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brief-yoctoprojectqs: use new CDN mirror for sstate

Message ID 20231017131122.291053-1-michael.opdenacker@bootlin.com
State New, archived
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Series brief-yoctoprojectqs: use new CDN mirror for sstate | expand

Commit Message

Michael Opdenacker Oct. 17, 2023, 1:11 p.m. UTC
From: Michael Opdenacker <michael.opdenacker@bootlin.com>

Recommended instead of the Yocto Project mirror, because expected
to be faster. Make sure you only set one such mirror.

Signed-off-by: Michael Opdenacker <michael.opdenacker@bootlin.com>
CC: richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org
 documentation/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index.rst | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/documentation/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index.rst b/documentation/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index.rst
index 0ccffccc60..df8d75edc2 100644
--- a/documentation/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index.rst
+++ b/documentation/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index.rst
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@  an entire Linux distribution, including the toolchain, from source.
          BB_SIGNATURE_HANDLER = "OEEquivHash"
          BB_HASHSERVE = "auto"
          BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM = "hashserv.yocto.io:8687"
-         SSTATE_MIRRORS ?= "file://.* https://sstate.yoctoproject.org/all/PATH;downloadfilename=PATH"
+         SSTATE_MIRRORS ?= "file://.* http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/yocto/sstate/all/PATH;downloadfilename=PATH"
 #. **Start the Build:** Continue with the following command to build an OS
    image for the target, which is ``core-image-sato`` in this example: