements:
> +   - The default kernel is the current LTS (6.6).
> +
> +   - Added suport for ``genericarm64``.
> +
>   -  New core recipes:
> +   -  `bmaptool <https://github.com/yoctoproject/bmaptool>`__: a tool for
> +      creating block maps for files and flashing images, being now under Yocto
> +      Project umbrella.
> +
> +   -  ``core-image-initramfs-boot``: a collaborative effort for making
> +      machine-readable software metadata easily available

The recipe name seems to not match the description.

> +
> +   -  `lzlib <https://www.nongnu.org/lzip/lzlib.html>`__: a data compression
> +      library that provides LZMA compression and decompression functions.
> +
> +   -  `lzop <https://www.lzop.org/>`__: a compression utility based on LZO
> +      library, that was brought back after a (now reverted) removal.
> +
> +   -  `python3-jsonschema-specifications <https://pypi.org/project/jsonschema-specifications/>`__:
> +      the support files for JSON Schema Specifications (meta-schemas and
> +      vocabularies), added as a new dependency of ``python3-jsonschema``.
> +
> +   -  `python3-maturin <https://github.com/pyo3/maturin>`__: a project that
> +      allows building and publishing Rust crates as Python packages.
> +
> +   -  `python3-meson-python <https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson-python>`__: a
> +      Python build backend that enables Meson build-system for Python packages.
> +
> +   -  `python3-pyproject-metadata <https://pypi.org/project/pyproject-metadata/>`__:
> +      a class to handle PEP 621 metadata, and a dependency for
> +      ``python3-meson-python``.
> +
> +   -  `python3-referencing <https://github.com/python-jsonschema/referencing>`__:
> +      another dependency of ``python3-jsonschema``, it provides an
> +      implementation of JSON reference resolution.
> +
> +   -  `python3-rpds-py <https://pypi.org/project/rpds-py/>`__: Python bindings
> +      to the Rust rpds crate, and a runtime dependency for ``python3-referencing``.
> +
> +   -  `python3-sphinxcontrib-jquery <https://pypi.org/project/sphinxcontrib-jquery/>`__:
> +      a Sphinx extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases. Recent
> +      versions of ``python3-sphinx-rtd-theme`` hardly depend on it.
> +
> +   -  `python3-yamllint <https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint>`__: a linter
> +      for YAML files. In U-Boot, the binman tool uses this linter to verify the
> +      configs during compile time.
> +
> +   -  ``systemd-boot-native``: a UEFI boot manager, this time built as native to
> +      provide ``ukify`` tool.
> +
> +   -  `utfcpp <https://github.com/nemtrif/utfcpp>`__: a C++ library to handle
> +      UTF-8 encoded strings. It was added as a dependency for ``taglib`` after
> +      its upgrade to v2.0.
> +
> +   -  `vulkan-utility-libraries <https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Utility-Libraries>`__:
> +      a set of libraries to share code across various Vulkan repositories.
> +
> +   -  `vulkan-volk <https://github.com/zeux/volk>`__: a meta-loader for Vulkan,
> +      needed to support building latest ``vulkan-tools``.
> +
>   -  QEMU / ``runqemu`` enhancements:
>      -  QEMU has been upgraded to version 8.2.1
> +   -  ``qemuboot``: support predictable network interface names.
> +
> +   -  ``runqemu``: match ".rootfs." in addition to "-image-" for the rootfs.
> +
>   -  Rust improvements:
>      -  Rust has been upgraded to version 1.75
> +   -  The Rust profiler (i.e., PGO - Profile-guided Optimization) options were
> +      enabled back.
> +
> +   -  The Rust's ``oe-selftest`` were enabled, except for ``mips32`` whose tests
> +      are skipped.
> +
> +   -  ``rust-cross-canadian``: added ``riscv64`` to cross-canadian hosts.
> +
>   -  wic Image Creator enhancements:
>      -  Allow the imager's output file extension to match the imager's name,
> @@ -46,19 +134,50 @@ New Features / Enhancements in 5.0
>   -  SDK-related improvements:
> +   -  ``nativesdk``: let :term:`MACHINE_FEATURES` be set by ``machine-sdk`` conf
> +      files.
> +
> +   -  ``nativesdk``: prevent :term:`MACHINE_FEATURES` and :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES`
> +      from being backfilled.
> +
>   -  Testing:
>      -  Add an optional ``unimplemented-ptest`` QA warning to detect upstream
>         packages with tests, that do not use ptest.
> +   -  ``testimage``: retrieve the ptests directory, especially for the logs,
> +      upon ptest failure.
> +
> +   -  ``oeqa``, ``oe-selftest``: add test cases for Maturin (SDK and runtime).
> +
>   -  Utility script changes:
>      -  New ``recipetool/create_go.py`` script added to support Go recipe creation
> +   -  ``oe-init-build-env`` can generate a initial configuration (.vscode) for
> +      VSCode and yocto.bitbake extension.
> +
>   -  BitBake improvements:
> +   -  Add support for :term:`BB_LOADFACTOR_MAX`, so Bitbake can stop running
> +      extra tasks if the system load is too high, especially in distros where
> +      ``/proc/pressure`` is disabled.
> +
> +   -  Add garbage collection to remove unused unihashes from the database.
> +
> +   -  ``taskexp_ncurses``: add ncurses version of ``taskexp``, the dependency
> +      explorer originally implemented with GTK.
> +
> +   -  Improve ``runqueue`` performance by adding a cache mechanism in
> +      ``build_taskdepdata``.
> +
> +   -  ``bitbake.conf``: add ``runtimedir`` to represent the path to the runtime
> +      state directory (i.e., /run).
> +
>   -  Packaging changes:
> +   -  ``package_rpm``: the RPM package compressor's mode can now be overriden.
> +
>   -  Security improvements:
>      -  Improve incremental CVE database download from NVD. Rejected CVEs are
> @@ -85,6 +204,8 @@ New Features / Enhancements in 5.0
>      -  Disable strace support of bluetooth by default.
> +   -  ``openssh`` now has a Systemd service: ``sshd.service``.
> +
>   Known Issues in 5.0
>   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
> View/Reply Online (#5098): https://lists.yoctoproject.org/g/docs/message/5098
> Mute This Topic: https://lists.yoctoproject.org/mt/105438482/3616718
> Group Owner: docs+owner@lists.yoctoproject.org
> Unsubscribe: https://lists.yoctoproject.org/g/docs/unsub [daniel.ammann@bytesatwork.ch]
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Joao Marcos Costa April 10, 2024, 9:38 a.m. UTC | #2

On 4/10/24 11:34, Daniel Ammann wrote:
> Hello Joao,
> Comment inline.
> Kind regards
> Daniel
>> +   -  ``core-image-initramfs-boot``: a collaborative effort for making
>> +      machine-readable software metadata easily available
> The recipe name seems to not match the description.

Thanks for pointing that out. That's indeed a mistake, from a silly copy/paste. I will send a v2.
diff mbox series


diff --git a/documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-5.0.rst b/documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-5.0.rst
index 0a740688f..a34821398 100644
--- a/documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-5.0.rst
+++ b/documentation/migration-guides/release-notes-5.0.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@  Release notes for 5.0 (scarthgap)
 New Features / Enhancements in 5.0
--  Linux kernel 6.6, gcc 13.2, glibc 2.39, LLVM 18.1, and over XXX other recipe upgrades
+-  Linux kernel 6.6, gcc 13.2, glibc 2.39, LLVM 18.1, and over 300 other recipe upgrades
 -  New variables:
@@ -14,20 +14,108 @@  New Features / Enhancements in 5.0
       internal CVE database for incremental update (instead of a full
+   -  :term:`RPMBUILD_EXTRA_PARAMS`: support extra user-defined fields without
+      crashing the RPM package creation.
+   -  :term:`OPKG_MAKE_INDEX_EXTRA_PARAMS`: support extra parameters for
+      ``opkg-make-index``.
+   -  :term:`EFI_UKI_PATH`, :term:`EFI_UKI_DIR`: define the location of UKI
+      image in the EFI System partition.
 -  Architecture-specific enhancements:
+   -  ``genericarm64``: a new ``MACHINE`` to represent a 64-bit General Arm
+      SystemReady platform.
+   -  Add Power8 tune to PowerPC architecture.
+   -  ``arch-armv9``: remove CRC and SVE tunes, since FEAT_CRC32 is now mandatory
+      and SVE/SVE2 are enabled by default in GCC's ``-march=armv9-a``.
 -  Kernel-related enhancements:
+   - The default kernel is the current LTS (6.6).
+   - Added suport for ``genericarm64``.
 -  New core recipes:
+   -  `bmaptool <https://github.com/yoctoproject/bmaptool>`__: a tool for
+      creating block maps for files and flashing images, being now under Yocto
+      Project umbrella.
+   -  ``core-image-initramfs-boot``: a collaborative effort for making
+      machine-readable software metadata easily available
+   -  `lzlib <https://www.nongnu.org/lzip/lzlib.html>`__: a data compression
+      library that provides LZMA compression and decompression functions.
+   -  `lzop <https://www.lzop.org/>`__: a compression utility based on LZO
+      library, that was brought back after a (now reverted) removal.
+   -  `python3-jsonschema-specifications <https://pypi.org/project/jsonschema-specifications/>`__:
+      the support files for JSON Schema Specifications (meta-schemas and
+      vocabularies), added as a new dependency of ``python3-jsonschema``.
+   -  `python3-maturin <https://github.com/pyo3/maturin>`__: a project that
+      allows building and publishing Rust crates as Python packages.
+   -  `python3-meson-python <https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson-python>`__: a
+      Python build backend that enables Meson build-system for Python packages.
+   -  `python3-pyproject-metadata <https://pypi.org/project/pyproject-metadata/>`__:
+      a class to handle PEP 621 metadata, and a dependency for
+      ``python3-meson-python``.
+   -  `python3-referencing <https://github.com/python-jsonschema/referencing>`__:
+      another dependency of ``python3-jsonschema``, it provides an
+      implementation of JSON reference resolution.
+   -  `python3-rpds-py <https://pypi.org/project/rpds-py/>`__: Python bindings
+      to the Rust rpds crate, and a runtime dependency for ``python3-referencing``.
+   -  `python3-sphinxcontrib-jquery <https://pypi.org/project/sphinxcontrib-jquery/>`__:
+      a Sphinx extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases. Recent
+      versions of ``python3-sphinx-rtd-theme`` hardly depend on it.
+   -  `python3-yamllint <https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint>`__: a linter
+      for YAML files. In U-Boot, the binman tool uses this linter to verify the
+      configs during compile time.
+   -  ``systemd-boot-native``: a UEFI boot manager, this time built as native to
+      provide ``ukify`` tool.
+   -  `utfcpp <https://github.com/nemtrif/utfcpp>`__: a C++ library to handle
+      UTF-8 encoded strings. It was added as a dependency for ``taglib`` after
+      its upgrade to v2.0.
+   -  `vulkan-utility-libraries <https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Utility-Libraries>`__:
+      a set of libraries to share code across various Vulkan repositories.
+   -  `vulkan-volk <https://github.com/zeux/volk>`__: a meta-loader for Vulkan,
+      needed to support building latest ``vulkan-tools``.
 -  QEMU / ``runqemu`` enhancements:
    -  QEMU has been upgraded to version 8.2.1
+   -  ``qemuboot``: support predictable network interface names.
+   -  ``runqemu``: match ".rootfs." in addition to "-image-" for the rootfs.
 -  Rust improvements:
    -  Rust has been upgraded to version 1.75
+   -  The Rust profiler (i.e., PGO - Profile-guided Optimization) options were
+      enabled back.
+   -  The Rust's ``oe-selftest`` were enabled, except for ``mips32`` whose tests
+      are skipped.
+   -  ``rust-cross-canadian``: added ``riscv64`` to cross-canadian hosts.
 -  wic Image Creator enhancements:
    -  Allow the imager's output file extension to match the imager's name,
@@ -46,19 +134,50 @@  New Features / Enhancements in 5.0
 -  SDK-related improvements:
+   -  ``nativesdk``: let :term:`MACHINE_FEATURES` be set by ``machine-sdk`` conf
+      files.
+   -  ``nativesdk``: prevent :term:`MACHINE_FEATURES` and :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES`
+      from being backfilled.
 -  Testing:
    -  Add an optional ``unimplemented-ptest`` QA warning to detect upstream
       packages with tests, that do not use ptest.
+   -  ``testimage``: retrieve the ptests directory, especially for the logs,
+      upon ptest failure.
+   -  ``oeqa``, ``oe-selftest``: add test cases for Maturin (SDK and runtime).
 -  Utility script changes:
    -  New ``recipetool/create_go.py`` script added to support Go recipe creation
+   -  ``oe-init-build-env`` can generate a initial configuration (.vscode) for
+      VSCode and yocto.bitbake extension.
 -  BitBake improvements:
+   -  Add support for :term:`BB_LOADFACTOR_MAX`, so Bitbake can stop running
+      extra tasks if the system load is too high, especially in distros where
+      ``/proc/pressure`` is disabled.
+   -  Add garbage collection to remove unused unihashes from the database.
+   -  ``taskexp_ncurses``: add ncurses version of ``taskexp``, the dependency
+      explorer originally implemented with GTK.
+   -  Improve ``runqueue`` performance by adding a cache mechanism in
+      ``build_taskdepdata``.
+   -  ``bitbake.conf``: add ``runtimedir`` to represent the path to the runtime
+      state directory (i.e., /run).
 -  Packaging changes:
+   -  ``package_rpm``: the RPM package compressor's mode can now be overriden.
 -  Security improvements:
    -  Improve incremental CVE database download from NVD. Rejected CVEs are
@@ -85,6 +204,8 @@  New Features / Enhancements in 5.0
    -  Disable strace support of bluetooth by default.
+   -  ``openssh`` now has a Systemd service: ``sshd.service``.
 Known Issues in 5.0